Mcloadie's Second Grow Journal

LOL, if it wasn't for brain damage i mighta been somebody.....( legit )....LOL...I have drank and done everything I know about except for some of the new designer type shits..............OH, no pokey pokey in my army was not allowed. I know scary mf'ers who told me if I did that they would hunt me to the ends of the earth and systematically drain the life from my sorry body by any method they deemed appropriate at that moment.....they were'nt kidding ever see a 450 pound man with like 2% body fat around 6 foot seven? HEHE, I LOVE GIANTS!

Ha ha that sounds like my uncle but he was closer to 7'2" giant man has to duck and turn sideways to get in front entry doors and most are 36" wide and 6'8"
Ha ha that sounds like my uncle but he was closer to 7'2" giant man has to duck and turn sideways to get in front entry doors and most are 36" wide and 6'8"

Hehe, the first giant I saw was in chico ca., I was a young smart ass and pulled into this driveway on a chopper, skidding on my front tire " it used to scare the shit outta everyone"...hehe, anyhow I saw this dude in the doorway.....a giant......I walked up to him, or below him or whatever it was...LOL, put my hands around his far as they would go and asked him how long it took to grow that? He snatched me up....I weighed 200 at the time, took me in the house and got me high.....LOL
maybe the dingo ate your baby:nomo:


My water is hard as hell, it will just take some time to interpret these nutes.

Hey McL. Apparently I had not caught up with your journal since you had the plant problems. I just can't get through my subscriptions more than once a week. Since I start at the bottom of the list, the active journals sometimes keep bumping to the top. Sorry bro.

I just went back to double check your pictures. That last one is a Mg def. I'd bet money on it, and I don't gamble. Your statement above was my clue. I had this exact same problem when I first setup my room. It was my hard water. There is so much Ca in there, it can lockout the Mg. Add some epsom salts and I bet the problem goes away.

In a way, you're both right. It's the nutes and it's not the nutes. Just whatever you were using before had a different ratio of Ca:Mg, and the new nutes tipped the scales the other way. I know you've been successful for awhile, but you might consider an RO system. I was having a hell of a time keeping my ph stable when I used the hard water.

Speaking of ph, I think Corey meant to check the ph of the run off water. It will give you an idea of the ph inside the soil.

I fear it would get deleted faster than a Justin Bieber song from my computer:)

WTF was a Justin Bieber song doing on your computer? :biglaugh:
sounds like your getting a handle on the bpn, i got my first bpn free too, donated to me by the winner of a motm contest the very cool and excellent GODSPEED i came in 2nd place, in jan he had just purchased a new round of bpn and did not need it, so asked me if i wanted it being very much in need i accepted (3 part system and some bloom booster too i think a qt) after a month or 2 i was convinced!:circle-of-love: then i won the aug motm and corey being the super nice guy he is let me switch it to the 7 part organic line (i added some $ of course) and that was after seeing the amazing results other members were having with it including spiffy (my gf) i was sold for good,, now i did have problems here & there i would call Corey and he would solve it every time ! :thumb: all i had to do was tell him everything i had done,what medium,lights,etc, show him a few pics sometimes and walla he's been right on the money every time, as you can see i have 100% faith, i mean hell how many guys you know that have a masters degree in this,and have you seen his outdoor bubble bucket veggie grows!!?? holy cow ! he is the go to guy for me and many other members,, you cant do better here for a superior product and phenomenal customer support than bpn & Corey in my opinion
morning Mc:circle-of-love: man don't hate me for that joke. you had to be there:)

Hey McL. Apparently I had not caught up with your journal since you had the plant problems. I just can't get through my subscriptions more than once a week. Since I start at the bottom of the list, the active journals sometimes keep bumping to the top. Sorry bro.

I just went back to double check your pictures. That last one is a Mg def. I'd bet money on it, and I don't gamble. Your statement above was my clue. I had this exact same problem when I first setup my room. It was my hard water. There is so much Ca in there, it can lockout the Mg. Add some epsom salts and I bet the problem goes away.

