Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

Lavender x P75 Harvest

Harvested at day 66of 12/12! She’s a hefty little girl! Haha





Honey Cream




Here’s what the veg tent looked like and roughly what temps/rh I’m getting down at pot level.


That’s it that’s all folks!! Thanks for stopping by once again! Any helpful tips/thoughts always appreciated!

Especially on that honey cream reveg, I’m a little stumped on how to proceed with her at this point other than let her grow out of it... thoughts??

Especially on that honey cream reveg, I’m a little stumped on how to proceed with her at this point other than let her grow out of it... thoughts??
Most growers harvest first then reveg the lower part of the plant. Did you just decide to abort the harvest part?
Most growers harvest first then reveg the lower part of the plant. Did you just decide to abort the harvest part?

Ok so the story with the honey cream is that she’s a rescue lol. Wife’s friends boyfriend was growing and had some landlord/roommate issues and it started flowering from the constant mix up in her lighting schedule. She was also very deficient and not all the healthy when I first got her. She’s darkened up and is looking much healthier... So im just trying to figure out a plan for her to make it into the flower tent.... do I wait till the new growth looks proper instead of 3 finger leaves?... or is she a bit too screwed up right now hormone wise for flowering??

Thanks for coming by Jim!
My last grow got all furked up like that. Mine had to be stashed in the woods for a few weeks and went into flower a bit early. I tried to reveg and begin flowering again. Well...I got them to finish but yield obviously suffered.

If she's responding to the veg nutes and is producing new growth you might just keep vegging a while if you're working on training or trimming. On the other hand, if you're satisfied that she's full enough with new tops you can just move her into your blooming area if space permits.

It's just one of those tough calls to make. I always heard "If you don't know what to do, do nothing." Not sure that's the advice you're looking for. She looks sexually mature to me with the preflowers and may do just fine if placed in a flowering light schedule. From a potency standpoint, mine turned out ok. Good luck with her. :)
Hey sorry for the late reply again... unwatching and watching again. :)

Figured I should get this out of the way (cause I thought I responded 3 days ago)!

The smoke from both so far is good... definitely a lot of room for improvement in terms of bud density.... but overall I am not complaining, both give me a buzz and I have a very high tolerance lol

the lavenderxp75 has a very distinct smell to it, every time I open the jar the wife knows it’s my stuff.... can’t put my finger on the smell but definitely fruity-esque

Killer Queen is sour citrus funk x 100... can smell it and taste it upon exhale... it’s very nice... I actually rolled up a massive canon one day last week, puffed the whole thing down in a few minutes cause I was at work.... went back in to work and was working away... and then it hit me, I haven’t been good and ripped like that for a long time... I actually stopped using the crane cause I thought I’d better wait a little bit till this settles down... didn’t last long, but I think with better lighting and a longer harvest window this stuff is gonna be killer! Pun intended and I hope my clones friggin root lol

Andddd Ms Honey Cream.... she got a pruning and stuck in the veg closet under the T5 on 18/6... looking pretty good if you ask me! Before and after shots..... and more updates coming later on!

Your smoke report sounds exiting :)

Ms Honey Cream looks like she loves your hands. Nice set of seeds you seem to have gotten hold of always exiting with background info on strains. I need to get more info on CBD hybrids.

Bloom tent looks amazing! Nice idea of hanger support for the long stalks. I'm set on trying to get mine to stay as low as possible lots of light burns still... lowered mine a few inches again.

Vegging looks well also. Sprouting those new seeds soon?

Hope you get an awesome weekend my friend. I just managed to get some boards home today, they still lie in the car but now I have enough to cover up my wall with ducting holes... praying for the neck to stay in shape.

