My First Ever Grow Under T5

Your plants are looking good man.
I lollipopped mine 1/4 of the way up from the bottom the day before I flipped to 12/12, and then lollipopped again 1/3 of the plant on day 21 after flip to 12/12.
When lollipopping Start at the bottom and slowly work you way around and up the plant a level at a time. The more you clear, the easier it will be to see what needs to go next. Start out slow (bottom 1/4 of the plant), my rule was pretty much like you posted, If its not getting light, it goes.
By the time you hit 3 weeks into flower, under the screen will be pretty much naked, and you'll have some nice buds starting to swell up top.
Hope this helps, and good luck. :thumb:
Your plants are looking good man.
I lollipopped mine 1/4 of the way up from the bottom the day before I flipped to 12/12, and then lollipopped again 1/3 of the plant on day 21 after flip to 12/12.
When lollipopping Start at the bottom and slowly work you way around and up the plant a level at a time. The more you clear, the easier it will be to see what needs to go next. Start out slow (bottom 1/4 of the plant), my rule was pretty much like you posted, If its not getting light, it goes.
By the time you hit 3 weeks into flower, under the screen will be pretty much naked, and you'll have some nice buds starting to swell up top.
Hope this helps, and good luck. :thumb:

Thanks stealth!!!!! Much appreciated for the help! I was you tubing on when to start and what to cut off and this guy was taking way to much off at least it was to me. Already started the bloom nutes a week before 12/12 hoping that was a right decision. More updates and pics to come!
if you are going to defoliate your plant either do it a week before switching to 12/12 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness or at day 21-25 of flowering when the stretch phase has finished and then again at day 45 if required.
Hey guys so I think I have some kind of problem with new growth leafs. They look all wrinkly and what not. On Sunday I defoliated a bit but nothing out of the ordinary just a 1/4 off the bottom, I also introduced half strength of bloom nutes. Here they are




your plants appear to have either a nutrient burn or a pH adjustment problem. you want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

Hey king,

Yea it was nute burn!!!! I checked my PPM it it was at 3k+!!! This the 1st of bloom nutes so I don't know why it was so high. So cleaned out the res on wed after all the nutes were put in my end ppm was 1200 I just checked the res right now and it's at 1800, and my PH is at 5.7. How come my PPM is rising like that? This is my first time I've gone to bloom, did I start to early or is it bad nutes, did I start off to aggressive? I only did half strength. I just at a loss as to why it's raising ppm. Also another factor may be that I did defoliate on Sunday maybe that stressed the plant a little?

Thanks again
your plants are currently drinking more water then nutrients, lower the ppm of your nutrient solution to 1/4 recommended strength and see how the plant reacts. when your ppm rises and your pH drops your plants are drinking more water then nutrients. when your PPM drops and your pH rises your plants are drinking more nutrients then water.
Hey guys

So it's the start of 12/12 I started bloom nutes 1 week before 12/12 and I'm running into issues. I changed the nutes and took out bud candy, the PPM still rose. So then we just re did the nutes again at quarter strength. We started at 700 PPM and minus 200 because of I use tap so that puts me at 500 total PPM bloom nutes. My PH is 5.7, and temp inside is at 70-80°F. Now my PPM is at 1090 PPM after 2 feedings. I still am not sure what is going in to be honest, my base nute are advanced nutrients, bio root, super thrive, cal mag, and power silicate. If nothing changes by end of this week going to buy a different base nute. Here are the pics enjoy.





you are using too high of nutrients. reduce the amount of nutrients you are using until your PPM no longer rises, try 3/4 strength of what you are using. advanced nutrients, bio root, super thrive, cal mag, and power silicate, I would stop using the bio root, super thrive can not be used during flowering.
you are using too high of nutrients. reduce the amount of nutrients you are using until your PPM no longer rises, try 3/4 strength of what you are using. advanced nutrients, bio root, super thrive, cal mag, and power silicate, I would stop using the bio root, super thrive can not be used during flowering.