In a way, you're both right. It's the nutes and it's not the nutes. Just whatever you were using before had a different ratio of Ca:Mg, and the new nutes tipped the scales the other way. I know you've been successful for awhile, but you might consider an RO system. I was having a hell of a time keeping my ph stable when I used the hard water.

Speaking of ph, I think Corey meant to check the ph of the run off water. It will give you an idea of the ph inside the soil.

WTF was a Justin Bieber song doing on your computer? :biglaugh:

Soil Ph at 6.8 - 7.0, calmag is part of my program, they get 2 applications per grow, 1 in veg and 1 in flower. Hiker, what is your application rate for epsom salts, and what is the lab equivelant?
that was listed in the most offensive jokes ever list go figure:)
sometimes my sense of humor is a small amount different then most:)
sounds like your getting a handle on the bpn, i got my first bpn free too, donated to me by the winner of a motm contest the very cool and excellent GODSPEED i came in 2nd place, in jan he had just purchased a new round of bpn and did not need it, so asked me if i wanted it being very much in need i accepted (3 part system and some bloom booster too i think a qt) after a month or 2 i was convinced!:circle-of-love: then i won the aug motm and corey being the super nice guy he is let me switch it to the 7 part organic line (i added some $ of course) and that was after seeing the amazing results other members were having with it including spiffy (my gf) i was sold for good,, now i did have problems here & there i would call Corey and he would solve it every time ! :thumb: all i had to do was tell him everything i had done,what medium,lights,etc, show him a few pics sometimes and walla he's been right on the money every time, as you can see i have 100% faith, i mean hell how many guys you know that have a masters degree in this,and have you seen his outdoor bubble bucket veggie grows!!?? holy cow ! he is the go to guy for me and many other members,, you cant do better here for a superior product and phenomenal customer support than bpn & Corey in my opinion

Thanks for the support bid, I know a few guys with masters degrees in this stuff, and a couple with doctorates. I am trained to deal with these probs and I'm doin that, Everything that was mentioned I have already done and found nothing askew, I am running those nutes on some plants to see what I can do with em. I appreciate everyones help, I just don't have the time to experiment on plants halfway through flower, people are depending on these meds...............failure or even delay is NOT an option. Peace bro, like I say, I live with my plants and I know every leaf on every plant, I choose when to water and feed at the hour.........not even on a day to day basis........I have worked in labs in school, grown many, many cash crops, and the way I'm doing this is the way we did it in the labs......I have a pretty much trouble free method right now and I'll stick to it for now. I have to go back and do another cross, I lost a little forward momentum on the last cross, thankfully I have the genetics before and after the cross so I CAN go back and fix it!
Someone suggested at some point that plants that were nitrogen deprived cuttings would root faster than healthy cuts, well, here's the answer to that hypothesis, these cuts are two weeks in the will be a miracle if they make it! Common sense....healthy plants will do everything better than sickly ass ones!
mcloadies main box....this is how I roll!

You will notice only two sexing cuts, pk1 and pk2 are males and will be treated accordingly......the plants those cuts came from are soooo friggin healthy, I wish I knew what these plants would do in flower, I would have a patient grow me some pollen and make a cross. I have worthy genetics to cross with, but no boys. I don't have room for a colloidal silver procedure right now. I'll get this bunch finished, then maybe a procedure will be more attractive.
Take up my nutes, space, and love?....not today....byebye....

It was Mcloadie, in the kitchen, with the scissors!!!! Murderer!!!! lol clue is the shit back in the day :laughtwo::laughtwo:

oh well its a male, no biggie then ; P no one likes the males any who
It was Mcloadie, in the kitchen, with the scissors!!!! Murderer!!!! lol clue is the shit back in the day :laughtwo::laughtwo:

oh well its a male, no biggie then ; P no one likes the males any who

Back in the day man?....they can't pin that on me sucka......I was over yonda.....ask my sheila......I was wit her all night......LOL........
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