Old G's New Auto Grow

Day 13, plants are looking great to me, I think I’m gonna grow autos from now on. I just don’t have the space for photos, growing these is a pleasure. I know I’m gonna hit some rough patches, I’ve read mites love what I’m growing, I think I’m gonna spray the plants a couple times before flower as a precaution. And I think if these grow 2 more feet I’m gonna have a space problem when these are flowering



G!!! They are looking soooo much better!!! Hurray!! Spider mite control can be expensive in sprays...ladybugs are cheap...

G!!! They are looking soooo much better!!! Hurray!! Spider mite control can be expensive in sprays...ladybugs are cheap...

Thank you, they were really weak coming outta the ground. I couldn’t be happier, it’s when I feel like this that something is gonna happen lol. Someone told me to go with the autos and I’m glad I listened. Their getting really bushy and their no more then 7 or 8 inches high
Strain choices for you prolly more sativa next go if you don't want the bush and want a little more lank...but they take up space too...they come in all shapes and sizes...the first two are both blue cheese, 1st one is the smallest auto I've ever had, she is getting harvested tonight. The others are AK-47, Bubblegum, and Blueberry...just because autos are shorter doesn't mean they can't take up just as much space width wise-they have to compensate somehow for being short so they go wide...if I didn't super crop AK, she would be the narrowest of them all and that's cause she is a sativa. The others are hybrids...just an FYI and a point of reference for you moving forward with new grow choices






Strain choices for you prolly more sativa next go if you don't want the bush and want a little more lank...but they take up space too...they come in all shapes and sizes...the first two are both blue cheese, 1st one is the smallest auto I've ever had, she is getting harvested tonight. The others are AK-47, Bubblegum, and Blueberry...just because autos are shorter doesn't mean they can't take up just as much space width wise-they have to compensate somehow for being short so they go wide...if I didn't super crop AK, she would be the narrowest of them all and that's cause she is a sativa. The others are hybrids...just an FYI and a point of reference for you moving forward with new grow choices






Nice looking crops ya got there mam :) but i laughed when I saw the one branch doing the 90° angle....it's like nope I'm my own boss I'ma grow dis way.
Strain choices for you prolly more sativa next go if you don't want the bush and want a little more lank...but they take up space too...they come in all shapes and sizes...the first two are both blue cheese, 1st one is the smallest auto I've ever had, she is getting harvested tonight. The others are AK-47, Bubblegum, and Blueberry...just because autos are shorter doesn't mean they can't take up just as much space width wise-they have to compensate somehow for being short so they go wide...if I didn't super crop AK, she would be the narrowest of them all and that's cause she is a sativa. The others are hybrids...just an FYI and a point of reference for you moving forward with new grow choices






How big are your pots, I had to straighten 3of my plants, I didn’t notice it till I got down and looked, wtf, I guess that’s why people were telling me to use nutes to strengthen the roots
How big are your pots, I had to straighten 3of my plants, I didn’t notice it till I got down and looked, wtf, I guess that’s why people were telling me to use nutes to strengthen the roots
It's ok...you learn buddy.. they are 3 gl w a water reserve...many people here will tell you to use 5gl...I find this is good for my needs, when I want a bigger plant, that's what I have my photos for...
It's ok...you learn buddy.. they are 3 gl w a water reserve...many people here will tell you to use 5gl...I find this is good for my needs, when I want a bigger plant, that's what I have my photos for...
Do you always have plants growing,I was thinking 2weeks before harvest I’d get a few more germinated and keep growing. I find this very therapeutic, I’m retired and we’re headed into winter, it gets cold where I am . Figure I’ll just keep growing to keep my mind busy. I’m actually disabled so I can’t get a part time job to help my finances, I have to have Medicare, my body is like these plants, every time I think things are going good something happens. I had hernia surgery in August that was in my groin, that shit was the worst pain I ever felt in my life. Don’t feel bad for me I was a crazy man pretty much my whole life . Bartended for 25yrs I actually quit drinking 20 years ago when I flipped my year old grand Cherokee and it crumpled like a tin can. I used to down a 1/5 of Cuervo gold before the strip club, life was good. Made a ton of money , would anyone be surprised I growing weed in my closet, highly doubtful. The worst part of being old has nothing to do with the old injuries , aches and pains, nada, it’s the drop dead gorgeous 25yr old female that walks past you like your invisible, ouch that hurts lmao
Day 14, plants are looking good. I’m giving lite nutes twice a week, their starting to need water more often now



