Purple Pics

I couldn’t list them all
Here is a pic.
Anything you like?


Stay safe :cool:
Morning Savvage :ciao:
Personally I'd never grown a pure Sativa.
Who has 3 months for a plant to flower.
Option #2 would be my choice.
Anything advertised at 28-30 % thc has to be worth growing.
Are you going to scrog?
Did you read the tutorial on scrog, I gave you?

Stay safe :cool:
I did and it sounded awesome definately an idea in my 2x4 next time with just 2 plants. Its getting crowded in mine now lol
So, @Bill284 I had an epiphany, would the Bill284 method be useful in a deep flower bed, the wife wants me to do more gardening outside, and I was just wondering if it would pan out.
So, @Bill284 I had an epiphany, would the Bill284 method be useful in a deep flower bed, the wife wants me to do more gardening outside, and I was just wondering if it would pan out.
I've never tried it in the ground.
I just did a mix of everything in a hole for the root ball.
But there is no reason if you did it it wouldn't work.
Root growth is root growth. :thumb:
How big does she want it?

Stay safe :cool:
I've never tried it in the ground.
I just did a mix of everything in a hole for the root ball.
But there is no reason if you did it it wouldn't work.
Root growth is root growth. :thumb:
How big does she want it?

Stay safe :cool:
This is gonna be a veggie garden(and maybe a few autos, just because I need to get rid of my auto fem bag seed.
Mainly to keep me and the kiddos outside, and distracted for a few hours, while the wife is at work.
I gotta take out the soil from the flower bed as they filled it in with our desert sand, not even any kind of potting soil, or anything, so for me, I gotta dig the soil out, and replace it all with FFHF, so I can just mix the soil, frass, and bokashi, and then just place it in the hole, or I can do the layering of perlite (I have more than enough perlite x'D)

Ever since 2020, we haven't been outside, or done normal society things, we've just been in the same 4 walls, for 2 years now, almost 3, so I think it's time for a change-up, what better way than to grow out some heirlooms!

I just thought maybe the method would work great for things like tomatoes, and stuff, IDK how carrots would fair in perlite lol!
This is gonna be a veggie garden(and maybe a few autos, just because I need to get rid of my auto fem bag seed.
Mainly to keep me and the kiddos outside, and distracted for a few hours, while the wife is at work.
I gotta take out the soil from the flower bed as they filled it in with our desert sand, not even any kind of potting soil, or anything, so for me, I gotta dig the soil out, and replace it all with FFHF, so I can just mix the soil, frass, and bokashi, and then just place it in the hole, or I can do the layering of perlite (I have more than enough perlite x'D)

Ever since 2020, we haven't been outside, or done normal society things, we've just been in the same 4 walls, for 2 years now, almost 3, so I think it's time for a change-up, what better way than to grow out some heirlooms!

I just thought maybe the method would work great for things like tomatoes, and stuff, IDK how carrots would fair in perlite lol!
You will have the best garden you have ever seen.
I mixed Bokashi frass & Dynomyco with ffof and dug 4 big holes.
Filled the holes with the mix and stuck in a plant.
All I did was water them all summer.
No nutrients and they grew great.
So I imagine your veggies will be terrific. :thumb:
I understand about being locked in.
With my health conditions I was afraid of vid.
I got it anyway.
I'm ok now though.
Hopefully you get out and enjoy yourself.
Best of luck with your garden.
Post some pic's.
Hope you have a great day my friend @Darade :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
You will have the best garden you have ever seen.
I mixed Bokashi frass & Dynomyco with ffof and dug 4 big holes.
Filled the holes with the mix and stuck in a plant.
All I did was water them all summer.
No nutrients and they grew great.
So I imagine your veggies will be terrific. :thumb:
I understand about being locked in.
With my health conditions I was afraid of vid.
I got it anyway.
I'm ok now though.
Hopefully you get out and enjoy yourself.
Best of luck with your garden.
Post some pic's.
Hope you have a great day my friend @Darade :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
Just got done moving about 2.5 Cubic feet of soil out, and then mixing up about 2.5 HF with Bokashi, frass, and Azomite, then I dumped it all in the hole I made and dropped the seeds (Cherry Tomatoes, Oregon Sugar Pod II, Chantenay red cored carrots, and some Sweet California Wonder Bell Peppers), I have them all labeled.
I'm gonna do some roots excelurator on them when they start poking their heads up, I heard people using it on a potato and it turning it into a jellyfish, just from the sheer amount of roots.

