My First Grow - Is This Normal?

Tbh this wilma has given me an headache so I'm going to have to bear with it for a few more days as I think they will come around from the shock, I won't be in a hurry to do it again lol. They're gaining in strength as there supporting there selves and the others were a lot smaller that's why I didn't pick them and now the soil 1s are twice the size oh well all learning curves. Dwc can wait till I have a go at cuttings in the week Lmfao. Ain't had no luck in that department so fingers crossed. Yea it is a bud box and how many could I grow comfortably? Obviously they will bush out and weren't playing on mothering her more interested in lovely smooth bud. Id bought a 10 bag and it was that harsh I had a job to smoke it was stickyer than usuall but looked lovely and dense buds but obviously it's been rushed. That is why I can't wait but i won't rush it tho. Also maybe buy some mdf wood and make a lil box and glue some polistirine things in there. Also u no the ducting? Obviously after a certain length will be poorly run do you no if 3meters would be fine. thanx again Fuzzy Duck:thanks: :peace:
Hey fuz, I have just received my ppl/economic wand and have been searching Google on how to increase and decrease but no success. Right then m8 here is what I do no that if ppl is to high the plants will not be able to drink nutrients so obviously to get your ppl high one would just make nutrients higher but the economic is where I'm getting baffled or will it rise on its own as the nutrients are getting higher most appreciate it m8 thanx
thanks justintym2 and Mark30g this is a great site to learn stuff anything you want to know. wait tell about 4 to 5 nodes and top your plant great for real big plants. also you can turn your lights off for 24 hrs to sex your plants I dont I like to wait awhile, I just dont want to put all that work into a male unless you want to breed and thats a whole nother area (MALES BYE BYE). Im a first timer to. got all my info right here.I also have a couple of buddys that been doing it for 30yrs outdoor and 15yrs indoor and they help to. they look good exsperiment its your garden peace
Update from what I gather the 4in wilma have been generating there roots and this is why they have only been sprouting at the bottom of plant only the one is looking real good the other 3 are still coming around I got patients. which I never knew I had PMSFL. Also my big lady is swell man she looking beautiful trust here are some ov lastnites pic's.
Hey fuz, I have just received my ppl/economic wand and have been searching Google on how to increase and decrease but no success. Right then m8 here is what I do no that if ppl is to high the plants will not be able to drink nutrients so obviously to get your ppl high one would just make nutrients higher but the economic is where I'm getting baffled or will it rise on its own as the nutrients are getting higher most appreciate it m8 thanx

Good day Mark30g

I've tryed looking for the ppl/economic wand with out any success :(

You might be thinking of PH up & down these are a mild acid & handle with care as they are skin irritants, which may cause burns !!!

You will need to find out whether you are in a hard or soft water area...
  • Hard water (alkline) - Ph down.
  • Soft water (acidic) - Ph up.

You should be able to get these items from your local hydro shop pretty easy, this sort of stuff should be used with hydro systems with water tank/reserva's etc & coco for fine tuning your Ph.

I think most nutrients are nuetral ph buffering & normally sold correctly for hard/soft water areas by the local shop.

Soil has a natural buffering effecting so ph up/downs are not really that necessary.

Hope it helps :peace:
Fuzzy so sorry dude I meant for measuring Ppm/CF it's called a CF ECO stick and have done a lil home work and my PH 6.0/CF10-12 or Ec 1.0-1.2. and when I topped my tank up half strength the next day it had jumped up to: PH5.8 EC1.6-1.8 CF16-18 soft water is in my local area. Yeah bare in mind these have had a big shock from soil to drip system but root development is slow on the 3 bit the 4one is now getting bushier slowly and there all short mind including my oldest 1. Lacking in space now lol Haha I'm still battling to get temp down but not to sure where to have my second fan in tent! Atm I've got the 2 oscillatingfans blowing directly at them and not sure to have 1 tied some how to top of the tent to mix up the air I have all the air flaps open but Tbh I no ill have to buy a decent a lot quieter (my paranoia:peace: PMSFL ).
UPDATE: What an exceptional and exciting week its been. It's a FEMALE yahoo PMSFL and I really thought it had sexed into female like 2weeks ago duhh brain me lol there is no Mistaking what there'll turn into and there getting bigger mind and I've gone and bought the proper bloom for soil as I was planning on putting her into the wilma therefore id gone and bought the Dutch Pro Hydro A%B. so I'm using. Plant Magic Grow and pk13/14p.magic bloom boost for soil and hydro. . Oh well the others in soil are now flourishing very nicely&due 2be transplanted into bigger pots 11L. My hydro is also starting to grow rapidly on top but the one plant is looking like its not taking so ill give her a week and see as the next Gen have already sprouted and got there first single leaf there true first true leaf are already coming thru on it's own and I have 3, all Kush I think and my female plant is having to be watered from 2-3days to every day .
Picture update: So bloody shocking but not to sure have I took to many fan leaves of tho?? have to wait and see. Also Hydro Update: There loving the Dutch Pro Nutrients grow A&B, Dutch Pro Explode also added an additive PK13/14 Plant Magic bloom boost and there thriving better than my soil grow and they were stressed as they started of in soil . Considering this there blooming lovely.
Thanx Fuzzy Duck they sure do m8 plenty more to come b4 the chop m8. waiting for my New laptop screen smashed so cuz ov guarantee I'm having new1 and ill be able to use my 14.2pixel digital cam 2get some close ups so bare with me. Also appreciated all your advice/help and is it right for me to stop misting now the actual buds appearing? And whas the best way for soil feeding you no feed,water,water,feed and so on or all feed every time? As I feed then when ready for next feed then ill check end of leaves usually and go from there as some 1 said 2 constantly feed but not so sure. tho bro. Also do you no any brews I could do to help my Grandad as he can't sleep and tried a
joint with no cigarette or tobacco and was having a few puffs as and when he needed it, So he asked today could I make a brew like with a cuppa tea( sounds daft lol), as it's harsh because he have never smoked in his life and would be most grateful for your advice m8. thanx fuzz :peace: and :thanks: very much.
Time to stop misting thats normally reserved for vegging only.

Misting & high room humidity may induce bud rot & we certianly don't want that.

Ideal room humidity at flowering stage is around the 30% to 40%, i do my best to keep mine under 50%.

Its difficult to achieve some days depending on where we all live in the world and the out side weather conditions can effect ambient humidity indoors etc, we can look at equipment such as humidifiers/dehumidifiers to control the enviroment much better, but thats alot £££.

I would feed more regular now the plants are using alot of energy in producing the end stage results... Big Buds :cheer:
(just keep an eye on em if ya worried about over feeding)

The feed, water, feed stuff is more related to the early stage of growth/veg mainly when using chemical based nutrients with soil mix growing mediums where excess salts can build up to harmful levels.

Mmm tea ah...

Yup it can be done, i personally don't know any recipes myself i'm afraid.
All tho i'm sure a good google around/research will prove fruitfull.

May i suggest cannabutter - CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!
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