Supergroomer's Indoor/Outdoor Veggie Garden

So the wife and I have had a busy weekend. All the plants have been transplanted and the ones for outside have been moved to the garden (in pots). We also fenced in the garden. Here are some pics. I have 5 tomatoes 1 pepper in the High Brix. I can't wait to compare them to the ones raised in regular soil. :peace:


So happy to see you get them outside SG! It was/is a spectacular weekend. I have a veggie garden area all ready. Spent all day on it, and I've got squash, cucumbers, and zucchini planned for planting tomorrrow.

Another area for sweet corn. Yummo!

Love your garden and nice fencing too. I'll be hanging around watching the soil comparison for sure.

Do you double dig your carrot beds? My grandparents' garden was an organic wonderland and you could reach over, grab a carrot top, give it a pull and a wiggle and it would slip right out of the dirt like magic.
Do you double dig your carrot beds? My grandparents' garden was an organic wonderland and you could reach over, grab a carrot top, give it a pull and a wiggle and it would slip right out of the dirt like magic.

The beds were well turned over. We did it a few times over the last several weeks. Hopefully they were dug enough.:peace:
The beds were well turned over. We did it a few times over the last several weeks. Hopefully they were dug enough.:peace:

As a kid growing up this was my job. Turn the soil over. If I recall once at the end of the year, then again at the beginning of the year. It was a chore i would bitch about, but gaaawwwddd I love fresh carrots. Our tomatoes were always best on the block. And did you say snow peas? I love snow peas.

In October my dad would take the whole tomato plant roots and all and hang it upside down in the garage for a couple of weeks to get the last of the Toms. When I was old enough to have my say I left the early girls and any cherry or plum toms in the ground and turned them over into the ground. This worked well. Sometimes the cherry and/or plums would seed the ground and come back in the spring. I would still hang the big boy toms for a late season harvest.
Damn I miss my feckin outdoor garden. ::sad-mad-face::

I am lovin your veggie garden Rock On!
That sounds like a great childhood! I miss my outdoor garden as well. Living in CA I had one almost all year long. Living in CO, in the mountains, there is no way to have an outdoor garden. :-(

How is your beautiful garden looking today supergroomer?
Are you growing sugar snap peas? They were my favorite. I even grew them one year on the balcony, but with Dale's health slipping I couldn't keep up with container watering and it was before I knew of self-whicking planters.
Are you growing sugar snap peas? They were my favorite. I even grew them one year on the balcony, but with Dale's health slipping I couldn't keep up with container watering and it was before I knew of self-whicking planters.

Yup. I have 2 rows of them on either side of one of the fences!!! BTW Sue, check your email. :) :peace:
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