Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

I have not. I ordered mine for 110 so I will use it at 110. I think the light is more versatile for me using 110 because I have no 220 outlets.
There should be a wiring diagram on the ps.
thank you for sharing with us . I am very happy to see these pictures, grow great.
Here is my Mars II flowering tent! (3) 80x5w, Day 16 of flowering.

it is ok. I read that. there has positive and negative feedback, then people will think the positive feedback is real. they can choose their light after they read the real feedback. I believe some people will know 324x3w led grow light is great. thank you FranticFred.

We can understand,and appreciate both negative and positive feedback.It shows honesty...but the referenced review that is posted is both vulgar and vile and needs to be edited at the minimum.No one would ever judge you for removing an offensive review,but they probably will if you don't at least edit the offensive part out.

Any one else with an opinion on this matter?
I replied you a emaill Powerstroke. is that you?

actually most commercial growers use 240V, personal growers use 110V. so you can ask large growers:)
Ok so we have people that say 2 different things about 240v hook up. I made my assumption based on the specs that read similar to a multitap ballast, and the fact there is only one cord plug in that i recognized. I'll be looking for more input and I'll be opening it up to verify whatever I can tomorrow. I will take the opportunity to see what the amp draw in 120 vs 240.
we have four grow tents in uk warehouse. we would like to send them out FREE. if you order a light, we would like to send to you.

here is the size :
210DGROWTENT-60X60X140cm one piece
600DGROWTENT-60X60X140cm two pieces
210DGROWTENT-120X120X200cm one pieces.

welcome to email me to get one:)
Powerstroke, They do not send a 240v power cord with the lights. If you have a grow shop close by they should have one that will plug in to your light. Don't rewire the 120v receptacle. Not sure where your power box is, but better to have a 240v receptacle wired. Wouldn't want someone plugging in a 120v appliance into 240v by mistake.
Yea,rewiring a 120v recept wont work for me anyhow. I have the 240v timers. So I'll pick up the recepts and cords. Thanks everyone for clearing this up for me.
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