Need a diagnosis


New Member
I have two plants and one of them is growing healthier than the other. They are 2 and a half weeks old. I've noticed that one of my plants has pale spots on the leaves and are expanding throughout the plant and the new leaves growing up top are coming out skinnier and cupped. Need help please, first time grower

Kind of looks like a disease to me. Maybe leaf rust or something similar? There are some products out there that get rid of it. The only one I know about specifically is called Serenade Garden Disease Control. It has a strain of bacillus subtillus that feeds on certain mildews like leaf rust and PM.
Sorry about the late answer guys I found out what it was and yes it was a disease that I couldn't get rid of so I separated that plant from other plants. Thanks for all your help
Sorry about the late answer guys I found out what it was and yes it was a disease that I couldn't get rid of so I separated that plant from other plants. Thanks for all your help

What did you figure it was? Now that I've had a second look, it looks exactly like russet mite damage. Often russets get misdiagnosed as a fungus or mildew.
What did you figure it was? Now that I've had a second look, it looks exactly like russet mite damage. Often russets get misdiagnosed as a fungus or mildew.

Well I had to have been a fungus don't know which but I had a pretty good idea cause I checked for all types of bugs or mites with a magnifying glass and nothing. But I got a new thread I posted it's called "lots of pictures and info, need help" (posted not too long ago) and out of the 2 plants I had the other plant that survived is on my other post and it's looking pretty healthy so check it out and let me know
You can't even see russet mites with a 60X jewelers loop they are so small. Just keep it in mind as you continue to diagnose your plant. Once they finish with the first plant, they start a migration to find the other ones, that's when it can get out of control. I'll check out your other post in a sec.
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