Plant needs urgent help please read!

you know people always are saying ffof is too hot for seedlings
ill agree it may not be the best soil to use but
ive had seedlings in ffof with no problems
I just had a caramelo go to crap on me in a different soil I hate this auto correct thing I gotta go back and correct the correction
you can drown a seedling pretty easy if the soil is wet all the time
its a bitch when you pay money to buy seeds and this happens
so for me my caramelo went into the trash this morning looked like crap didn't improve on
the good side it was one of those free seeds
id be pretty upset if it was one of those 30 dollar premium seeds ive actually paid for
theres still a chance yours can recover tho its still green
do you let the soil dry out almost completely before you water?
oh yea that's the other thing somewhat along the lines of what smokerjoe said not all seedling will react the same to the same conditions
also not all seeds will come out as good as they should be
just like people or anything else you get a weak one here and there or one that isn't viable etc..
oh yea that's the other thing somewhat along the lines of what smokerjoe said not all seedling will react the same to the same conditions
also not all seeds will come out as good as they should be
just like people or anything else you get a weak one here and there or one that isn't viable etc..

Very TRUE. My white Widow hate to much water when seed and seedling. They drown real easy.
I hope your plant makes it.

If this is your 4th grow going bad, maybe look for an easier strain to grow. Other people have said some strains do better than others. If you think this could be possible, do a search on easy strain to grow. Currently, I have 3 Heavyweight fast and vast (had 4 but1 died) and a cream of the crop, cash crop growing. It seems to me that the Heavyweight is not as forgiving as other strains that I have grown. This is not a knock on the plants, I made a mistake and did not start this auto in its final pot. As I learned the hard way that auto's do not like to be transplanted. The cash crop did just fine but the heavyweight went into shock, big time. The 3 plants are 3 different sizes and I am not positive if the smallest one will make it.
It's amazing to me how many growing problems that I see on here that really boil down to a learning curve based upon yor powers of observation. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is imperative and I don't care what crop we are talking about that you are an observant cultivator and custodian of your crop. Learn the stages of development of whatever the crop is. Truly strive to make daily observation about what stages of growth that your plant is in. I see more unnecessary mistakes on the part of new , as well as, experienced growers based almost solely on not knowing about what stage of life your plant is in. Over feeding and over watering in the seedling stage, under pruning in the early juvenile stage, over watering in the vegetative stage and over feeding in the senescence period.These aren't all just the most common.All of these not only can be detrimental to your harvest but expensive for your wallet. In every instance a successful grower is one who has an intrinsic feel for where his plant is in the growth cycle. If you work hard enough at it and are willing to learn you can save yourself a ton of money and wasted time on a grow. You can learn to ID whether you are looking at a male or female plant within 14 days of germination and tell how much a plant is going to stretch after the flip. I don't mean to lecture but I do encourage folks to realize that it is work to grow anything well. And last but not least, when in doubt often times it's best to leave it alone and observe and take copious notes on every grow.
Thank you so much for your reply. I like the advice a lot and will sure be using it for future grows. Running out of seeds and really hoping I get a miracle with this one! Thanks agajn:)
Hello there. Seedlings have tiny infrastructure and so transplanting it already in this condition it most likely will not survive however it does look to be in bad shape so it wont hurt anything either. As has been said fox farm ocean forest runs hot for seedlings. I do use ocean forest usually mixed with fox farm happy frog and perlite but I have used just ocean forest and perlite for seedlings with really good success.Out of about 200 seedlings I have planted and grown to maturity only 4 have died because the soil wasnt suitable for them. I just dont give the seedlings nutrients right away. I will hold off until there are 4 or 5 nodes on the plant before giving nutrients in a small dose.Your first picture the seedling looks as it should the 2nd not so much. My verdict is underwatering . Remove that bark on top then give it water. Hopefully it improves. Not all seedlings make it to harvest and it could possibly not be your fault its a natural occurrence but if you want to give it a better chance remove the bark and give it water. No nutrients until the plant has a bigger infrastructure.
It's amazing to me how many growing problems that I see on here that really boil down to a learning curve based upon yor powers of observation. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is imperative and I don't care what crop we are talking about that you are an observant cultivator and custodian of your crop. Learn the stages of development of whatever the crop is. Truly strive to make daily observation about what stages of growth that your plant is in. I see more unnecessary mistakes on the part of new , as well as, experienced growers based almost solely on not knowing about what stage of life your plant is in. Over feeding and over watering in the seedling stage, under pruning in the early juvenile stage, over watering in the vegetative stage and over feeding in the senescence period.These aren't all just the most common.All of these not only can be detrimental to your harvest but expensive for your wallet. In every instance a successful grower is one who has an intrinsic feel for where his plant is in the growth cycle. If you work hard enough at it and are willing to learn you can save yourself a ton of money and wasted time on a grow. You can learn to ID whether you are looking at a male or female plant within 14 days of germination and tell how much a plant is going to stretch after the flip. I don't mean to lecture but I do encourage folks to realize that it is work to grow anything well. And last but not least, when in doubt often times it's best to leave it alone and observe and take copious notes on every grow.

