Radogast 2 - Return of the Clones

Happy Birthday Clones


With more than a little chagrin, I wish a Happy Birthday and best possible future to my first clones.

They are living off the edge of the lights in the garden room vegging areas. Depending on the next few weeks, they will either go into the flower room at the edge of the light alongside my seedlings, or they get the chop without flowering.

I potted up 3 more of their clones showing roots, so I have potted 7 of 8 clones taken on 4/7. The last one does not have roots showing, but still looks viable.

My one year olds. They've had a difficult life.



When I run out of space, or the vegging girls get 20" wide, they go into the flower room. Not long now.


Wow those are a year old how many clones did you take?

Have a great night rado
I think year old plants is an accomplishment all by itself. :blushsmile:
Wow those are a year old how many clones did you take?

Have a great night rado

Gnats, PH problems, and mucking arund fighting gnats incorrectly had them 'just barely' surviving until March.

I think I took 15 clones(labelled C1), when I had roots, I discarded the slow/small rooters and chose 11 to grow out - which didn't happen much.

This round (4/7) I took 8 C2 clones, two from the C1 clones of each of 4 mother plant - all of them scrawny looking. I discarded 5 of the 11 C1 clones, leaving 6 to act as mothers in case the C2 clones didn't take.

On 5/1, I had almost given up on roots for the 4 C2 clones from my favorite 2 mother plants, so I took 8 more C2 clones. These ones came with branches younger, thicker, greener, and producing better leaves. I plan to flower 4-6 plants every 4-6 weeks, so some of these may be culled. The clones and two feminized seedlings are my only guaranteed girls.

Throughout this mess of a second grow, I've only lost one seedling plant. My last water sprouted seed is 4 days underground, so I may soon double my total :)

Have a great night yourself, I'm off to get 4 hours sleep before work
Yeah wasn't implying anything.
Just was curious why he had them hang around I thought maybe mothers of some sort.

No offense taken.

The family wanted to save genetics on the first 4 plant harvest. I was planning on taking clones of clones before going into flower, because Jorge Cervantes assurd me the genetics stayed strong through at least 16 generations.. At this point, I doubt that... so they are mothers "of some sort"
I agree with you ! even though i am disabled, i decided to grow a small garden and will continue to keep it going , i would love to get some Heirloom seeds :peace:
You can keep a mother forever according to Jorge so that is the method I chose. I have a two year old Acapulco Gold mother Alpha gen that looks like a bush with the bottom stem about 4.5" circumference under CFL 24/0 the whole time. Its been transplanted twice and currently in a 7 gal cloth pot doing way better than last year. Every time I clone from her its C1 and in between clones I eat her leaves as well :) These plants have an enormous will to live through just about anything, every few months I add some Flora Nova at half strength.
Good job on the grow Rad, everything is really coming around now :yahoo:
You can keep a mother forever according to Jorge so that is the method I chose. I have a two year old Acapulco Gold mother Alpha gen that looks like a bush with the bottom stem about 4.5" circumference under CFL 24/0 the whole time. Its been transplanted twice and currently in a 7 gal cloth pot doing way better than last year. Every time I clone from her its C1 and in between clones I eat her leaves as well :) These plants have an enormous will to live through just about anything, every few months I add some Flora Nova at half strength.
Good job on the grow Rad, everything is really coming around now :yahoo:

That's a good plan. The head grow mistress made the decision to keep all 4 individual plants genetics. At the time, I didn't have space for 4 mothers.

I'm giving serious thought to mothers now.

I'll be taking clones of everything headed into the flower room, except for the C2 clones. The seeds were consistent between plants and the clones are alternate branching, so I'd rather start again with year old seeds. I'll keep White Widow Denise clones going until I have a proven replacement. White Widow Seed Denise was a bit hallucinogenic.

I'll have to come up with a firm limit to mothers (3?) to keep the grow space manageable and the mothers happy.

Thanks guys prompting this ramble. It clarified things for me.
I read a very nice journal on Bonsai Mothers posted by FryingPanFlyer, there are other post on the subject too. It seems to be a great way to preserve mothers while conserving precious veg. room.

Bonsai Mums
16 is possible but bad traits will arise. I cull after about 10 gens

Tissue cell culture/cloning brother! Removes all negative traits and possible pathogens. It will really assist in the consistency of the Cannabinoidal profile of your product. In Rec that's the name of the game like you know :) it's all about percentages. Just a suggestion :thumb:
I read a very nice journal on Bonsai Mothers posted by FryingPanFlyer, there are other post on the subject too. It seems to be a great way to preserve mothers while conserving precious veg. room.

Bonsai Mums

Great article! A must read.
I read a very nice journal on Bonsai Mothers posted by FryingPanFlyer, there are other post on the subject too. It seems to be a great way to preserve mothers while conserving precious veg. room.

Bonsai Mums

I've seen that thread. I think I'd more go for a lightaddict style FLUX (ma#nl#ne) that is pollarded.
It's a re-veg party Rad. :laughtwo::green_heart:
They are looking good. :blushsmile:
I appreciate the time it gives me to just sit and watch them or take more pictures. :laughtwo:
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