Our Ongoing Grows

Had to take Miss J to the hospital tonght... sounds like she'll be fine I 'hoping.. I can't get in to see her for up to 24 hours.. Till they run a covid test on her... wtf? hospital rules. Not that she has the shit but..

She was confused pretty bad when I got her outta bed this afternoon. She hasn't been up to snuff the last couple days and couldn't explain why.. But I made her get up and 'vist' abit. Miss J is always on the go, sharp as a tack. well, and she was acting really confused and just wanted to go back to bed. I was worried she might have had a stoke. She's already had a really bad aneurism like 20 years back that killed her once. So it scared me abit.

They found out she has a UTI. so she's on some IV shit and should turn around pretty fast. Weird that shit messes with your cognitive abilities..

Well I'm going to call the nurses station and see if she's up for calls yet........

Keepem Green
Had to take Miss J to the hospital tonght... sounds like she'll be fine I 'hoping.. I can't get in to see her for up to 24 hours.. Till they run a covid test on her... wtf? hospital rules. Not that she has the shit but..

She was confused pretty bad when I got her outta bed this afternoon. She hasn't been up to snuff the last couple days and couldn't explain why.. But I made her get up and 'vist' abit. Miss J is always on the go, sharp as a tack. well, and she was acting really confused and just wanted to go back to bed. I was worried she might have had a stoke. She's already had a really bad aneurism like 20 years back that killed her once. So it scared me abit.

They found out she has a UTI. so she's on some IV shit and should turn around pretty fast. Weird that shit messes with your cognitive abilities..

Well I'm going to call the nurses station and see if she's up for calls yet........

Keepem Green
Had to take Miss J to the hospital tonght... sounds like she'll be fine I 'hoping.. I can't get in to see her for up to 24 hours.. Till they run a covid test on her... wtf? hospital rules. Not that she has the shit but..

She was confused pretty bad when I got her outta bed this afternoon. She hasn't been up to snuff the last couple days and couldn't explain why.. But I made her get up and 'vist' abit. Miss J is always on the go, sharp as a tack. well, and she was acting really confused and just wanted to go back to bed. I was worried she might have had a stoke. She's already had a really bad aneurism like 20 years back that killed her once. So it scared me abit.

They found out she has a UTI. so she's on some IV shit and should turn around pretty fast. Weird that shit messes with your cognitive abilities..

Well I'm going to call the nurses station and see if she's up for calls yet........

Keepem Green
I hope she has a speedy recovery.
My other half had one some time ago and it scared me a bit.
They seem to really mess with the mind as we get older. She's in good hands im sure.
Take care Woody, a friend said some years ago now, that old age ain't for whimps.
Top of the bud to you star
man it's early... but I'm waiting on Miss J to see her doc and they already have her discharge papers signed and waiting. She called and said she needed a smoke so I know she's ready.. Well she's been ready all night.... So we're just waiting on the doc to make his rounds........ And I'll go pick her up.

Keepem Green [><]
What’s shakin Wood!?
been a while huh. Like 5 years?
Hope miss J is going to be ok.
I’ll be back later to catch up..
yea I'm glad to see there was no residual effects... She's got a plant to trim........... Thanks ya'll... It did scare me....

Hey fast vid,,, well worth looking at.. Even with the color,,,,,,,, excellent pictures.........

hey while I geeking on some videos for pictures,,,, here's one I found really of intrest ….. about a minute and a half in,,, I know I have these suckers more than once on outdoor shit.. They never really hurt anything,,, but annoy me. Some great photography. Now I'll watch the secong half.

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