Mountain Winter Indoor Grow

Couldnt help myself...they are is a nice closeup of each this afternoon.


Wedding Cake

Breakfast in Paris

Skunky Cookies

Breakfast in Paris

Rossetta Stone

??? White Widow or Power Plant
Sooooo very many sparkles. So many little fuzzies!!! Beautiful. Gorgeous. Ladies! Great pics!!
Day 90

Day 41 of Flowering

Ok, Ive seen enough of these five yellow fan leaves to know they are not ever going to go green again. They are looking worse daily..and I decided to just remove them. The rest of this plant looks very good and very close to done. Not sure why they yellowed in first place but definitely watching this girl closest for ripeness. No other plants are showing any signs of anything except big, healthy buds which is fine by me! Cheers gang from my garden to yours!




Each one of these buds is on the Skunky Cookies...if any more well trained eyes could take a look at these it would be greatly appreciated; in one shot I see what looks like deterioration starting? Zoom in on the last photo below especially. My obvious question is How long until done? I remember this strain getting done fast last grow also. I believe in ripe bud but definitely dont want to wait TO long.




Ive read to be patient at least until a percentage of the trichomes are amber in color? This means at least a tad of the THC has converted into the more sedating CBN.
Day 42 of Flowering

Day 91

Starting to see little bits of purple! It gets down pretty cool at night here, I wasnt sure if stayed in the 65ish range to get purple but looks like that may be the case.
Today is the last day of week 6. Going to let them stay dry today and then feed them well for maybe their last time tommorow, then follow up with a proper soaking.
Cheers! Enjoy!


Skunky Cookies

?WW or Power Plant?

Breakfast in Paris bush

Wedding Cake bush

Rossetta Stone

Breakfast in Paris mainlined
Decided to put a full body shot of each to reference for the end of week 6. Hopefully they continue to grow even larger still!


Wedding Cake bushy clone

Breakfast in Paris bushy clone

Skunky Cookies mainlined seed

Rossetta Stone mainlined seed

Breakfast in Paris manifolded clone

??? mainlined seed

Not sure if they will gain any more size but pretty sure their colors will continue to change as they finish developing over the next few weeks. Beautiful ..
Day 43 of Flowering

Today is the first day of week 7, and possibly the last time they get fed ever. From here out Im going to focus on being able to identify when they are ready and learn all I can on the curing process; supposedly the most underlooked part of the entire industry. From the mere two curings I performed last season, I can agree with that. Both times had crazy end results for being cut from the same strains.
From here out I will be watering only..nom nom nom my girls are saying lol :morenutes: :morenutes::morenutes:



Day 44 of Flower

Drug my large dehumidifier into same room as tent this morning in an attempt to lower the RH for my ladies and the last few weeks of their grow. Aiming at 30%-40% for starters. This should amp up trichome production as we gear for the grand finale. Patience is a virtue as we close in on harvest. Considering going ahead and taking the Skunky Cookies and begin the cure proccess; maybe later this week. Cheers gang!



Day 46 of Bloom

Taking everything in my power to be patient and not just start snippin and begin the harvest...more ladies are showing more and more signs of ripeness daily now. The BiP clone in a smaller pot is beginning to droop pretty bad everywhere except her gorgeous towers of bud. The Skunky Cookies have even more yellowing leaves along with the Wedding Cake clone who's sugar leaves are even starting to curl up. Only the BiP bush, Rossetta Stone, and the unidentified but very beautiful shortest seedling are all looking like they want to keep marching on with almost zero signs of being possibly a half harvest is in order leaving the greener 3 to thrive while going ahead and begin the curing and drying process on the riper ladies. We'll see..half harvest is better than a single plant being done at once at least. Have a blessed day all and Ill check back tonight or tommorow.
Plant by Plant rundown

95 days total above soil; currently in week 7 of Flowering stage.

1. Unidentified mainlined seedling - wouldnt it figure the one plant I cannot seem to id is also one of the prettiest for sure; full of color and trichomes, hard to find a part of stem not completely engulfed by its buds. Looks can still go possibly weeks imo. Here a few it could be > White Widow, Power Plant, Night Terror Og. Just remembered finding a seed in a Runtz strain also, maybe that?



2. Rossetta Stone mainlined seedling - Beautiful lanky yet strong stems going up to the largest and widest buds out of entire tent except the bush clusters. Lots of glitter and white blending with soft orange hairs all throughout..strong earthy yet skunky smell. Im 90% sure going by memory and pics this is Rossetta and was definitely a few seeds in the bundle that I planted. Whatever is looks awesome to me for sure!


3. Skunky Cookies mainlined seedling - This tall girl has looked and smelled totally diff since the get go. To me this is a one of a kind local strain I have taught myself to identify over the last few years. This girl in particular is an 11th generation! Hoping she "self-seeds" herself again this year somehow. Last grow yielded probably 6 oz. of lovely nugs we smoked as personal for a few months finding about 4 good seeds in all and a few duds. We'll see if nature does it again. This has been a healthier/longer grow even though she is out of her normal season; so it's definitely possible. Citrusy super skunky sweetness..she looking closer to done with yellowing leaves and tightening nugs.



4. Breakfast in Paris manifolded clone - Skunky syrup on buttery waffles anyone? This one has shown the most effect from dropping temps at night to go for purple. One i cant quit staring at for sure...and still amazing how different my other BiP clone looks in comparison.


