PotChimp's Tangerine Dream Soilless

(3) Tangerine Dreams : Day 47

(2) Auto Big Bangs : Day 29

I've foliar fed all the plants, watered once, and given the appropriate week of BP Farmer's Pride nutes to the TDs. I figured it wouldn't hurt to give the same nutes to the ABBs, so I did. When I see signs of flowering on the autos I am going to switch to 11/13 and see if I can't get these TDs to do something.
I switched the plants over to 11/13 today. There are hairs showing on the autos (I'll post pics later) and I might have about slightly over a foot of height to raise the lights for the TDs. They seem to look okay; I like this lighting method so far. :thumb:
Hey potchimp mate! Good to see your doing a journal on the dreaded Tangerine lol. They looking fine at the min. Doesn't matter about long flower as them auto's will tie you over till then, maybe ;) As you know i'm doing TD as well so will keep on yours too, lets race lol! Good luck man peace:peace:
Flowering : Day 2
The 3 Tangerine Dreams

The 2 Auto Big Bangs

The TDs seem to have had a little growth burst. I had to raise the lights about 6" and I'm hoping that I won't get any more than another foot of growth or I'll have to bend the tops over. The ABBs are gaining a little in size after a slow start. I like this method so far.
Hey potchimp mate! Good to see your doing a journal on the dreaded Tangerine lol. They looking fine at the min. Doesn't matter about long flower as them auto's will tie you over till then, maybe ;) As you know i'm doing TD as well so will keep on yours too, lets race lol! Good luck man peace:peace:

Good luck to you too, JBC420. I hope I didn't get the TD pheno that doesn't flower. If I get an ounce off of each auto it will only tide me over for about a week sad to say. I smoke like a fiend. But I've got a South African Kwazulu about a month from chop, too. Maybe another few days of weed there..... :)
Yo brotha, glad you like the GLM method.. I'm having an issue with my Auto..no real buds! I'm now considering a total loss, hoping it's not but F* it if it is.

I'll pass you down a little something I've read but not sure it's true, if you foliar feed and get nute spots..like I asume you have.. it's good to wash off the leaves of it so the light gets to the cells (in short) so a nice cleaning with water and a rag, just be gentle and whisper sweet nothings to her...

Looking great and hope you have better luck with your Auto :peace:
Good luck to you too, JBC420. I hope I didn't get the TD pheno that doesn't flower. If I get an ounce off of each auto it will only tide me over for about a week sad to say. I smoke like a fiend. But I've got a South African Kwazulu about a month from chop, too. Maybe another few days of weed there..... :)

Hey PotChimp Nice plants man! they taking off now! Yeh man we don't need to worry hopefully our TD's will grow amazing. Both are doing well, keep it up man!:Namaste:
Yo brotha, glad you like the GLM method.. I'm having an issue with my Auto..no real buds! I'm now considering a total loss, hoping it's not but F* it if it is.

I'll pass you down a little something I've read but not sure it's true, if you foliar feed and get nute spots..like I asume you have.. it's good to wash off the leaves of it so the light gets to the cells (in short) so a nice cleaning with water and a rag, just be gentle and whisper sweet nothings to her...

Looking great and hope you have better luck with your Auto :peace:

I've got hairs on the autos right now, so I'm about 5-6 weeks out from harvest. Maybe it will all be just a few hairs and no real buds too. Hope not; I liked the first two ABBs I grew. Maybe I can salvage them if they get like yours and go to 24/0 for the last weeks if I don't like what I see. I started a Lowryder #1 grow using this gas light method recently, and they are off to a slow start too (not cool considering that with this strain there aren't a lot of calender pages to work with between start and end). The TDs are doing good, but are too early into flowering to show any signs of sexing. In the future I'll try to wipe the leaves off after foliar feedings. Thanks, Sisco.
I am in for this one....just recived and am germing a td myself...after reading all the neg. reviews hope we are not another statistic.....went with mostly indicia this go round...still have a good personal seed bank of stavia....loooks great man keep up the good work
Flowering : Day 15 (got hairs! :high-five: )

Auto Big Bangs

Sorry it's been a while between pics and updates, but I'm doing a move right now and I've been busy. As far as doubting the gas light method, I'm thinking that I have to cut the tops of the plants off completely because the strong growth caused me to put the lights at the highest that I can get them (unless I mount directly to the hooks which will only give me another 2 inches or less). I applied Blue Planet Farmer's Pride (week 3 of 12/12) at full strength before I took these pics.
I am in for this one....just recived and am germing a td myself...after reading all the neg. reviews hope we are not another statistic.....went with mostly indicia this go round...still have a good personal seed bank of stavia....loooks great man keep up the good work

Yeah, I haven't heard too much good about this strain either. Thanks and good luck to you too, Horticultural.
Flowering : Day 27
Before all the SCROG experts bash on me, I put the screen over the plants just to push them down; I'm not going for technique, so easy on a chimp..... :)
After three light adjustments all the way to the ceiling and two chops the TD's just kept growing into the lights so I put this on top of them and pushed down. I pulled a few flowers out and I'll pull the rest upward through the screen the next time I'm in here cutting the lower weak growth out. I've stayed once a week with nutes and an in-between watering (following Blue Planet's Farmer's Pride feeding schedule). They're flowering out so something's going right.
Easy PotChimp! Looking good now bro, good idea with the screen, they looked like they was reaching for the ceiling. Well done on getting female out of the dreaded TD, got pistels on my TD last week. We flowering same time, you maybe a week or 2 ahead. Hope both turn out good!:goodjob:
Easy PotChimp! Looking good now bro, good idea with the screen, they looked like they was reaching for the ceiling. Well done on getting female out of the dreaded TD, got pistels on my TD last week. We flowering same time, you maybe a week or 2 ahead. Hope both turn out good!:goodjob:

Thanks JBC420. This is week 4 of 12/12 today but I'm not sure if the breeder's approximate flowering time is 10 weeks from the day of timer change to 12/12 or 10 weeks from the first signs of flowering, so it might be more than 6 weeks left. Good luck on your end and aim for the 25% THC level!
Yeah bet I dont get 25% , it all just on paper from the seed banks, they all lie a bit. But the flowering time is from start of flower not start of 12/12. So time it from when the pistils appear at the top node.
Yeah bet I dont get 25% , it all just on paper from the seed banks, they all lie a bit. But the flowering time is from start of flower not start of 12/12. So time it from when the pistils appear at the top node.

That gives me about 7 weeks for this mess to thicken up a bit, then. Cool. Man, I'm seeing signs of chop in my Raspberry Cough, but it's about 4 weeks off. I thought it was more like 2-1/2 to 3. No signs of hermie or seeds either.
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