Mcloadie's Second Grow Journal

lol did he says how longed it took fur the drain bramge to starts:bitingnails::bitingnails::bitingnails::)

LOL, if it wasn't for brain damage i mighta been somebody.....( legit )....LOL...I have drank and done everything I know about except for some of the new designer type shits..............OH, no pokey pokey in my army was not allowed. I know scary mf'ers who told me if I did that they would hunt me to the ends of the earth and systematically drain the life from my sorry body by any method they deemed appropriate at that moment.....they were'nt kidding ever see a 450 pound man with like 2% body fat around 6 foot seven? HEHE, I LOVE GIANTS!
Mcloadie, you stated that you have total control of your grow. Please just check the ph to rule out ph issues. You have a ph problem I guarantee it. After you check ph, that is one more aspect of control that you will exert over your grow. No company sells a magic potion in a bottle that creates huge buds and high yields. The ingredients are mostly all the same, but monitoring ph and nutrient strength is up to the grower. As I have stated 42000 times before, the nutrients are only 1/3 of the equation, the rest is up to the grower. Ph is one of the most basic aspects of growing and if it is not monitored, problems will be encountered unless by chance you are lucky and everything just works out.
you know what's great for rootbound houseplants? you take the plant out of the pot. Saw off the bottom half of the rootball. Put fresh dirt in the pot and water. I was hesitant at first, but after I've done this a few times I'm convinced. It's called root pruning, never tried it with MJ though, cause I never kept a mother.
Hey McLoadie , The leaves are burnt but I am confident that you will figure it out before the bloom ! Any one who researches and pampers their babies like you do will suceed ! Your yield may not reach your expectations but I am sure will have quality smooth smoke.
May the Bud gods be with you :cheer: I'm cheering for ya !!
MC I would stay with the BPN or you can go back to your regular base nutes. But organic growing you have to have time for the nutes to break down in the soil. Also if the soil isnt kept alive it will take longer for the nutes to be available. By looking at your plants leaves you can tell that the nutes are sketchy meaning partially available to the plant. Thats why the leaves are green and lighter in certain areas. Micro is also the most you may want to add as well. Since its 3 part organic nutes. Muttt had the same issue starting off but then he got the hang of it. Organic is really alot of patience but getting your soil together and keeping it alive is first.

Cory stands firm by his BPN products. I wouldnt blame it on the nutes. Your plants doesnt look bad at all. Most of my older plants leaves started to turn brown and fall off as well buts thats goes for all plants. Nothing major. But im sure you will fix the problem if any and resolve the issue.
if you went from organic to synthetic maybe that's the deal. It's like when you get used to smoking 1973 jean jacket weed, taking big ole tokes and holding your breath for as long as you can. Then someone hands you a dube of knockout weed. You over indulge thinking more is better and soon your tripping balls. Maybe your plants are just tripping balls?
if you went from organic to synthetic maybe that's the deal. It's like when you get used to smoking 1973 jean jacket weed, taking big ole tokes and holding your breath for as long as you can. Then someone hands you a dube of knockout weed. You over indulge thinking more is better and soon your tripping balls. Maybe your plants are just tripping balls?

Always organic budbud........
MC I would stay with the BPN or you can go back to your regular base nutes. But organic growing you have to have time for the nutes to break down in the soil. Also if the soil isnt kept alive it will take longer for the nutes to be available. By looking at your plants leaves you can tell that the nutes are sketchy meaning partially available to the plant. Thats why the leaves are green and lighter in certain areas. Micro is also the most you may want to add as well. Since its 3 part organic nutes. Muttt had the same issue starting off but then he got the hang of it. Organic is really alot of patience but getting your soil together and keeping it alive is first.

Cory stands firm by his BPN products. I wouldnt blame it on the nutes. Your plants doesnt look bad at all. Most of my older plants leaves started to turn brown and fall off as well buts thats goes for all plants. Nothing major. But im sure you will fix the problem if any and resolve the issue.

