Radogast 2 - Return of the Clones

Backyard gardening is so incredibly essential to the survival of our future generations. Some think I am bat shit crazy for placing such emphasis on it but all you have to do is look at patterns and there is without a doubt. A pattern of keeping people too busy in their lives which in turn makes them reliant on a system of food production that is detrimental to the earth and its ecosystems. Every generation it becomes more aggressive and back yard gardening is becoming a thing long forgotten. It's a skill set that should be as important as language and writing in my personal opinion. At least a person not so good at reading or writing will be able to feed themselves.
Backyard gardening is so incredibly essential to the survival of our future generations. Some think I am bat shit crazy for placing such emphasis on it but all you have to do is look at patterns and there is without a doubt. A pattern of keeping people too busy in their lives which in turn makes them reliant on a system of food production that is detrimental to the earth and its ecosystems. Every generation it becomes more aggressive and back yard gardening is becoming a thing long forgotten. It's a skill set that should be as important as language and writing in my personal opinion. At least a person not so good at reading or writing will be able to feed themselves.

I agree. The writing is on the wall. Open pollinated, local grown and sourced food is the way of the future as well as the past. I am learning outdoor food gardening, much more of a challenge in Massachusetts than my hometown in California. Last year (my first year) was so disappointing. This year I am concentrating on medicinal herbs as both harvest and soil regeneration tools. I am passionate about learning to garden. (I have non-420 :420: thread.)
Backyard gardening is so incredibly essential to the survival of our future generations. Some think I am bat shit crazy for placing such emphasis on it but all you have to do is look at patterns and there is without a doubt. A pattern of keeping people too busy in their lives which in turn makes them reliant on a system of food production that is detrimental to the earth and its ecosystems. Every generation it becomes more aggressive and back yard gardening is becoming a thing long forgotten. It's a skill set that should be as important as language and writing in my personal opinion. At least a person not so good at reading or writing will be able to feed themselves.
You are not bat shit crazy. I am a vegan because of what I have learned about the FDA, USDA, EPA, and Monsanto, Cargil, Syngenta, Bayer, DOW Chemical, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Fracking, Deadzones in the seas, Fukashima, BP OIL, Exxon, Mobile, all the oil and gas corporations, and most importantly the Agriculture and food grocer industries trying to poison you with things that are addicting until they send you to the Health industry which is fully supported by the Pharma industry. Not one single industry above is looking out for me. I look out for me. That's the mantra everyone should have. There are no US departments looking out for you and if you think there are you need to research the companies above to prove it to yourself. ;) - off soap box
I cleaned the flower room floor today. I was going to use hydrogen peroxide and lemon-lime juice, but my wife suggest the Hemp/Tree Oil. It seemed an appropriate choice for a personal use basement grower :)


Not all of the junk in the water is is from the flower room floor (My little shopvac has done soil pickup recently.)


Ready for the perlite and potted plants


The flower room is so dark, I washed by flashlight. When I carried the dirty water buckets up the basement bulkhead to outside, it was like a groundhog emerging from his den :)
You'll figure it out Rad. It's a matter of figuring out the micro climates and then incorporating things like cold frames or quick covers. Figuring out the micro climates obviously takes longer than you'd hoped. You have a very unique slip of land.

Growlow, I couldn't agree more. I'm as guilty as the next person of giving up my own food production. Hopefully I'll change that at some point. My grandparents were dedicated organic gardeners who grew a victory garden that fed many households through the Depression. Here I am one generation removed and my children know almost nothing of even simple food cultivation. Changing society is a slow process, and yet community gardens keep springing up, so the desire is still there. Maybe it's partly genetic. Hmmmm.

Edit: Those groundhogs are having an affect on you. :laughtwo::green_heart:
You are not bat shit crazy. I am a vegan because of what I have learned about the FDA, USDA, EPA, and Monsanto, Cargil, Syngenta, Bayer, DOW Chemical, Nestle, Coca-Cola, Fracking, Deadzones in the seas, Fukashima, BP OIL, Exxon, Mobile, all the oil and gas corporations, and most importantly the Agriculture and food grocer industries trying to poison you with things that are addicting until they send you to the Health industry which is fully supported by the Pharma industry. Not one single industry above is looking out for me. I look out for me. That's the mantra everyone should have. There are no US departments looking out for you and if you think there are you need to research the companies above to prove it to yourself. ;) - off soap box

YES! is all I need to say friend :thumb::volcano-smiley:
You'll figure it out Rad. It's a matter of figuring out the micro climates and then incorporating things like cold frames or quick covers. Figuring out the micro climates obviously takes longer than you'd hoped. You have a very unique slip of land.

