My plants are in veg stage and are producing lots of pistils is this normal?

I would toss them or start new ones till I have ur back up n these girls still acting funny switch them out I Kno it's hard to kill a healthy plans but sometime u just have to do it

I am with you on this one. Those plants are mutated and not in a good way. Some mutants are fine but the growth on those does not look good. He could keep at it and see what he gets but I wouldn't waste electricity, nutrients or my time in them.
Isn't that sort of what I said? :peace::green_heart:
White flag I think we met on the wrong foot Emily I will pull a chair n c this hole grow out lol it would be interesting
His plants where in flower and he had light leaks so they re-vegged

The hole picture helps indeed

It has been like two weeks back in flower, it needs more time to recover
These guys advising you to stop and give up are like bystanders looking up at a potential jumper, urging the want to be suicide victim to jump. Wow. Some people.

A little over the top with the drama there aren't ya. LOL Glad you are so smart to judge me on one post. Speaks volumes about you.
His plants where in flower and he had light leaks so they re-vegged

The hole picture helps indeed

It has been like two weeks back in flower, it needs more time to recover
yep, been following along on the saga... and that is why I spoke up when there was still confusion... as I said, they now look like they are 2-3 weeks into flower. Good job. They have recovered and are now in full flower. Feed hard and be patient, they seem to be healthy to me... certainly not worthy of culling and losing all that time invested so far.
Sorry to get up on my podium about this, but bad advice that stops a needed grow, medical or otherwise, really gets my hackles up. And especially in this case, a devoted newbie who really is trying to learn... and you guys are trying to instruct him to just give up on this plant and start over, don't learn any more from this grow, and learn some nonsense that all growers cull plants regularly.... lets see, in 25 years how many plants have I given up on? None.
Ok Emily w e u say girl i personally cull plants every grow I just take the weaklings out but I understand y u get mad we all get there but chill homie all I gave was my opinion no need to bent out of shape just like all of y'all gave URS I gave mine this is a public threat last time I seen right prob get off it lol b
A little over the top with the drama there aren't ya. LOL Glad you are so smart to judge me on one post. Speaks volumes about you.
I am a dramatic girl... I am the whole package. Sorry that bothers you. I am not in this to judge people and I didn't judge you, just your advice... and I found it to be in error.
I am in this to give the best advice that I know how to give. I am here to share a lifetime of knowledge about this plant. And technically, I am talking to noobie, not you guys. You now jumping in to say your bit and judge me, says a lot about you too.
Don't feel special Sam... I don't care who it is... if I hear bad advice, IMHO, I am free and very motivated to step in and give my opinion.
I am a dramatic girl... I am the whole package. Sorry that bothers you. I am not in this to judge people and I didn't judge you, just your advice... and I found it to be in error.
I am in this to give the best advice that I know how to give. I am here to share a lifetime of knowledge about this plant. And technically, I am talking to noobie, not you guys. You now jumping in to say your bit and judge me, says a lot about you too.
Don't feel special Sam... I don't care who it is... if I hear bad advice, IMHO, I am free and very motivated to step in and give my opinion.

My point stands. This is an open forum last I checked and your opinion means nothing more than anyone elses on this or any other thread. We can agree to disagree. I would cull them.
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