New grow closet! (Pics)


New Member
Well, after my last to grows I decided to scale down quite a bit!
I converted a shelf in the basement to a closet and got to work.



As you can see I have the whole thing wrapped in mylar, I have a T5 Pioneer 4Jr. and I'm planning on getting more T5's to hang on the wall along with probably some CFLs.
I some how managed to find paneling that matched the 70's paneling in my basement (thank you home depot!:smokin:)
Took my quite a while to make it so the light wouldn't shine through the door!
I discovered a small problem, that is that my exhaust/intake fans makes alittle bit of a rumble while on, then my other fans in the space that also make some noise. Wouldn't really mind if it were not for the fact I have alot of people in this part of the house usually. So I've been trying to figure out a way to sound proof the fans and the door. Any ideas?

Well on to the plants.
I have 4 purps, 5 Mk Ultra's (gorgeous plant)
And sadly only one grapefruit just starting to sprout

I only had one grapefruit seed left and I'm really hoping it's female so I can keep this strain alive! Last time I had it I loved it!

Smelled just like grapefruit.

Then I have 4 skunks and 3 of this shit my buddy gave me he called luke skywalker.

The temp in the room hasn't got over 78 and at night goes to 65, but I will have to fix the humidity because that gets to around 74% at times.

Well thats all there is for now...
I'll post more when the get alittle bigger!
And if anyones got any ideas on sound proofing I would love to hear them!
Hi again m8,i just noticed this
I discovered a small problem, that is that my exhaust/intake fans makes alittle bit of a rumble while on, then my other fans in the space that also make some noise. Wouldn't really mind if it were not for the fact I have alot of people in this part of the house usually. So I've been trying to figure out a way to sound proof the fans and the door. Any ideas?
you could get a silencer for your fans or if you have plent cash change them for acoustic fans :peace:
i hope this helps some m8 and if you need anymore info on this just ask.

As you can see I have the whole thing wrapped in mylar.

Could just be me but it looks like tin foil???
Yeah I was thinking about a fan muffler but those things are expensive,
I've been thinking about just going down to the hardware store picking up some 2x4s and making a different cabinet but I'm not sure yet.
Ha yes thats myar not foil, haven't used foil since I was like 13 haha
Looks good but... that mylar looks nothing like the mylar I ordered, your right it looks like tinfoil. Strange... nice job though!
Yeah, I don't like this mylar as much at the last kind I used, this stuff crinkles easier!
I just put up some new sheets that are less wrinkled, so it doesn't just scatter the light.
Got 5 little guys popped up so far, now I'm just waiting...
God I hate having to be patient!
lol the great mylar debate. good idea to change, as you said the light gets scattered from the wrinkles. :clap:
their is some "foam type insulation" that's like an inch 1/2 thick, that can be attached to the door to insulate it better. I used this once and it helped quiet things down, I used Velcro strips that were a couple feet long to attach in my circumstance. Just a thought.
good luck with the grow
Hi there matey.
When you mentioned the shit your budy gave you (your words,not mine) ie the Luke skywalker it reminded me of a pic i was lookingat the other day and the strain was called Skywalker which is a hybrid product of a mazar female and a Blueberry male,if this is the case it sounds a very nice smoke mate,but then my eyes aint what they used to be due to age :smokin: so maybvee someone else could take a look also.
Thanks for the input guys!:grinjoint:
Yeah I was thinking about a sheet of white styrofoam on the door to maybe quite it down?
And I'm not quite sure on the skywalker. But my buddy has had it for afew rounds and loves it! So I'm imagining it's good.

Appreciate the input
lol that does look like foil maybe it is but he doesnt wanna talk because he knows someone is gonna tell him about using foil but if thats mylar then its a cheap brand or something right?
From my experience you have a good setup to be able to sound proof the area, just attach some insulation to the walls then rehang your Mylar over it.
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