Growlow, I couldn't agree more. I'm as guilty as the next person of giving up my own food production. Hopefully I'll change that at some point. My grandparents were dedicated organic gardeners who grew a victory garden that fed many households through the Depression. Here I am one generation removed and my children know almost nothing of even simple food cultivation. Changing society is a slow process, and yet community gardens keep springing up, so the desire is still there. Maybe it's partly genetic. Hmmmm.

Edit: Thise groundhogs are having an affect on you. :laughtwo::green_heart:

It's also a matter of re-establishing the soil food web and flushing the pre-emergent weed killers out of the former lawn. It took a year to get earthworms.

Today at ground level, I saw a tiny salamander while digging, and a garter snake who pretty much ignored me as a i reached across the snake to plant seeds. Also a few low flying bumble bees. Until I see a lot more critters (and it is early this year) I can't consider the former lawns safe for growing for human consumption. Areas NOT formerly lawn are mostly shady, so I invested in various shade loving seeds.

But I guess I'm in the wrong thread to go into details. :)
I guess we are. :laughtwo:

I'd forgotten about the poisons. See? Your hard work is paying off.
I grew up pushing a hand-plow over ten acres of garden producing two to three harvest a year to put food on the tables of three generations of family. I have tried to teach kids how to garden but due to a lack of support and interest from parents they soon loose interest, that and they would rather sit on their backsides. I should have more faith in our future generations but at this rate...
Today I cannot not do much work myself due to several injuries but I have built a small platform with totes filled with beautiful homegrown soil that give me fresh greens, beans and strawberries. It is my hope that with MMJ I will be able to do more however the pharmaceuticals I have to take for a modicum of comfort really hinders oneself as much as it helps.
I grew up pushing a hand-plow over ten acres of garden producing two to three harvest a year to put food on the tables of three generations of family. I have tried to teach kids how to garden but due to a lack of support and interest from parents they soon loose interest, that and they would rather sit on their backsides. I should have more faith in our future generations but at this rate...
Today I cannot not do much work myself due to several injuries but I have built a small platform with totes filled with beautiful homegrown soil that give me fresh greens, beans and strawberries. It is my hope that with MMJ I will be able to do more however the pharmaceuticals I have to take for a modicum of comfort really hinders oneself as much as it helps.

When you can safely reduce those pharmaceuticals and replace them with cannabis, I suspect you will be happier.
Of that I have no doubt. After I broke my back it was all that I had for the pain and I believe that it helped a great deal with the healing, that and a lot of hard work. That was twenty years ago this last February, I was warned that with the amount of nerve damage I would probably be in a wheelchair from then onward. I am not and get around fairly well considering all. I will be relocating to a legal state as soon as I can but for now I am stuck in the phallus of North America. :thanks:
How to train?

I feel like I have some understanding how to top or FIM a plant that branches with opposed branches. Despite their small size, these plants are growing alternating branches.

What can I do to encourage branching when I already have alternating branches?


You can still top alternating branches. Its not as affective on a clone unless you are doing some type of LST or HST to get multiple sites reaching up towards the light. Also this will depend on the strain. Some will stunt more and others like the abuse.

This was a snow white clone that I literally said "insert bad word here" it!...and I abused this thing with HST and multiple topping. Like she was my dungeon slave and I didn't care if she lived. This girl loved it and gave me 40 grams from a 1 gallon soil pot. I am not sure if 40 grams is that great for a 1 gallon soil pot, but it was the most I ever got under CFL's in my set up.



So let the beating begin! If she likes it she will reward you :)
Tonight, I added Perlite to the Flower Room for a flowering SWICK.

4 Cubic foot (110 liter) bags of Perlite and a respirator.


I poured 10 cubic feet (75 liquid gallons, 283 liters) of perlite into the 4x8' tray. Gas mask was essential in minimizing inhaled dust.


Spreading out the perlite with a garden rake (upside down worked best for smoothing)


Added 40 gallons (150 liters) of PH adjusted water. I expect to add at least 4 more gallons when the water wicks onto all the perlite.

Happy Birthday Clones


With more than a little chagrin, I wish a Happy Birthday and best possible future to my first clones.

They are living off the edge of the lights in the garden room vegging areas. Depending on the next few weeks, they will either go into the flower room at the edge of the light alongside my seedlings, or they get the chop without flowering.

I potted up 3 more of their clones showing roots, so I have potted 7 of 8 clones taken on 4/7. The last one does not have roots showing, but still looks viable.

My one year olds. They've had a difficult life.



When I run out of space, or the vegging girls get 20" wide, they go into the flower room. Not long now.

Chagrined or not, a celebration is called for. Look at them Rad, they fought the odds and they still live.
For now. So, Happy Birthday young ones. :love:

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