Newbie to growing

Welcome to 420 Magazine @mahsmit

Will you be growing indoors or outdoors?
Tell us a little bit of what your plan is?

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
I will be growing indoors during the winter and outdoors during summer. Indoors I will only be able to grow 1 plant at a time because of my tent size and not too strong LED. Outdoors i will grow up to 5 plants at a time. I grow them for medicinal use because of chronical pains.
The ones I harvested i have already smoked.
Because of bad soil and some big hickups like storm etc, and some cold nights my plants got stressed and with autoflowers that is not good.
I think i got about 60 grams in all from those 4 plants. the 5th one started very late with flowering so i put that one in my tent and the buds nearly exploded.
This one will give a lot more than the other 4 put together
Hello all, I am living in Denmark but originally from Holland.
Am new to growing, have just bought a 2x2x5 tent with a 100 watt led grow light to grow cannabis to treat my chronic pains.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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