Plant needs urgent help please read!


New Member
My seedling last night began to curl up badly and still is this morning. I read that it was either do to the notes in my fox farms soil or the lights were too close and too much I watered it, took out a light, and moved them a couple inches away. No improvement yes, is that the answer to my problem. Really worried as this is my fourth grow now getting messed up... Thanks if anyone can help me.
Hey there. Which fox farm are you using. Happy frog or ocean forest???
Yea that is your problem. Ocean forest is way to potent for seedlings. You may have fried this one. If you don't have any other soil to use try cutting the soil with like 50% perlite to help. You can try and transplant this one out of her current home but she is already on her death bed and that could send her over the edge with stress. Were these bought seeds or bag seeds??
I'm using 2 CFL bulbs right now. 26k. I don't think I have over watered but maybe transplanting them into the other soil could save them. I bought the seeds online.
i'm using 2 cfl bulbs right now. 26k. I don't think i have over watered but maybe transplanting them into the other soil could save them. I bought the seeds online.
how far are you keeping your lights from the plants?
How often do you water?
If not that often could be a case of underwatering. Ive done that a few times and the leaves start to wilt then i give them water and they perk right up.
It might be just as bad you don't want anything in the soil u want a neutral soil to add to the fox farm just try dirt or seedling soil.

I wouldn't recommend using straight "dirt" from the garden on a plant this far gone. There are way too many pathogens in just unsterilized soil from a garden plus it's much too heavy. On a plant this small if you didn't have to buy the seed so you don't have a big investment i would start over. With unsterilized dirt or garden soil you have too many problems like damping off or wire stem that can kill a young seedling. Remember Happy Frog and Ocean forrest are fairly heavy mediums with a relatively high level of nutrients.
I start plants (except for Autos) in straight Promix or Miraclegro potting mix. Since I am a professional produce grower I start in excess of 50000 plants per year these are grown in 1 inch by 1 inch cells in trays of 72 plants per tray. the cells are about 1.5 inches deep. I can grow a tomato plant to a height of 12 inches if I desire and never have to repot the plant then they are simply transplanted right out through the plastic into the field. I would recommend starting your seeds in straight potting mix in a small 1-2 cup container. Using no nutrients until they are at their 3rd set of leaves then transplant into a one gal container until the are fully rooted. After transplanting about a week later fertilize at about 50% of the recommended concentration on the lable. After that you can transplant into your final container and fertilize at the full rate if you desire. That's not what I do but that is another topic entirely. The reason that I suggest starting over if it is a free seed is that often times a plant that heas been this mismanaged early will not have a maximum yield even if it pulls out of it. Just as a point of reference since we don't know each other, I have been growing in our greenhouses for 47 years and pot plants for 38 years but that is just my 2 cents worth.
When doing seedlings that are not autos start off with a 1cup too 1 gallon pot fill with warrior soil then in two weeks transplant on FFO and frog 50/50 and you will have a awesome grow. In a 5 gallon pot mix 2 cups extra perlite and 7 gallon 4 cups. Saves you soil and gives roots extra air to breath. That will also help if you ever have to do a flush. No nutes needed for about two months or more depending on size of final pot. I have done the mistake on seedlings in straight FFO it burns them but most will make it just a little speed bump. Just do not over water and new roots should grow to replace the burnt ones. That all there is just what works for me. Hope you the best. Happy Growing to you all.
Ohh I forgot my other way as well. It will save you time and no transplanting. Take a 5 or 7 gallon pot and fill with your FFO Put a solo cup in pot before you fill all the way. Make sure solo cup top is level with where you want top of soil to be. Fill all around cup with FFO or FFO/Frog 50/50 all around cup to fill pot and don't forget to add the perlite if you can aford it. Take cup out and fill where the cup was with warrior soil and Water all soil. Then plant seed in and Botta Bing now you have room for the seedling to grow and not get burnt and in two weeks it will start getting in nute soil and be very happy Just water 1 to 1 1/2 gallons of water per 5 gallons of soil about every three too four days depending on size of plant. Seedlings can go almost a 5 days in 5 gallon pot under 72deg temp with 50% humidity . Sorry for my long post. Just info I like to share.
Alright I'll most likely try and pick up a bag of that today if I can find a store around me and try the transfer save it! Thanks!


They were 2 inches now there about four that's a possible but I be them a good watering last night and they vent perked back up yet:(
how far are you keeping your lights from the plants?
How often do you water?
If not that often could be a case of underwatering. Ive done that a few times and the leaves start to wilt then i give them water and they perk right up.
Hello there. Seedlings have tiny infrastructure and so transplanting it already in this condition it most likely will not survive however it does look to be in bad shape so it wont hurt anything either. As has been said fox farm ocean forest runs hot for seedlings. I do use ocean forest usually mixed with fox farm happy frog and perlite but I have used just ocean forest and perlite for seedlings with really good success.Out of about 200 seedlings I have planted and grown to maturity only 4 have died because the soil wasnt suitable for them. I just dont give the seedlings nutrients right away. I will hold off until there are 4 or 5 nodes on the plant before giving nutrients in a small dose.Your first picture the seedling looks as it should the 2nd not so much. My verdict is underwatering . Remove that bark on top then give it water. Hopefully it improves. Not all seedlings make it to harvest and it could possibly not be your fault its a natural occurrence but if you want to give it a better chance remove the bark and give it water. No nutrients until the plant has a bigger infrastructure.
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