They grow up so quick.. just the other day they were a sprout...now they're growing they're hair out and setting out to be the wild child :p they're looking good ol G. I Like the symmetry of the one plant... I know it doesn't mean to much them being symmetrical but I just think it's visually appealing. :)
It's ok...you learn buddy.. they are 3 gl w a water reserve...many people here will tell you to use 5gl...I find this is good for my needs, when I want a bigger plant, that's what I have my photos for...
Hi krissi, so you had mentioned a water reserve. So I have never used a reserve I literally water with a gallon, let it sit and drain to a drip, and then I keep it propped up on bottle caps to allow top and bottom air flow. I do this every two days. Is there a benefit to keeping a reserve? And is there any possible complications that can come from leaving the plant sitting in a shallow pool of water for reserve?
I know, that’s the pot that was soaked. Makes me think I haven’t been watering them enough, I’m using more water and their all growing beautifuly, the plant next to it is just as symmetrical I can’t move the lite over anymore to get a good picture. You get attached to these plants, I love this
I know, that’s the pot that was soaked. Makes me think I haven’t been watering them enough, I’m using more water and their all growing beautifuly, the plant next to it is just as symmetrical I can’t move the lite over anymore to get a good picture. You get attached to these plants, I love this
Agreed I'm definitely attached to mine... But yea I'm not sure how much to water or how little.... to little they wilt to much I risk drowning or fungus gnats.. it's a learning curve for sure. So I know your cheering for all of them, but do you have one out of the bunch your really hoping takes off?
Agreed I'm definitely attached to mine... But yea I'm not sure how much to water or how little.... to little they wilt to much I risk drowning or fungus gnats.. it's a learning curve for sure. So I know your cheering for all of them, but do you have one out of the bunch your really hoping takes off?
I hope they all do, they each seem to have their own characteristics, if I get one plant to produce as much as Krissies smallest he’s ever grown I’ll be thrilled and consider . my grow a success . I know I made a lot of mistakes with my first grow, I didn’t have enough lite, I’m trying to figure out how to do the LST without breaking branches.
I do single plants in the 3 Gallon Material pots and seems to work out fine. :cool:
I am sure they do, 3 gal fabric give about the same root system as a 7 gal plastic.
And 3 to 5 gal is totally fine for coco.
Little tight for soil, but its bottled nutrients only.
And you have no buffer for mistakes so shit could go south quick.
All depends on your grow space and what yield and quality you're looking for.
I have a small space (2x5) but high ceiling of 9' so two 25 gallon fabric pots work perfect for the yield (over a pound) and highest quality organic that I am looking for.
And all very easy with a large buffer, don't have to do anything but keep the soil moist and watch it grow.
I am too old and lazy to do any other way.
Do you always have plants growing,I was thinking 2weeks before harvest I’d get a few more germinated and keep growing. I find this very therapeutic, I’m retired and we’re headed into winter, it gets cold where I am . Figure I’ll just keep growing to keep my mind busy. I’m actually disabled so I can’t get a part time job to help my finances, I have to have Medicare, my body is like these plants, every time I think things are going good something happens. I had hernia surgery in August that was in my groin, that shit was the worst pain I ever felt in my life. Don’t feel bad for me I was a crazy man pretty much my whole life . Bartended for 25yrs I actually quit drinking 20 years ago when I flipped my year old grand Cherokee and it crumpled like a tin can. I used to down a 1/5 of Cuervo gold before the strip club, life was good. Made a ton of money , would anyone be surprised I growing weed in my closet, highly doubtful. The worst part of being old has nothing to do with the old injuries , aches and pains, nada, it’s the drop dead gorgeous 25yr old female that walks past you like your invisible, ouch that hurts lmao
You know G, that story just made you all the more real!!! None of our pasts are uncheckered at least I know mine sure as hell hasn't been! I've had ups and downs, I made lots of money, blew lots of money, dabbled in the wrong drugs, drank too much and ate too little, worked restaurants for years! Serving, bartending, kitchen, before I was general manager. It was my whole life and that life makes you crazy and do crazier things lol makes you want those 25 year olds more than you think you do lol

I do always have stuff going. I have two tents a flower and a veg...I have 7 plants in my veg right now...I harvested one in flower yesterday so that leaves me with 5 in there...

I have to have back to back. I don't work anymore either, I stay at home w my son. Medical marijuana is expensive and not as good. Plus, I love to grow. The man said I could start up so this past June, there I went...off to the races...
Hi krissi, so you had mentioned a water reserve. So I have never used a reserve I literally water with a gallon, let it sit and drain to a drip, and then I keep it propped up on bottle caps to allow top and bottom air flow. I do this every two days. Is there a benefit to keeping a reserve? And is there any possible complications that can come from leaving the plant sitting in a shallow pool of water for reserve?
The reserve is low under the soil line...

I use these because it makes it hard to both over and under water. Only thing I have had to do, twice now, is drain the reserve when I had a plant who wasn't uptaking nutrients well and had excess in her reserve so I wanted to clear that out for her so she didn't get nutrient killed when she reached for some more....


Hi krissi, so you had mentioned a water reserve. So I have never used a reserve I literally water with a gallon, let it sit and drain to a drip, and then I keep it propped up on bottle caps to allow top and bottom air flow. I do this every two days. Is there a benefit to keeping a reserve? And is there any possible complications that can come from leaving the plant sitting in a shallow pool of water for reserve?
I'm so sorry. I forgot to say hi!!! :ciao: @HappyHazmat88!!!
I know, that’s the pot that was soaked. Makes me think I haven’t been watering them enough, I’m using more water and their all growing beautifuly, the plant next to it is just as symmetrical I can’t move the lite over anymore to get a good picture. You get attached to these plants, I love this
you do...I love my girls. It hurts when I don't do them right

I hope they all do, they each seem to have their own characteristics, if I get one plant to produce as much as Krissies smallest he’s ever grown I’ll be thrilled and consider . my grow a success . I know I made a lot of mistakes with my first grow, I didn’t have enough lite, I’m trying to figure out how to do the LST without breaking branches.
I just harvested her last night, that little girl...everyone makes soooo many mistakes first second third 50th grow! I still have some!! I'm only on my 5th grow cycle now, but I just got new LED lights in my veg tent, for example, and I previously ran with 6-60W...I damn near burned their first leaves off,they were pointing down away from the light cause I had the dimmer set too high. I learn. You learn. We all help each other here.
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