Need advice on seed source and some strain info - Trainwreck and Sweet Tooth


New Member

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying some primo smoke! :cheer:

Anyone have a good seed source for Trainwreck and Sweet Tooth? If I could order from the same place that would be awesome.

Also, how is the yield for Trainwreck and Sweet Tooth? Are they a good choice for an indoor grow in a 4x4x7 tent?

I got some Trainwreck buds and it's been the perfect high for me. Sweet Tooth is something I smoked a couple times in HS and remember it being really good stuff.

I always appreciate your guys's help!

'Till next time :thanks:
Site Sponsor Bonza Seedbank has what you need and they usually run some killer promos where you get some free seeds based on how much you order.
Trainwreck is the most indica ive ever seen. Not my type but great yield.
The other one i have no experience.
I buy my seeds at always,secure,good collection,fresh seeds and great customer service, only bad point is they no longer accept mastercard payment online(still usable over the phone though)
Good luck :)
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