Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:volcano-smiley:i think i misunderstood something earlier....
You guys mean use cell phone to write a journal....not use any APP.......then i really not sure how to do that....:tokin:
On iPhone. Go to the main screen where it has subscribed and timeline and whatever else at the top. Click on the pencil with the square. Select new topic. On the screen it takes you to it asks for sub section or something like that type journals. Journals in progress will pop up as an option click on that and then in the top right corner I think it says submit after you fill in the particulars. Hope this helps brotha.
:circle-of-love:If use the heatmat at the bottom of the pot,do you need to check the growing room all the time to make sure the temperatuer not go too high?:high-five:
haha,land of red maple leaves...i'm from the company of LED grow light:volcano-smiley:
Maybe if you had the heat mat on the outside perimeter on the tent. That would keep from cooking the roots. Also a good temperature controller is key, I use Inkbird 100 ~240VAC ITC-308 Digital Temperature Controller Outlet Thermostat, 2-stage, 1000W, w/ Sensor: Tools & Home Improvement
And if it gets to hot I just open a different/extra vent opening that lets In more cooler air.
From land of the red maple
:goodjob:nice growing:bravo:
The girls mars 2 700

:circle-of-love:OK,no problem,you can get your posts up very soon.:high-five:
Yes,though the price for Remote control system is expensive the the switchable one,but we still recommend customer to go with the switchable one:Mars Pro II series.they are with same built-up,just the Mars Pro series are with smart system are with the following function:manage timer and growth cycle,Monitors temperature and humidity,Setting Operated by remote control .But once it's complicated to use,once the system have problem,our internaitonal service center cannot reslove it.
Most of customer tried the remote one,it's complicated to reset the system.:high-five:But the Mars Pro II series are much better,simple to use,and give you the greatest lighting performance.
Oh really so u suggest not to use the remote...

Im also trying to get my posts up so that I can message you.
I do have a workaround for the remote controller problems. After you program the lamp, remove the batteries from the remote controller. Then the lamp will keep running the program forever. The fault is not in the lamp controller system but in the remote controller itself. I trust my Pro 160 after this solution

:circle-of-love:OK,no problem,you can get your posts up very soon.:high-five:
Yes,though the price for Remote control system is expensive the the switchable one,but we still recommend customer to go with the switchable one:Mars Pro II series.they are with same built-up,just the Mars Pro series are with smart system are with the following function:manage timer and growth cycle,Monitors temperature and humidity,Setting Operated by remote control .But once it's complicated to use,once the system have problem,our internaitonal service center cannot reslove it.
Most of customer tried the remote one,it's complicated to reset the system.:high-five:But the Mars Pro II series are much better,simple to use,and give you the greatest lighting performance.
They look so.,....... naked :D

They got the second defole today. Used scissors and gave em a close shave. so far so good. Mrs 1200 550 watt
on right and mars 1200 conversion 300watt on left.
:bravo:so you can get another defole very soon,right?:goodjob:
They got the second defole today. Used scissors and gave em a close shave. so far so good. Mrs 1200 550 watt
on right and mars 1200 conversion 300watt on left.
:circle-of-love:yes,and if you got the remote system light,once you can not fix it,you can just re-turn on the power supply,then it will be full spectrum light.:high-five:But we never tried to change a switchable light to a remote system lights....
Our enigneer will write a better program for the remote control system,which should be more convenient to use and reset or fix.:Namaste:
I do have a workaround for the remote controller problems. After you program the lamp, remove the batteries from the remote controller. Then the lamp will keep running the program forever. The fault is not in the lamp controller system but in the remote controller itself. I trust my Pro 160 after this solution
Started a new journal for the Third Mars-Hydro cup winning equipment. Still waiting for some parts though, but feel free to follow :) Will do a scrog with two high producing strains

"The DeVille presents - A Mars-Hydro powerhouse - The perpetual grow"
Strains: 2x Big-Bud, 2x Pure Power Plant
Medium: Soil, perlite, vermiculite & leca in Autopot
Lights: 4x Mars Pro II 80, 4x Bar 24 LED

:cheer:I asked our shipping department check now.:high-five:
Front seat taken,for your new grow journal:volcano-smiley:
Started a new journal for the Third Mars-Hydro cup winning equipment. Still waiting for some parts though, but feel free to follow :) Will do a scrog with two high producing strains

"The DeVille presents - A Mars-Hydro powerhouse - The perpetual grow"
Strains: 2x Big-Bud, 2x Pure Power Plant
Medium: Soil, perlite, vermiculite & leca in Autopot
Lights: 4x Mars Pro II 80, 4x Bar 24 LED

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