Hey king thanks for the help. My plants still don't look any better and my PPM still keep rising. I left my res as is as I will change out this Sunday. What I have been doing is just diluting the res with distiller water to bring down the ppm. Yesterday the ppm was at 700 minus the tap water. Today I just checked it was at 1120 so that puts the nutes at 900 ppm after diluting its now at 900, can bad nutes cause the PPM to go up? Tha is again for your help.
your plants are using more water then nutrients, try reducing your total ppm to 500-600 and see if your ppm's still rise. If your nutrients are expired then that may cause problems. when you are taking your ppm readings can you also take pH readings?
your plants are using more water then nutrients, try reducing your total ppm to 500-600 and see if your ppm's still rise. If your nutrients are expired then that may cause problems. when you are taking your ppm readings can you also take pH readings?

I take ppm readings 30-45mins after being watered. I take the PH reading, right after as well and it's 5.5-5.7 and the water temp is cool. How can you tell if nutes are expired? I am using advanced nutes ph perfect. Shouldn't I see a change a lot faster than in soil? I'm thinking it might be bad nutes as I did purchase them from a private seller. I was thinking bout going to the GH flora series what do you think? Thanks again for the help.
I believe the nutrients you have are fine, aside from the nutrient burn your had when you increased the strength of your nutrients your plants have not had a lot of problems. your plants are growing well. I believe you are simply over feeding nutrients to your plants. General Hydroponics Flora Series are what i use for my plants, I find them very easy to mix for all stages of vegetative growth and flowering. sometimes an expiry date is either put on the container itself or on a price tag.
Hey KJ

Just want to say thanks for keeping up and helping me out while I panicked!! Hahah, so right now I am starting week 2 of 12/12 the plants are perking up a little but still have some defficenies of some sort. I stopped at my fav hydro and was talking to the guys, I am going to flush with their in house tea, I also bought some new base nutes GH 3 part, I really think it's the nutes since they were used. So after a couple days ill be sure to check up on the gals to see how the tea worked and then introduce the new nutes at quarter strength. Here are some pics as I said they seem to be doing a little better but not by much. Enjoy.







when using General Hydroponics 3 part Flora series always add your nutrients to water not each other. always mix the Flora Micro first then the Flora Bloom then the Flora Gro last. always shake your nutrients before use.
Hey guys update time, after the flush we switched up nutes as stated above, didn't want to stress the girls out to much. The gals are growing but I can already tell that this is going to be a terrible terrible yield, I don't even know if its going to taste good. I just bought some additives, going to be using gh 3 part as the base, power silicate, big bud, floralicious pineapple , hygrozyme, cal mag and liquid karma next res change. Oh and some Kosmic koma. What do you guys think about that soup?

Also I don't think that the leafs are going to come back to normal as you see in the pics, I still see growth but not sure if ill ever see it come back. Anyways guys here are the pics enjoy








Subbed have to catch up after work. My grow is very similar to yours except I'm gonna be a few days behind. Maybe you should look into The Capn's use of the Heisenberg Tea. Very good for the roots in rock wool.
Hey sky bound,

Thnx for subbing, yea I flushed her but i don't think they'll turn. Hope you enjoy the adventure. She's in the 3rd week of flower.
Man, your grow started out great, that 3k PPM really messed up the plants. I hope your able to salvage a little out of it, or I hope they heal up for you and produce.
Hey stealth,

Yea that 3k PPM really did jack things up. Do you know if they are able to spring back to life? I think it was the bad nutes that messed things up royaly. I looked around to see if there are signs of mites, but no signs of them. I just don't know what else I can do to salvage them and get that beautiful growth like I had before. But I have been constantly checking the PPM's to make sure there isn't any spikes. There is a little hope I noticed some buds kind of showing so maybe I can get somthing. I guess you are always learning along the way especially of being such a newb to this whole thing. Lets see what happens at the end of Nov And see what yield I got if any. Thanks for looking.
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