Our Ongoing Grows

Hey Norcaliwood! I'm finally back...good to be back on, and so much going on of course. Thanks for the lecture on outdoor growing. Its only my 3rd summer, but I should know better. Its difficult not to get antsy when the flower looks so delicious. However, to my defense, my meds were low. Della Haze, Purp Tr Wreck, and Sugar Plum all finishing in the tent. Della gets harvested on the 30th, and the other two on Oct 3 when I get back from SD Cal. Now, for what I'm calling ENIGMA III, (the one you thought was Church), That is 6 1/2 ft tall and is staying out until either of the above dates for harvest, not sure yet. My mouth is watering looking at the DH. I wish I had the proper camera to post worthy pics. Something I am working on. Oh yeah, have found a few of the wormies in the DH. It is pretty easy to tell where they are, or where they've been. Nothing too out of the ordinary. They seemed to have stayed away from the PTW and Sugar Plum. I'm inspecting 2-3 times daily. I don't want to lose any of that DH if I can help it. Signing off for now. Give my love to Miss J. Talk at ya lata
Hey Shemp bout time you found your on switch. Life as usual.
Weather don't know what it's going to do out there. But happily it's not choosing to rain. My poor Sugar Plum. First the weather rips her in damn near half, that injury might have led to the second problem;

Rott reared her ugly head on acouple the main colas. I've been clipping it and cutting out the bad section. Then I'm spraying the cut end and misting around the area with that Actinavate ?
Rain this morning so Miss J had finished cutting the Sugar Plum. Least the main colas anyways. I have afew pic's to throw up. They all explain themselves. So I'm just going to fire them up;






Here's a sample bud I cut from Zippy in my inside grow;


Well I'm going to post this before I put it off another day. Who knows, I have that dark ass purple, damn near black. If she continues looking like she does, I might even think of putting her in a contest. I really think she's going to be a great looking plant. One of the prettiest I've seen in along time.
I hope everyone's doing great out there. I want to thank all for looking in. I hope all the gardens are doing great and Keepem Green
Good looking plants. Sorry about the mold, but I can see that top colas are ready so just start pulling them, and you'll taste the fruits of your labour. I'm starting chop on Monday, my indicas are ready, and the weather is perfect. Maybe you could try with this Dela Haze outdoor next season. Who knows, maybe it's gonna hit the spot. Keep it green.
Thanks all for looking in. I will update soon. Just wanted to say today was the first day rec usage of marijuana in open for business here in Oregon. Pretty sure the medical stores are the one carrying the recreational herbs for now. And legal for all to grow 4 plants.
Keepem Green Everyone
I've been wondering Woody, when states say like 4 plants do they mean 4 adult plants so you can grow perpetually having seedlings and clones also or does one have to harvest the 4 before starting anything else?
I've been wondering Woody, when states say like 4 plants do they mean 4 adult plants so you can grow perpetually having seedlings and clones also or does one have to harvest the 4 before starting anything else?
What BAR asked....and who came up with 4? In AZ before the dispensaries opened (25 mile radius=no self-cultivation) we could grow 12, but it was vaguely written also. Just legalize and be done with rules and regulations...enough is too much:cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm not sure about all the what's yet. But it's 4 plants per household I think. Guess I need to have alittle more info before I spout out a lot. I don't get out a lot myself.
Oregon Legalized Marijuana Initiative, Measure 91 (2014) - Ballotpedia

But regardless I'm going to buy me a joint of 'Legal' weed pretty soon.
I want to say hello to everyone who looks in. We, well Miss J has been busy. Work your fingers to the bone and what do ya get?
We have had a great fall here really and for a change. Rain is coming. Tomorrow it's called for. So the few plants I have that really never should've been planted outdoors here are still budding. I could fit one in my flower room if needed and problay will. Plant called
5th Element'. She started way late. Least later than most the others. And the Jack Herer. She's not really suited for Portland area. But she's too big to come in. She's about 8' tall and same in width. Man I have to say this,,,,,,,,,,,,, these auto's are monsters. Least some. I got one that vegged like 3 1/2 weeks. Which is what I'm looking for. What could be bad about a auto vegging a extra week to increase the yield X4. This is a 'smaller' auto I have. I've got 2 that are larger. She's about 3' tall.

