Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro - LED - Cabinet - SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011

Re: Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro/LED/Cabinet/SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011


Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg
If in Veg:13 days old, 11/22/11 DOB
Soil or Hydro? Hydro, 75% perlite/ 25% vermiculite.
Nutrients: SAME AN Sensigrow A+B and AN B-52
Size of light? SAME Currently the plant is under 2 x 2' 24w T-5 Fluorescent fixture.
Temp of Room/cab? 72 F
RH of Room/cab? SAME 40%
PH of media or res? SAME 5.5
Any Pests? SAME No.
How often are you watering? Maybe end up watering every other day I'm waiting for the medium to dry out a bit and waying the pot to see when I need to water.
Type and strength of ferts used? SAME Currently she is getting a twice daily watering of 1000 ml of 30% strength solution of AN Sensigrow A+B and B-52 as recommended by the online AN Nutrient Calculator.

Re: Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro/LED/Cabinet/SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011

once the little seedlings roots are comfy and established that things gonna take off bro! it only gets better from here! and when those two bottom leaves die off a bit you wanna start nutes
im doing perlite/vermiculite for my next grow! so im obsessed with perl.vermic grows hahaha
looking good dude :peace:
Re: Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro/LED/Cabinet/SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011

once the little seedlings roots are comfy and established that things gonna take off bro! it only gets better from here! and when those two bottom leaves die off a bit you wanna start nutes
im doing perlite/vermiculite for my next grow! so im obsessed with perl.vermic grows hahaha
looking good dude :peace:
She keeps looking better day after day... Still can't wait for flowering but vegg isn't looking too bad. The Perl/Vermic mix seems to hold a good deal of water without the media feeling too saturated, I've been very impressed so far with it.
:peace: back at ya and I'll even toke one for you :grinjoint: feel free to join
Re: Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro/LED/Cabinet/SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011

The LED light is here and it has turned the room into a pink disco rave grow.

Still trying to figure out the best distance above the plant for the LED. I started it out at 20 inches and have slowly worked it down to 16 inches with no ill results, I will email the manufacturer for their opinion as well.

A note about the large edit boxes in the photos, I had to remove the copyrighted logos on my shirt and one of a popular children's cartoon character on my potted plant. Enough talking. Time for pics!!!



Re: Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro/LED/Cabinet/SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011

thats led bro you can keep it as close as you want without any problems cause thats low heat, so i would say like 10-12 inches, i personally would be at like 8 inches but i like my plants short and bushy so when they go into flowering and stretch its not that bad :peace:
Re: Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro/LED/Cabinet/SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011

thats led bro you can keep it as close as you want without any problems cause thats low heat, so i would say like 10-12 inches, i personally would be at like 8 inches but i like my plants short and bushy so when they go into flowering and stretch its not that bad :peace:
The LED company said anywhere from 8-15 inches depending on what stage the plant is in so I set it at 13 for now and the plant looks great, pics soon.
Re: Milliwatt's Virgin Hydro/LED/Cabinet/SCROG Lemon Skunk Adventure 2011


Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg
If in Veg:17 days old, 11/22/11 DOB
Soil or Hydro? Hydro, 75% perlite/ 25% vermiculite.
Nutrients: SAME AN Sensigrow A+B and AN B-52
Size of light? 85W LED
Temp of Room/cab? 75 F
RH of Room/cab? SAME 40%
PH of media or res? SAME 5.5
Any Pests? SAME No.
How often are you watering? Watering every other day 150 ml and getting 50 ml run-off that PH's at 6.1
Type and strength of ferts used? 30% strength solution of AN Sensigrow A+B and 100% B-52 as recommended by the online AN Nutrient Calculator.

Lorraine is loving her new LED light and kicking ass.


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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

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