Need Advice on Gelato plant


Well-Known Member
It’s my first time growing a Gelato from a seed not sure when it’s ready everyone tells me to pull it now. I stress out because I get people driving in my alley eyeing my babies. This time I got a cage and cameras to help me keep an eye on them. When will I know when the hairs turn amber color?


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Hello. Im not very experienced myself as i have only done the one grow so far but i used a jewelers loupe from amazon, really cheap and worked a charm.
Welcome Kikibonds! Your garden looks awesome! I use a cheap scope from amazon, others use a jewelers loop. Looks like winter isn't coming soon, that's good.
If you don't have either of those tools then look at the hairs on the buds. Most of them should get dry and shriveled. Great job!
Now, have you looked at how you're going to dry, cure, and store all those beautiful buds?
You could take a few down now and wait a few out. Looks awesome.

Watch for bud root aka botrytis. Looks like 2nd bud pic might have a little bit.

That can spread pretty fast so cut it out and bud wash after harvest is what I do.

Got some green thumbs - good job!
Welcome Kikibonds! Your garden looks awesome! I use a cheap scope from amazon, others use a jewelers loop. Looks like winter isn't coming soon, that's good.
If you don't have either of those tools then look at the hairs on the buds. Most of them should get dry and shriveled. Great job!
Now, have you looked at how you're going to dry, cure, and store all those beautiful buds?
I usually dry it in my garage all dark or on my drying rack I check on them to make sure they will snap before I give them the final hair cut. I take my time making sure they are nice and pretty my friends get mad because I take out too much leaves. I get mason jars label each kind and burp them once a week I put them in my car trunk in the garage because my neighbors watch every move I make. That’s why I boarded my whole backyard so they can’t look at me.
You could take a few down now and wait a few out. Looks awesome.

Watch for bud root aka botrytis. Looks like 2nd bud pic might have a little bit.

That can spread pretty fast so cut it out and bud wash after harvest is what I do.

Got some green thumbs - good job!
I’m having issues with grasshoppers also those green worms the eat the crap out of the poor buds their poop is like lava it kills everything in sight. I’m afraid to spray anything right now because of the flowering stage. I usually spray a homemade Cali cleaner made out of the hottest pepper around.
Looks like most trichomes are cloudy so she should be in the harvest window. Awesome job you definitely have a green thumb . You can do a staggered harvest where you take down piece by piece. Starting with the plant with the least white pistils.
Today is the first night in Cali it will be around 56 at night. Do I wait for a few cold nights so the buds will turn purple
Kiki , Kudos girl .
Thats a beautiful grow.
God luck with those sorry ass neighbors.
You need a very big and mean ass dog.:goodjob::goodluck::welcome:
My neighbors are up at night trying to break my fence one night at 5am. I sleep out on the patio on close watch
yeah that can also work to a degree, it worked with my s10 plus camera. what sort of amber coverage % are you going for, 20%?
not to sure on it I’ll check it again tomorrow I’m just worried I’m getting a lot of activity on my cameras at daytime now Friday and Saturday nights are bad my neighbors party all the time.
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