and her younger sister;

Thanks all for looking in and I want to apologize for not keeping up, even on my own grows. Things here are kind of hopping. Least the jars are filling up. Miss J's trimmed a lot of herb over the last couple days. Love that gal. I don't have the patience to trim much except the 'colas'. She seems to enjoy it. And I know it's got to be nice not to have to hurry.' Like all you peep's with that 'Great Weather.' Damn I forgot what it was like not to have to race the rains and have the 1st week of Oct. with sun. Trim one or two a day.
I do have a lot of pic's and I'm going to just post them. They all explain well enough;
And I do want CHH to see what my Dela Haze is looking like. Well she yielded 3 1/2 oz's of sweet tasting herb, off a short plant that needed lots of support in the tie department. But man she smells to all heavens and has great bag appeal. A sticky product with a solid stone. Mine has finer sativa looking leaves compared to my memory of yours. But they do change up flowering. Dela Haze;

Well before I never post and it gets to be old news. And besides I done went thru all the trouble of loading them anyways.

Best time of the year;






here's my Jack Herer I think. Pic is two/three days old?

This is GOOD herbs. Some of the tastiest, stickiest, of the Sungrown' in a while. The ywo plants yield about 1 1/2 LB's. Liberty Haze AKA Zippy as Miss J calls her.

Here's a beauty in anyones book. I'd love to have this for a entry hedge to our house. Least till some kid, hell someone stold it. She's sitting under my back porch as I type. No problems yet and she's loaded with like 4-5 gram dried nuggets.


and one last;

Ok well, I just started acouple more auto's, and a fem strain called Dark Star. Also put one called Space into flower.
Well,,,, I'm getting a dubie and a pain pill and heading for the bed. I hope everyone gardens are doing great. And my that nasty grey mold stay away.
BTW Alaska said to say hello. He's got sticky trimming finger tonight. I think he found a fun way to grow. Outdoors. He got acouple biggens he's trimming tonight. One is a Sugar Plum. And I know what she's like. Just my two cents. I lost half of my Sugar Plum to a storm, and she developed bud rott on effected branches that suffered wounds.
Ok I'm outta here. Once more, thanks everyone and Keepem Green
Beautiful! I sure wish my garden looked like this :cheesygrinsmiley:
HEY ALASKA!! Thanks Wood for getting ahold of him!
When it comes to being an "Outlaw", I have always enjoyed being one when it comes to Cannabis. I jumped on the train when it ran through my state when we could grow if there wasn't a pharmacy within a 25 mile radius and had a card labled "authorized to cultivate". THAT was EASY since NO PHARMACY had opened after the law went into effect and didn't for nearly two years ANYWHERE in the state. About that time is when I discovered 420 magazine :cheesygrinsmiley: And the rest is history...
Beautiful! I sure wish my garden looked like this :cheesygrinsmiley:


Woody, I have to ask. Are those pretty purple leaves from genetics or weather?
Me a Outlaw.......................... LOL. Guess I been called worse, fact,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ahella a lot worse. Sitting with a glass, kicking Hank Williams Jr..... blasting, and being called a Redneck. Well sometimes that's 100% true...... But I do love country, especially this one, the USA'. And Country and Western'.
Well we got cold weather in the air. Nights are chilly. Like 40 degrees. Makes for pretty colors for sure. That's if the plant is genetically predisposed to do that. And some of these girls are. Hey,,,,, thanks friends............... I will catch up soon.............. But till then,, I'll stay stuck on stupid............ Must bee the weed right?????????????????????????????? Keepem Green
Besides,,,, I rocking to Deep Purple Highwaystar............................. Can't beat that and Green................
And iffan that ain't country............................................. I'll kiss your ass........................... Keepem Green
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