Outdoor to indoor?


Well-Known Member
Hey all, looking for some input before I waste valuable beans with harebrained ideas:
Has anyone started a grow potted outdoors then moved to indoor? Does the drop in light intensity have lasting negative impacts, or does the time spent in natural light provide a headstart? Thanks everyone, I value your input as always.
I did the same thing.

I was living in south florida at the time so I could have a year-round grow. I'd plant a seed in a 5-gal. pot outside and let it veg until I felt like switching it over, then I'd leave it outdoors from 8am to 8pm and bring it indoors. The plants would grow to over 6 feet and after a while it was a real PITA bringing them in but they grew and flowered perfectly well, and I didn't see any bad effects at all.
No, they kept to themselves pretty much and my back yard was surrounded by a privacy fence.

I did have a few exciting moments when the citrus inspectors were coming over wanting to get into my back yard during the citrus blight. I'd have to tell them I was bringing the dogs inside, then bust my a** getting the plants in before I could let the inspectors out back, and I'm sure they saw the tops of a plant or two jiggling past them over the top of the fence but they never said anything.

They wound up cutting down our Key Lime tree that we brought back from Key West. No more Key Lime pies, sooo sad!:wood:
your biggest concern bringing outdoor plants inside, are pests and diseases,i take cuttings just before the end of summer,bring them in and they do fine.(except for the odd thrip)maybe a better quarantine :)
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