I've always grown organic/vegan organic..............
Hey McLoadie , The leaves are burnt but I am confident that you will figure it out before the bloom ! Any one who researches and pampers their babies like you do will suceed ! Your yield may not reach your expectations but I am sure will have quality smooth smoke.
May the Bud gods be with you :cheer: I'm cheering for ya !!

already 3 weeks in flower.........thanks clay! I got it, I will try the new nutes on another rig whenI can start from the beginning and learn to interpret these nutes.....I just don't have the time right now!
Mcloadie, you stated that you have total control of your grow. Please just check the ph to rule out ph issues. You have a ph problem I guarantee it. After you check ph, that is one more aspect of control that you will exert over your grow. No company sells a magic potion in a bottle that creates huge buds and high yields. The ingredients are mostly all the same, but monitoring ph and nutrient strength is up to the grower. As I have stated 42000 times before, the nutrients are only 1/3 of the equation, the rest is up to the grower. Ph is one of the most basic aspects of growing and if it is not monitored, problems will be encountered unless by chance you are lucky and everything just works out.

My Ph is fine cory, I check it now and again, it's always at 7....well water. My water is hard as hell, it will just take some time to interpret these nutes. The system I use is virtually problem free, overwatering is my only enemy and I measure everything. I appreciate your replys and advice, I have another project that is in it's infancy and I hope to utilize these new nutes there. It's an outside grow and the plants will be more resilient while I sort things out. I have alot going in my life right now and my back has decided to give me trouble too. I need some Ph strips to test some runoff and see what it's like, the little kit I have may be harder to read with a cloudy or colored sample. I live in the same room as my plants.........LOL.......the ones in flower, I am so close to them I can see them at all times and watch ever so closely..........I usually spot the first pistil when they show. Thanks again.....If I can get this going it will save me a shitload of money and stress!:thanks:
Hey Mc a great morning and a better weed coming at ya:circle-of-love: you be sure to tell Loadie the same when you get her from the cradle:)
Hey Mc a great morning and a better weed coming at ya:circle-of-love: you be sure to tell Loadie the same when you get her from the cradle:)

Shhhh.....she's napping. Michael jacksons girlfriend comes home and says " I'm leaving, I just found out you're a pedophile! ", Mike says; " now that's a pretty big word for a twelve year old"
I was looking at a site with the most offensive jokes ever and I will have to PM you to tell it but it involves a subject matter close to that:)
My sick subversive sense of humor thought it to be VERY FUNNY but I fear it would get deleted faster than a Justin Bieber song from my computer:)
Shhhh.....she's napping. Michael jacksons girlfriend comes home and says " I'm leaving, I just found out you're a pedophile! ", Mike says; " now that's a pretty big word for a twelve year old"
Sorry, synthetic is a poor word. A lot of these organic designer ferts are chelated with organic acids. Making them much more readily available similar to synthetic salts. (I'm pretending to know what I'm talking about) or so I have read :peace:
I was looking at a site with the most offensive jokes ever and I will have to PM you to tell it but it involves a subject matter close to that:)
My sick subversive sense of humor thought it to be VERY FUNNY but I fear it would get deleted faster than a Justin Bieber song from my computer:) mom told me that joke!
Sorry, synthetic is a poor word. A lot of these organic designer ferts are chelated with organic acids. Making them much more readily available similar to synthetic salts. (I'm pretending to know what I'm talking about) or so I have read :peace:

Ya budbud, the shit I been usin takes 5 days ta hit the plants....when you apply nute...what you see is what you did with your last application....I'm so used to this stuff that I know exactly how to get et to em when they need it...actually before they need it.......Really budbud....this is how I do it....I make sure they get 2 treatments with micro nutes, 2 treatments with all the beneficial living organisms, and 2 treatments of calmag.......then, if I think they can take more of the npk that they use most......I'll give em as much of that as I can without burn til a week or two before harvest....then just clear water til harvest......I use molasses at 1 tbsp/gal almost always to feed the soil, sometimes givin just clear water to wash it all through the root system.....that is how the nutes I'm using are working....flawlessly. I will throw some tea in too.............gotta be careful with the has more readily available elements once I brew and aerate the shit outta it!
If you have sex with a prostitute against her will, is it considered r&*^ or shoplifting?
Sorry, synthetic is a poor word. A lot of these organic designer ferts are chelated with organic acids. Making them much more readily available similar to synthetic salts. (I'm pretending to know what I'm talking about) or so I have read :peace:

Your actually right Bud. I was just about to say that my self. The bonbe meal I use even though it states organic its truly not. It has a 7% Nitrogen which isnt totally organic nutes. Its not steamed either.
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