My only fear is it's 1:22 PM and there's still no sun directly on the bed, hopefully, since the sun doesn't set till 10 it gets enough sun, I guess we'll see lol.

I'm sitting down for a little bit, and then I'll snag a few pics for ya, I'm gonna put the autos in a ceramic pot, and have them throughout the backyard, or along the fence.
Guys I could use some help Ok a lot of help at times here is my problem while waiting for plants to finish up and harvest all I have to do is plan My next grow I have it narrowed down till I didnt I cant decide which way to go here are my plans

1. a Landrace grow I am allowed by law 4 plants I have been planning 2 Black Lebanon or Hindu kush with 2 Durban poison 100% Indica and 100% Sativa a back to the basic grow and learn the differences between an Indica and Sativa plant

2. High THC content 2 Fruity Pebbles and 2 nuke scary bubbles both said to produce 28% to 30% THC this will be a moderate grow and be my first attempt at a non-beginner strain. I wanna grow them all but cant

I don't want to get into a grow and find myself out of my level, But I want to grow a good pot
any thoughts?

4x4 tent , marhydro TS3000 450 watt can maintain temps from 68 Lights out to 80Lights on
I’d go with option 2. It’s much easier to control and predict. Landracesncan be challenging to even an experienced grower. If you want more peace of mind, I vote for #2!
You guys have helped me dodge a bullet Instead of the landrace I went with 2 High THC plants that I will grow I plan on
2 Nukehead/anesia high Thc they have quality reviews about their genetics I am getting them straight from the lab
2 Blackberry moon rocks and 2 Nuclear scary bubbles both brag about 30% to 33 % THC Both have a 6-8 week flowering period both strains are good for scrog I am ready TO START GROWING SOME GOOD POT!!! after that grow I got some fruity Pebbles and do si do killer both require a better than beginner grower im not sure where Ill find one but I am glad you guys are here to help me. thx for all the input. I didn't realize Sativas was a bunch of work and took so long
Thanks guys you Rock
Thought I`d transfer this discussion to this thread.
New tablet has a gr8 camera Bill. I hope if the pics on old one are important you`ll send it away to have data recovered. About a 90% chance it`ll be a breeze for experienced tech., I think, and not very costly. 1.5hr shop time I would guestimate. Anyone with an educated opinion would be most welcome to clarify.

I too have had to rearrange my computer workflow due to a fave machine going down, and I`ve not adapted well yet vis a vis posting images and doing the sort of things I want to on my own thread. Not a big issue, just priorities.

My distress of late is due to suddenly losing our family business`core customer base, essentially as delayed covid fallout. Being personally unemployable due to whatever`s wrong with my nervous system, I`ve just not come up with other options as yet. I`m a savvy market trader, or was 2011-2018, but I don`t have the capital to get in or the credit line ATM. I realize to most that sounds like a terrible idea and it definitely is if you`re un-practiced. I am quite good at it, I find it generally depressing as a daily activity, but, I`m a f-ing monster full-stop. Secondly, my parents are getting on and this last year both have suffered and aged tremendously. Now, very suddenly my mother has to have an emergency, difficult, surgery and I just have a general bad feeling about it. I`m an only child and I don't know how we`ll cope if, and when, I were to go down too, but I`m working on it. My father can`t stand for 30 seconds, he had back probs all his adult life but ended up similarly to yourself. A piece of vertebrae broke off, lodged in his spine 20 years ago after a lifetime of painful degen. disease. I`ve been fighting it more successfully the last 10 years with very specific daily exercises I had to figure out for myself with years of research, but was too late to help him by that time. Anyway, my mother is so active, so vital, so core to our lives it is unthinkable she not be there, regardless my thinking of it everyday for the last few years. This is emotionally, physically, and financially a disaster scene this month. It`s not as though I didn`t realize this day would come, nor fail to struggle before the fact to avoid calamity, I simply have not managed to succeed at the task. Yet we struggle on.

Good call on the new blackout tarp; in your neck-of-the-woods neighbours will be phoning in UFO abduction 911 calls incessantly if you don`t.

Your medic-grow 1kw is very similar to my 1kw KB`s. Same industrial design, mine uses 10 bars so no doubt I have fewer diodes per bar; I cant find the data on my total number of diodes. My PPF is 2900-plus, 2.8 efficacy and yours is very similar to those vital stats. My colour temp. is 3200, so about as red as `full spectrum`- stupid term - horti-LEDs come, I expect yours will have slightly more blue. I feel the need to supplement mine in veg with a cheap shop light or two because my plants really respond to high blue and green LEDs, but then I really think veg is very important and often an undervalued phase by home growers, thus the market responds to customer demand. Frankly, it would not surprise me if high blue CMH is the most productive light for veg.