Grand tour of the garden brother. Buds looking tight man well done.
Got my windows in and greenhouse up. It small only a whopping 80 sqft but I have only spent $10 on it so far.used the old windows. Got lucky with some left over poly Rpanel or that would of cost like 100 so lucky lucky.
My last grow got all furked up like that. Mine had to be stashed in the woods for a few weeks and went into flower a bit early. I tried to reveg and begin flowering again. Well...I got them to finish but yield obviously suffered.

If she's responding to the veg nutes and is producing new growth you might just keep vegging a while if you're working on training or trimming. On the other hand, if you're satisfied that she's full enough with new tops you can just move her into your blooming area if space permits.

It's just one of those tough calls to make. I always heard "If you don't know what to do, do nothing." Not sure that's the advice you're looking for. She looks sexually mature to me with the preflowers and may do just fine if placed in a flowering light schedule. From a potency standpoint, mine turned out ok. Good luck with her. :)

Thanks for the advice Jim! I’m in the “do nothing” camp for the time being.... since I’m technically growing her for a friend I wanna make sure she gets the limelight right under my light... so until I take down the killer Queen in another week, two at most... honey cream is going to just keep tooting along!

Hey sorry for the late reply again... unwatching and watching again. :)

Your smoke report sounds exiting :)

Ms Honey Cream looks like she loves your hands. Nice set of seeds you seem to have gotten hold of always exiting with background info on strains. I need to get more info on CBD hybrids.

Bloom tent looks amazing! Nice idea of hanger support for the long stalks. I'm set on trying to get mine to stay as low as possible lots of light burns still... lowered mine a few inches again.

Vegging looks well also. Sprouting those new seeds soon?

Hope you get an awesome weekend my friend. I just managed to get some boards home today, they still lie in the car but now I have enough to cover up my wall with ducting holes... praying for the neck to stay in shape.


Your new setup has been looking sweet crazy! I gotta be more inventive like you! Haha gonna have to setup some carbon filter/fan action soon... Wife’s been making stinky comments lol... full moon is March 20... so beans will be hitting the water on the 18... planted on the 19... gonna go with Munson first...

I have actually just finished sexxing the Rosetta stones, my hunch was correct, boy and a girl... if I had more space I’d think about making some of my own seeds just to have a nice collection... but I’m not at that stage yet!

Thanks for stopping by crazy! :high-five:

Grand tour of the garden brother. Buds looking tight man well done.
Got my windows in and greenhouse up. It small only a whopping 80 sqft but I have only spent $10 on it so far.used the old windows. Got lucky with some left over poly Rpanel or that would of cost like 100 so lucky lucky.

Thanks for stopping by brother!! Getting there one plant at a time! Haha learning steps every step of the way!

$10 greenhouse sounds pretty killer to me! Can produce some nice veggies all year round for the family!.... repurposing is the best!

Popping in to admire your plants and take some notes on perpetual grow, gals look beautiful. Good work Pjs!

Thanks for the compliment and stopping in Fonz! I can be rather sporadic with updates cause... well life.. lol... it was slow to start but the perpetual is in full swing now and I hope it will only get better!

Updates to come sometime tonight or tomorrow... busy day at work... yippee!

Have a great day all!
Your new setup has been looking sweet crazy! I gotta be more inventive like you! Haha gonna have to setup some carbon filter/fan action soon... Wife’s been making stinky comments lol... full moon is March 20... so beans will be hitting the water on the 18... planted on the 19... gonna go with Munson first...

Yeah so far reality lives up to my dreams about that but hope everything left goes as smooth as I imagine.

A scrubber is never wrong. My X was bitching me about smell nonetheless.....

Thanks for stopping by crazy! :high-five:

Always fun to see what you are up to Pj!


Veg Update

Purple Kush


Rosetta Stone

Polyploid here?? In catchup mode. Looking like it to me.

I call Keeper - take cuts.

There's an extra leaf, that means extra Chlorophyll that turns into ... dank nugs.

Pretty sure. 420% on that! :passitleft:lol

Now see that is something I can appreciate. I have wondered why more breeders don't put this information in the packaging or on their websites.

