My garden

a non confusing background,, darker seems to show the nugs off better in my opinion,, but not black.

no flash,, ever, unless it is detachable and off to one side

Sounds like we're mostly singing from the same song sheet:high-five:

I'm guessing you're not keen on the shot I took for last month's NOTM though lol....

That was the first time I've tried a proper nug shot and the black thing was the first thing that came to hand to use as a background. And I used flash from above bounced off a bit white paper! Will likely try something different next time but don't think I'll have anything down in time to be smokeable for this months comp. I'm still not against the black and flash thing but I think it has to look like you meant it for it to stand a chance of working....if that makes sense? Unlike you I'm shite at explaining stuff!
Sounds like we're mostly singing from the same song sheet:high-five:

I'm guessing you're not keen on the shot I took for last month's NOTM though lol....

That was the first time I've tried a proper nug shot and the black thing was the first thing that came to hand to use as a background. And I used flash from above bounced off a bit white paper! Will likely try something different next time but don't think I'll have anything down in time to be smokeable for this months comp. I'm still not against the black and flash thing but I think it has to look like you meant it for it to stand a chance of working....if that makes sense? Unlike you I'm shite at explaining stuff!

kush,, i thought you explained yourself very well indeed,, :Namaste:

i could go off and preach about no rules and different strokes and never black and white and all that stuff, but, i don't think i need to,, we all know this stuff.

one can never go too far,, maybe one can stay there too long but never hurts to go there.

how does one know what is too far if one has never been there?

personally,, the black, though it shows off the nug very well, it gives me a bit of a queasy feeling,, like i am standing on the edge of a cliff,, lost in space kinda,, i almost have to focus harder to see the nug,,

nice nug btw

one more preachy thing,,of course,, to each is/er own,, and thank goodness
one can never go too far,, maybe one can stay there too long but never hurts to go there.

how does one know what is too far if one has never been there?

Such wise words nivek. :love:
thanks sue,, painting taught me that,, think i mentioned this in a post once,, i would spend hours of time trying to get something dark enough, or light enough,, never quite getting what i wanted,, or needed,, i would never imagine that i needed to go that dark,, or that light,, always in my brain said way too much,, don't go so far,, till eventually i would come to the realization,, when i finally found how dark dark needed to be, or how light light had to be, i would realize that if i had just gone there in the first place,, that extra dark,, or light,, it would have saved me a lot of time,, but like you mention so often,, life is the best university of all,, and this is how we learn.

i actually believe this,,i am no good at doing things right,, i am very good at doing things wrong,, and i keep fixing it till it's not wrong,, just like painting,, i cant do it right,, no way,, but i can tell when it's wrong,, and i keep changing it till it's not. time consuming,, but effective


for y'all today,, my,, 'red' period

a total exercise in 'going too far'
Can't wait to show that to my daughter. I keep hoping your work will entice her to get back to painting again. It's been sitting unused for almost a year. After her suicide attempt last July she stepped back. Sooner or later.....
It looks delicious. Made myself have a mandarin orange. I think you won. :laughtwo:
another meeting today and regular veggie gardening with 36! There's a breeding journal coming soon I've been asked and honored to take a part in you shall see soon!
Wondering if you're up to it, or catching that last breath before making the leap??
It's not gonna be rushed into. But is an option. Just need to see what he comes back he thought my lbs per month estimation was too conservative! We will see. I'm a conservative kinda guy when it comes to finances.

It's my current best option
When your pounds per month is a quality no one else can match you become a more valuable partner, don't you? Being conservative is the smart way. This is your family you're talking about.
Yup. I'm one of many.

Others told him 100 lbs per month I told him Ill see you on the field. Literally that's what I said. I told him theres alot of bs in this I can guarantee about .865 grams per watt with a average of 50lbs per month.

Some people think just cause you have X amount of room you can just bloom and count on a monthly quota. It doesn't work that way. I was basing it on 6000 Sq ft of bloom. With nice aisles and room. Yes you can stuff it and hit 100 lbs but what's the point. Get good yield get a exclusive genetic that's fire and boom. Let them be happy. Never been a true sog fan.
He still wants to work together so when I showed him my setup and discussed what I know he was interested I can't afford a 100g investment and I'm not getting a loan. So that's where I stand I have what cash I offered and my knowledge so either we will figure something out or I'll get my own tier 1 shortly.

Nice guy though.
Sending positive energy Dutty.
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