Anyway, where I was going with all this was to share my experience that, great for everyone except yourself, 1000-1100w LED bar lights, in my experience, throw hardly any discernable heat if not cranked up, literally, to 11. So make sure you`ve got a hang height that allows for WARP factor 11 on that fixture if getting some heat into those girls is a high priority. Maybe your 8 bars over my 10 will make a big diff. here, but 1000w lights with similar efficacy are going to throw the same BTUs regardless, methinks. Those in disagreement can take it up with Isaac Newton that`s his jam, not mine.

What is the temp swing you`re experiencing, typically...? I imagine that might be slowing growth too even if both figures are technically within range, but swinging between the two acceptable extremes - the lowest acceptable nightly low and highest daytime high. An insulated structure - and stable summer - wouldn't see this swing and I think that prejudice is baked into the initial range calculations.

I know Azi brought up water`s thermal storage and dissipation potential in these situations so I`ll bring it up again while pinning it on him in case it annoys you. ;)

Getting that second layer on with the black tarp will create a helpful air pocket of insulation. I don't need to be telling you all this, I know, but it won't be obvious to every future reader of this v. fine thread. I`m sure you have next-stage plans that are gonna be excellent.

Do you think you could take a pic of the light`s connector, male and female sides, used to connect the bars to the longitudinal driver housing for me? I`m thinking we may have the same type, it`s rare, and I`m trying to find a supplier as I`d like to DIY my bars number 4 and 6 with extension cables and reposition to increase footprint while also reducing center hotspot - not that its an issue really, I`d just like to have lights physically covering my 5x5s corner to corner.

Hope you're still on the upswing, both of you. I also hope you really enjoy the big fixture, sure you will. To me the perfect fixture would be the MARs diode arrangement and the 1000w footprint and PPF. That diode arrangement of MARSHYDRO is truly next-level stuff. Frankly shocked it's not industry standard already.
Hey guys what happening? I been out of it I wanted to be like @Bill284 so I went and got covid I didn't realize it nothing to do with growing pot, the wife and I got vaxed so it really isn't that bad just tired.
I could use an opinion or 2 or 3 . Im thinking I have a magnesium issue what do you guys think it looks more purple in rl I cant find a good match on any of the charts

Hey guys what happening? I been out of it I wanted to be like @Bill284 so I went and got covid I didn't realize it nothing to do with growing pot, the wife and I got vaxed so it really isn't that bad just tired.
I could use an opinion or 2 or 3 . Im thinking I have a magnesium issue what do you guys think

Hope you feel better my friend drink lots of water and rest one moment your fine then bam it has you on your bottom
Thought I`d transfer this discussion to this thread.
Thanks I use this thread for off topic discussions.
I apologize for the late reply been busy today.
New tablet has a gr8 camera Bill
I hope it does but tablet cameras aren't usually great.
I hope if the pics on old one are important you`ll send it away to have data recovered. About a 90% chance it`ll be a breeze for experienced tech., I think, and not very costly. 1.5hr shop time I would guestimate. Anyone with an educated opinion would be most welcome to clarify.
I'd have to ship it to someone out of town.
I'LL do a search.
I too have had to rearrange my computer workflow due to a fave machine going down, and I`ve not adapted well yet vis a vis posting images and doing the sort of things I want to on my own thread. Not a big issue, just priorities.
Did your computer crash?
My distress of late is due to suddenly losing our family business`core customer base, essentially as delayed covid fallout.
I'm so sorry to hear that my friend
Being personally unemployable due to whatever`s wrong with my nervous system, I`ve just not come up with other options as yet. I`m a savvy market trader, or was 2011-2018, but I don`t have the capital to get in or the credit line ATM. I realize to most that sounds like a terrible idea and it definitely is if you`re un-practiced. I am quite good at it, I find it generally depressing as a daily activity, but, I`m a f-ing monster full-stop. Secondly, my parents are getting on and this last year both have suffered and aged tremendously. Now, very suddenly my mother has to have an emergency, difficult, surgery and I just have a general bad feeling about it. I`m an only child and I don't know how we`ll cope if, and when, I were to go down too, but I`m working on it. My father can`t stand for 30 seconds, he had back probs all his adult life but ended up similarly to yourself. A piece of vertebrae broke off, lodged in his spine 20 years ago after a lifetime of painful degen. disease. I`ve been fighting it more successfully the last 10 years with very specific daily exercises I had to figure out for myself with years of research, but was too late to help him by that time. Anyway, my mother is so active, so vital, so core to our lives it is unthinkable she not be there, regardless my thinking of it everyday for the last few years. This is emotionally, physically, and financially a disaster scene this month. It`s not as though I didn`t realize this day would come, nor fail to struggle before the fact to avoid calamity, I simply have not managed to succeed at the task. Yet we struggle on.