I am not sure how the post helps the guy other than to make a statement that is true for almost every grower I know. You are right, we can all do better, we should all be more observant, we should never over or underwater. Honestly, I do not even think the guy is getting far enough in the process to do all of the observing a grower does. I sure do not want to use him as the poster boy for every screw up all of us have made. Do you have a link or specific grow information you can share that would be good for him to read? In addition, he really could have an issue with his soil. FFOF is hot and if the seed he is using is not a hardy one, it can have dire results. If his soil is burning his stuff up, he will never get a chance to observe.
I gave him specific advice earlier. And as I said in my post it wasn't specific to this grow. It was more of a general observation about alot of the problems on here. If you want more specfic insight into my advice I encourage you to visit my blog which there is a link to at the bottom of my posts. I offer advice and support to all level of growers on here. I feel no need to defend my position and I in no way "made him a poster boy" I find that insulting.
I apologize, I never meant to insult. I thought it was directed at him because it was on his thread. I though a post for all people would have gone on a main thread, instead of a new person's thread who is just asking for help. Hope you can understand my confusion. I just want to make sure new people are comfortable asking questions. Sure would hate it if they thought an experienced veteran grower like yourself were calling them out, making it less likely they will ask for help in the future.
I understood what upthehollers intentions were fine. Noone is calling anyone out. This isnt facebook and except for maybe 2 I have seen that doesnt happen around here. Most of us enjoy helping new growers out.
It's alright I appreciate all Ur insight and feedback learning but no quite enough. Wish I could get better at this and I will it just takes time.
I apologize, I never meant to insult. I thought it was directed at him because it was on his thread. I though a post for all people would have gone on a main thread, instead of a new person's thread who is just asking for help. Hope you can understand my confusion. I just want to make sure new people are comfortable asking questions. Sure would hate it if they thought an experienced veteran grower like yourself were calling them out, making it less likely they will ask for help in the future.
ouch! 4 in a row that has to be maddening
is that plastic cups? do they have holes at the bottom to allow drainage?
are you having high temps? i do not think it was the lights
using tap water? if yes do you let it sit open for at least 24 hours?
how often would you say you water? using some distilled water for babies has always helped me
cost about 90 cents a gallon here... steady ph and clean chlorine free
are you giving a dark period or going 24/7 with lighting?
also and i say this last cause it can be touchy...did you get some bad seeds? it can happen even with the best
anyway whatever happens i am hopeful that you hang in there and do not give up,one success and you will be hooked
keep us informed
good luck and take care
High :passitleft: I have to jump in here cause I just have to. I have been using Fox Farms also. I am in the process of changing over to Growology for ease of use but back to the Fox Farms. Everyone is correct the OF and HF both can be a bit hot for seedlings but if you add a bit of perlite and vermiculite you will come out with a better draining soil and it won't be as hot. I used Happy Frog mixed with the 2 and I never lost a single one. FF alone seems to hold a lot of water which your babies can't take at that young of age. I don't know if at this stage it would help to repot or not. I honestly would leave her be and see what happens and do not water her anymore for a bit and see if drying out the soil and letting her do her thing will work. Everyone is correct in that over watering is the #1 noobie mistake. I did it. Good luck and if there is anything I can do to help you please just pop over to my journal and if I don't know the answer I am sure many of the peeps that pop through my journal will be able to answer most any question you may have.....:circle-of-love:
It's alright I appreciate all Ur insight and feedback learning but no quite enough. Wish I could get better at this and I will it just takes time.

Don't worry if at first you don't succeed try, try again and again and again. At least it's kind of like learning to bake... you get to eat(smoke) your mistakes!
High :passitleft: I have to jump in here cause I just have to. I have been using Fox Farms also. I am in the process of changing over to Growology for ease of use but back to the Fox Farms. Everyone is correct the OF and HF both can be a bit hot for seedlings but if you add a bit of perlite and vermiculite you will come out with a better draining soil and it won't be as hot. I used Happy Frog mixed with the 2 and I never lost a single one. FF alone seems to hold a lot of water which your babies can't take at that young of age. I don't know if at this stage it would help to repot or not. I honestly would leave her be and see what happens and do not water her anymore for a bit and see if drying out the soil and letting her do her thing will work. Everyone is correct in that over watering is the #1 noobie mistake. I did it. Good luck and if there is anything I can do to help you please just pop over to my journal and if I don't know the answer I am sure many of the peeps that pop through my journal will be able to answer most any question you may have.....:circle-of-love:

Great Post Dennise, I agree 150%! I'm also using the FFOF also, it is hot for a seedling. I cut the FFOF with Light Warrior and added perlite and vermiculite. I didn't have any problems whatsover. When the seedling is ready for transplant, I would cut it 2/3rds FFOF & 1/3 LW with added vermiculite/perlite. The FFOF does have a tendency to stay muddy if over-watered.

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