Our Ongoing Grows

Naw I'm looking for the 24 carat on the buddage... Got to say it's looking like good herbs... Even if the yield isn't shit. It does show that polyploid showing on acouple flowers. But like said,,, time will tell.. And I do have another vegging outside...

Hopefully, she'll work and then I'll have 2 strains to work with instead of just the Puppies......... But for now,,, I'll keep one of my baby puppies momma around.........

Naw I don't worry about the kids with my plants. They are like 11 or so. And they all been around here since birth,,, even helping water with me........ I get worried they will break branches with a ball or whatever toy they get playing with... But they are careful around them...
Sad most of our skate crew got hooked on heroin.... Dog town huh?
Yea I skated with Dog-Town back in the early-mid 70's... Still have one of the first Dogtown boards we use to make. Tony A, Jay A, Joey C, we use to skate the Dog Bowl. I wasn't near as good as these FOOLS..... But was hella fun.

Local Tower #22 on Santa Monica Beach. I even use to have an old step van/Fritos truck converted to a camper,, parked down on Bay Street parking lot. Getting stoned on fry and dummy dust...
BTW that shit bit me in the ass too for 15 years...........
Opps wrong thread,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OH well as if I care......................
Heroin is a MFer...................... Was one of the hardest things I've dealt with over the years......................
Heroin is a MFer...................... Was one of the hardest things I've dealt with over the years......................
I never did any of that stuff did other things but I stayed away from that I have friend that partied back then with me he got into that stuff deep hes living in some shack in the hills somewhere haven't seen him in 15 yrs :(
If he's still alive................. But have to say,, it preserved the Rolling Stones.........
Keith Richards is one old junky ass MFer... Have to say, you don't see ALOT of old Tweakers,,,,,,,, but you do see alot of older 'Dope' fiends.........
I got bit from that shit when no doctors wood help me with pain... Seeing I rode a scooter and wore riding leathers....

So I helped myself.... shit works great for pain. True story,,,,,, once I have a failed hip replacement, and it popped outta socket. That's happened 15-20 times over the years. I'd do some,,,, and get so relaxed it wood just pop out when I twisted.

But mine popped outta socket and I called my connection,, he delivered. And he did for damn near a week before he told me he woodn'd help me any more till I got my hip popped back in the socket.

Well that was years back. And I'm preserved alittle...........
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