Good call on the new blackout tarp; in your neck-of-the-woods neighbours will be phoning in UFO abduction 911 calls incessantly if you don`t.
You should see my backyard, I'm going to post a picture.
Your medic-grow 1kw is very similar to my 1kw KB`s. Same industrial design, mine uses 10 bars so no doubt I have fewer diodes per bar; I cant find the data on my total number of diodes. My PPF is 2900-plus, 2.8 efficacy and yours is very similar to those vital stats. My colour temp. is 3200, so about as red as `full spectrum`- stupid term - horti-LEDs come, I expect yours will have slightly more blue. I feel the need to supplement mine in veg with a cheap shop light or two because my plants really respond to high blue and green LEDs, but then I really think veg is very important and often an undervalued phase by home growers, thus the market responds to customer demand. Frankly, it would not surprise me if high blue CMH is the most productive light for veg.

Anyway, where I was going with all this was to share my experience that, great for everyone except yourself, 1000-1100w LED bar lights, in my experience, throw hardly any discernable heat if not cranked up, literally, to 11. So make sure you`ve got a hang height that allows for WARP factor 11 on that fixture if getting some heat into those girls is a high priority. Maybe your 8 bars over my 10 will make a big diff. here, but 1000w lights with similar efficacy are going to throw the same BTUs regardless, methinks. Those in disagreement can take it up with Isaac Newton that`s his jam, not mine.

What is the temp swing you`re experiencing, typically...
what is 105f in C ? To 5 to 10 c that's 30 is degrees c or 105 to 50 so 55f , yeiks.
? I imagine that might be slowing growth too even if both figures are technically within range, but swinging between the two acceptable extremes - the lowest acceptable nightly low and highest daytime high. An insulated structure - and stable summer - wouldn't see this swing and I think that prejudice is baked into the initial range calculations.

I know Azi brought up water`s thermal storage and dissipation potential in these situations so I`ll bring it up again while pinning it on him in case it annoys you. ;)

I'm cracking out the barrels

Getting that second layer on with the black tarp will create a helpful air pocket of insulation. I don't need to be telling you all this, I know, but it won't be obvious to every future reader of this v. fine thread. I`m sure you have next-stage plans that are gonna be excellent.

Do you think you could take a pic of the light`s connector, male and female sides, used to connect the bars to the longitudinal driver housing for me? I`m thinking we may have the same type, it`s rare, and I`m trying to find a supplier as I`d like to DIY my bars number 4 and 6 with extension cables and reposition to increase footprint while also reducing center hotspot - not that its an issue really, I`d just like to have lights physically covering my 5x5s corner to corner.

Hope you're still on the upswing, both of you. I also hope you really enjoy the big fixture, sure you will. To me the perfect fixture would be the MARs diode arrangement and the 1000w footprint and PPF. That diode arrangement of MARSHYDRO is truly next-level stuff. Frankly shocked it's not industry standard already.
I posted a couple pic'sbof the light connector.
This post keeps jumping back and forth and cutting me off ,fek
I'll talk to you in the morning.
Take care.

Stay safe :cool:
Hope you feel better my friend drink lots of water and rest one moment your fine then bam it has you on your bottom
yeah I thought was getting better till this morning, im looking for tire marks for the truck that hit me last night I feel horrible today
yeah I thought was getting better till this morning, im looking for tire marks for the truck that hit me last night I feel horrible today
So sorry Savvage, rest and fluids buddy.

Stay safe :cool:
Thanks I use this thread for off topic discussions.
I apologize for the late reply been busy today.

I hope it does but tablet cameras aren't usually great.

I'd have to ship it to someone out of town.
I'LL do a search.

Did your computer crash?

I'm so sorry to hear that my friend

You should see my backyard, I'm going to post a picture.

what is 105f in C ? To 5 to 10 c that's 30 is degrees c or 105 to 50 so 55f , yeiks.

I posted a couple pic'sbof the light connector.
This post keeps jumping back and forth and cutting me off ,fek
I'll talk to you in the morning.
Take care.

Stay safe :cool:
Ive got 29c lights off atm :rolleyes:
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