Our Veggie Gardens!

Sweetsue, it's all based on prep work. All that horse pooh in the hole, plus all 11 mj girls I grew last year in five gallon buckets, thst used soil is the hole, yes it's last year's miracle grow,, but it all helps. I'm not eating this, I'll give it steroids ;)
You guys need to place some wagers. I think your prep may give you the upper hand petergreen. By next year the competition will ramp up.
The only spot in my garden not covered by a foot of rock hard snow,, is that pumpkin area. Actually, if you look close that mound of dirt on top is the root mass from my last mj plant,, the branches or stalk is to the left at 9pm looking at the soil mass,,,,

Bottom line is that soil right there is hottttt
This is going to be fun to watch. Great thread!
I do have an unfair advantage. You are correct, the work on this one started last year... but, Dutty has skills. So, I wouldn't count him out..... ;)
Chicken nuggets!

Ya right, she likes chicken shit too much, she'll keep em.
Exciting! Soil building.:woohoo:
I love marigolds in a vegetable garden.

They kept my tomato plants free of crawling pests with no work except planting, picking and dead heading.
(Do slugs and snails crawl?)

They progress. :rofl:
Jesus it's taking my phone forever to upload these pictures

I'm getting two ducks for the garden. They will be my slug bouncers. No slugs will be allowed in my garden. I hope.
Ok so here's the work I did yesterday. Got a few more days work. Hanging baskets, setting up water, fans, more cleaning.

Then on to the tilling of 1800sq ft plus

Going back to bed got 6 hrs of mmj gardening to do today and the rest of the day building new coop for chickens only had one hen solo so added princess lay a egg and others. So now have 6 need to put back into old chicken area and let co habitate with goats till I move goats down by the slough to eat blackberries all summer.
heya dutty and fellow and fellowette gardners,, sorry for the pic trik,, got it now i think,, no,, i no,, just need to remember,,, 'off topic,, off topic,,'

you are a hard worker dutty,, good thing you have some help,, i guess you don't plan on eating all that food yourself,, a market garden then?? might see me and the missus there one day this summer,, would be a fabulous weekend drive for us



y indeed.

not sure what tree pics you refered to, but,, i have

my garden guards guarding my garden


i have a lotto garden and a lotto garden pics,, share some more later,, get back to work dutty,, smoke break over,, cheers for now
I'm using the big max strain

I think I did big max last year, I'll check. The problem with pumpkins is the predators. I'll spend more time an effort keeping them away. This is where my compound bow comes in handy....
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