5. Breakfast in Paris bushy clone - Rescued French Toast..glad I left as a bush now..clusters and stacks very well naturally. So well she weighing herself down but I trained the bushes stalks so strong Im sure they wont give thankfully.


6. Wedding Cake clone - Rescued cake this time (what can i say i got a sweet tooth!), this girl has come a looong ways from the puke yellow and brown spindly thing I rescued from a friend who obviously didnt share my love of plants. Now you cannot tell she was in ever in such a state! Left all her big branches and now each is crowned with some of the prettiest buds ive managed to produce yet! Smells of fruity candy or something like



All this talk has me excited to use my newly purchased trimmers for this grow's harvest in particular! Trying to beef up my journalism skill on here and getting a tad more familiar with functions of this site, starting to get it better on mobile for sure. Have a good one all from my flowers to ill have me a dab of Golden Pinnapple, Yummy!! :high-five: :yahoo::bong:


From here forth I will be posting less often but still regular, Im thinking about every 3 or 4 days...I get to bored to wait entire weeks but future journals will be shorter and more precise I promise for any attempting to follow me. Thanks.
The unidentified is now obvious. There is no denying that awesome smell...I now remember where this must've came from; almost an entire year ago we had purchased a couple prepackaged eigths of the all beautiful White Runtz and then were lucky enough to find a viable, healthy seed inside of one! She did try to hermie a little some and I may have accidentally injured her roots at one point during transplant because she did take quite a bit longer to get going again afterwards compared to the other 4 that also recieved transplants to 7 gal pots. I'll get a few good photos of her but I wish you could SMELL the fueled up fruity crazy smell she puts off especially when her trichs are disturbed that can only be the one and only.. Runtz. Yum.







Ok gang..this has been an awesome grow. But this weekend coming, for multiple reasons, is going to be harvest. I know some are more done than others and I am sure a few could continue to thrive for weeks...but I also know they are jam packed full of the medicine I need daily and if not in their prime, then they are perhaps past it or very close to.
One reason besides filling my medicine cabinet jars that is essential but not crucial is space. Im already trying to decide my next grow...going to order either Mimosa Evo or Purple Punch from Barney's farm. Honestly wanted to do an all Runtz Muffin grow at first but now realize the difficulty of obtaining the needed seeds.
After this weekend coming I simply wont have my time I like to dedicate to my garden for a few weeks...we all know I cant always be home.(I wish!)
Of course Im going to give them as much time as possible, Im thinking tommorow will be their last 12 hours of light shining. Then Im really wanting to try a darkness flush, so I will start that tommorow night. When the lights go out for last time I plan on letting them sit in total darkness for 48 hours before clipping to hang up for drying. Was originally torn between tommorow being dark also making closer to 72 hours of dark. But given some of them are being pulled a little early anyhow I persuaded myself that the next 24 hours would be better spent with the light on.
They truly are the most beautiful thing(s) Ive ever managed to grow...hopefully I can properly dry and then cure these beauties into smoking anywhere close to as good as they look and smell! Cheers!
Day 98

Day 49 Of Flowering

Their last 12 hours of light. Im just making sure they stay perfectly happy for next couple days..ironically harvest day is going to fall on day one hundred exactly.
Very excited to see what they yield and sad for this grow to end is a few shots today. Will get a few more harvest time and post. Have a blessed day all!










AH they really are beautiful. You should be proud! Your photos are lovely too.
Thank you so much! I am very proud of these ladies.. today is darkness in their tent and it's killing me not checking in on them like usual, lol. I am also starting to think BOTH of my bushy clones are Wedding Cake and there was some mixup. No complaints here if that is the case...we'll see. Cheers! I looked and looked last night comparing nugs on my was supposedly Breakfast in Paris and the other Wedding I already have a BiP clone that I somewhat manifolded and looks great, just nothing at all like the bushes which is strange because the what is now healthier looking bush was supposed to be cut from the same BiP mother as my other clone. Ive seen many, many clones together at once and honestly they didnt look much different at all when younger so I just assumed what I had been told was correct. Now they are older with much more pronounced has become more apparent that both the bushes are in fact the same when comparing buds and most importantly, smell. I am happy either way..both these strains appeal to me and are plenty potent enough to satisfy.
For any friends following..Ive figured out how to enter my one Breakfast in Paris into the plant of the month contest. So beautiful, the array of colors with various hues of greens and purples topped with some very tight looking, frosty nugs..match her appearence with her unique skunky syrup on buttery waffles smell and she is, in my opinion, at least worthy of being nominated for plant of month.
Tommorow is the chop and hopefully when done may have some nugs worthy of entering something into the Nug of the month contest, idk we'll see.
I love how I can share my creations Ive worked so hard on with the world and at least be able to enter some contests rather win or loose, thanks for the good times 420!
G'day Shanandoah lol

I'm just wondering, have you been checking the colour of the trichomes with a jeweller's magnifier eye piece? (a loup) Looks like some of the plants flowers are more mature than others. The colour will tell you when it's prime-time to harvest. The best I've grown had 25-30% amber. For sure some of your plants are closer to harvest than others. Some flowers show stigma mostly darkening and curling down, while others the stigma are still thick White and upright. Best way to know for sure is a jeweller's loup. Very close now
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