This ^^^

Exactly what I try and figure out when growing a new strain. It's sorta like a crap shoot without that info/guidance.

Love it when I see a breeder raising the bar. Fvck yeah. Thanks for posting that. :surf:

It's a bit rare to see that much detail. I think the breeder knows how much he's helping us

SnowHigh does that too. Sign of a grower sharing the goodness. :Namaste:

For Snow's gear we have to find his posting descriptions of his grows.

It's all there.

Maybe a new bold trend?
Well I apologize for the lack of updates! Life has gotten the better of me the last week and a half... drama and bullshit... never seems to end! You can’t fix stupid! And with things finally thawing out my workload has tripled... cleaning up the farm and such.. always a blast.... not...

Anyways please bear with me and I will get all the updates and photos posted!

With regards to the breeder chat, he has definitely upped the game and the seeds are strong... I missed the full moon :rolleyes:.... and got the seeds planted Thursday... I was in a rush, didn’t soak them for more than 12hrs....thought I had buried them too deep and then let them dry out too much cause I left home at 230am Monday and didn’t get home till after midnight(friend got called up to the NHL so went to see him play while he was in town)... so I watered them down again hoping for the best... Tuesday night I was impatient (I know I know, damn noob lol) and dug around one cup to find the seed with a 1/4” tail.... and now all 3 are poking their heads out of the soil :cheesygrinsmiley::thumb:

I need to win the lotto... need to upgrade my grow gear and purchase all his seeds lol there are some new releases coming out in April apparently.... PINEBOMB which is Durban poison x Screaming Eagle (Airborne g13 x (88’ g13 Hash Plant x Kandahar Afghani)).... sounds freaking delicious!

Anyways, without further ado, here come the updates! Have a puff and enjoy!
Killer Queen - Harvested March 23/2019

Chopped on day 61, I was getting tired of the floppy mess taking up my entire tent.... I want to keep things moving along.... so down she came, mostly cloudy from what I could see.

Decided to try chopping and hanging everything whole..room sits roughly 60f and 60rh, give or take a little.. once the stems are snapping I’ll box em up in a dark sealed container for a week.... and then do the final trim and jar... looking like a good amount from her... or atleast my best yet hahaha still have lots to learn!!

Her clone did not survive, so this will be the last of her for a little while. Many more seeds though to try again in the future!

Enjoy my horrendous picture taking LOL







Rosetta Stone

As I thought, had one male and one female.... he got culled and she’s still around... she got very leggy just cause I had the T5 so high above her instead of only a few inches.... live and learn... so I decided to top her and try to clone her.... so far it hasn’t been overly successful lol I think 1 of 4 may survive... but that’s a big maybe... probably my fault again... but that’s why I take WAY more than I need, try to pick the best ones and cross my fingers and hope for the best!

This girl is gonna veg into a nice big plant... I’m going to plan to put her in the 10gal pot when the honey cream is finished in 60-70 days.

Before topping

After topping

Clones with Dominion Seed Co - Munson seeds in the other 3.... only the one closest to the bottom of picture is currently surviving.
Flower Tent Update

So March 24 is going to be the first day of 12/12 for this round of ladies. Two of my Lavender75 clones and the one and only Honey Cream.

I left the lavender75’s in their current pots... they don’t drink a lot and don’t stretch a lot and never seem to like transplanting... so figured I’d give it a go with this methodology and see how they produce... if one little plant gave me 6g then hopefully each top will bring me a good harvest! Only time will tell!

The damaged leaves are just from wind lashing I am pretty sure... snipped a couple of the big ones off and haven’t seen any continued signs of issues.

The honey Cream was dropped into the 10gal the KQ just came out of and it has grown probably 3-5inches in the last 4 days and throwing out pistils like crazy.... Lavender75 both started showing their lady bits last night, 3days from flip



Honey Cream

Full tent
Top Bottom