MNS - My New Spot

Norcal, I'm not running many plants.. mns is mr nice seeds.. the cost of seeds was the same as getting 3seeds of 9 different strains elsewhere.. I look at it like I get a few females and still have 3/4 of a packet to look through at a later date.. I'm at the lowest point Australia mainland has, it don't get anymore south.. I could move up the road not far and have a better growing season, as it has its own microclimate here also... flowering should start in couple of weeks.. it don't get much better than Australia for outdoor growing and there's nowhere worse in the country than where I am :passitleft: laws are its illegal. Ten plants and over could need to get a lawyer. But really, you got to be big to get any sort of time. It's at the lower end and small cultivation is a fine and community service..
Couple of mango widows.. getting close now.. sorry about flash photo, left my spotlights at work..
Mango widow #2



Mango widow #1


Now we're talking. Looks good Grizz. BTW, you share your moniker with Josey Wales.
Thanks fellas, should be a nice one.. wouldn't really know what day we are at but these bw male x look like they get done around that 70 day mark.. Blaze, you mean the outlaw,Clint Eastwood? He used a griswold revolver.
100% germination of nordle and shit.. 9 plants from 8 seeds.. five shit have surfaced from the four seeds.. no nordle above ground yet, next day or so... unless I put them in upside down :rofl:
Is he a Griswold is he? So many lampoon jokes growing up lmfao
I'm on the other side of Melbourne.. I hope so :rofl:
Sorry bud, I missed the lampoon stuff growing up. So I can't come back with a witty response. The shame... :oops:
Hey Grizz, got your message, replied twice. It's all good.
Hahha with them saying it was gonna be such a big storm figured u coped it on ur side instead lol we got some rain and a little wind but nothing u could class as a real storm

I watched it blow over the top of us, heading towards Melbourne.. it didn't look good, thick black clouds.. I don't watch news though, not sure if anywhere got hit bad..

Sorry bud, I missed the lampoon stuff growing up. So I can't come back with a witty response. The shame... :oops:

One of my favourite lines from the film.. I use it a lot..

Cousin Eddie: I got laid off when they closed that asbestos factory, and wouldn't you know it, the army cuts my disability pension because they said that the plate in my head wasn't big enough.
Aunt Edna: Why don't you just ask him for the money, Eddie? He sure as hell can't take a hint.
Cousin Eddie: Well, I didn't want to ask you, Clark, you know, but could you maybe spare a little extra cash?
Clark: [pulling some 20s out of his wallet] Sure, Eddie, how much do you need?
Cousin Eddie: About fifty-two thousand dollars.

Hey Grizz, got your message, replied twice. It's all good.
My favorite Uncle Eddie quote:

"They had to replace my metal plate with a plastic one. Every time Catherine would rev up the microwave, I'd piss my pants and forget who I was for about half an hour."
LOL! My sense of humour runs more towards "the wedding crashers", and "the hangover". Have you guys ever watched Nacho Libre? Now that had me in stitches. Especially if toking something like SSH.
He almost stole the movie farside.. another good one was
I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself.....
A lot of the 80's comedy's were family orientated feel good.. with just enough boobs and swear words to make them for adults.. some are still funny as any movie today.. caddyshack is a must see..stripes is another.. if you like wedding crashes, you might like swingers, I think that's vince Vaughn at his best..
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