ReefCheef's 1st Bubblegrow Blueberry/God's Bud

Hey thanks! I'll see what I can do to her, I'm just worried that it's something that can be passed to another plant. I have her quarantined in the corner as of now.

I've been battling with the temps a lot now, adjusting fans all the time and what not. Temps are staying about 79-82 during the day. A little higher than what I want but the girls can take it.

I'm about to go make a homemade Co2 bottle to give my girls an extra boost. I'll veg for about another week or maybe more. Kind of just playing it by ear... They're looking great, I go to check on them and what not and I find myself staring at them for a good 20 minutes before I realize what I'm doing.
Haha hell yea. I have heard before that smoking near your plants isn't good for them, don't ask me why just what someone has told me. But hey if it's working for you then props man!!:ganjamon:
Well I think it's about time for an update... I need to find my camera and show whats good...
I put two plants into 12/12 today and I am keeping one plant to be my mother and take clones... I chose the God Bud to be the mother since I only have one seed. I'm going to wait about a week and take a bunch of clones to start the cycle so I can start producing a steady amount every 2-3 weeks...

Here is The Purp seed I planted... can't wait for this one to grow up!!!

And here is the God Bud aka Maggie aka Momma Bear...

Here is the Blueberry aka Mable and the unknown seed but sure is growing fast plant aka Susie... Susie was topped when she was young and you can see the two main stems that just shot right up...


Blueberry... it seems like she has kind of stopped growing vertically, I topped her when she was 3 1/2 weeks in and she hasn't responded that great. I definitely think it's better to top early in the plants life.

Here is the unkown, she is doing great except for some fan leaves that are folding up at the edges. I'm not sure what it's from, any advice would be awesome!!

Cya everyone! :ganjamon::ganjamon:
Loving the greenery. Im telling you man buy the MMJ growers bible by jorge cerventes and it will help u alot with the spotting and leaves curling @ the ends. I have not read the whole thing but by next month i am going to beacuse in aug is when i plan on to get things rolling. What is you Germination and seedling method? Do you just use plain Ph'd water when sprouting or do you use any nutes or additives? Think thats the most important time of the plants life much like childhood is important to us.
haha :grinjoint:

I like watching my plants grow. I often smoke em out too. nothing promotes happy plants like a doobie. ;)

Um, if you have great ventillation than its no prob to smoke in your room. If you're blowing smoke right on the leaves - that's not a good idea. It will clog the stomata. The parts the plant uses to transpire.

Great grow going on here Cheef!


EDIT: Also I second getting the MMJ Growers Bible. Best all round reference I've found.I'm about to re-read the whole thing for the umpteenth time to try and finally lock down my understanding of deficiencies. Now that I've seen so many gonna go back and see if all the reading sinks in this time.
Thanks guys!

Yea I will be picking up one of those growers bible soon... I am about to start a new job and I'm a little strapped for cash at the moment. And unfortunately they drug test so I need to think of something quick. I have one week until I take the test, I'm going to be drinking a shit ton of water and running my ass off all week.

If anyone has any fail-proof ways to pass a drug test without quitting smoking that would be awesome!!
Thanks guys!

Yea I will be picking up one of those growers bible soon... I am about to start a new job and I'm a little strapped for cash at the moment. And unfortunately they drug test so I need to think of something quick. I have one week until I take the test, I'm going to be drinking a shit ton of water and running my ass off all week.

If anyone has any fail-proof ways to pass a drug test without quitting smoking that would be awesome!!

I got through probation by pissing out of a nasal type squeeze bottle, that was taped to my leg. I used water with a touch of yellow number 5. They even put it into a machine which made me nervous, but it passed no problem! They never watched directly, he was behind me setting the machine up. Probably did it like 10 times, no problems, just unscrew cap and squeeze!
Get a detox drink from GNC you need to flush your system. You drink their drink then fill the bottle up twice with water drink them both piss a few times before you go and then you should be clean. My friend did it back in 07 and he was str8 and he blazes like crazy. Me i just went sober and banged hella broads :) but there are links if you scroll down all the way on this site for you to pass your piss test as long as you follow instructions u shud be good.:goodluck:
Thanks for the advice! It seems like everyone I talk to has a different way of passing a test. I think I'm actually going to stop smoking for a little bit to give my body a chance to cleanse. I doubt that I will pass a test in a few days because I'm a pretty heavy smoker. I think I'm going to get my friend to piss for me and I will try to keep it warm by wrapping some hand warmers around the bottle... Hopefully that will work. I probably won't smoke until my next harvest and then when I do I will get hella high.:ganjamon:

I'm pissed kind of because where I live the economy is so screwed it is damn hard to find any kind of work... I am a younger guy and I am competing with guys with 20+ years experience for a simple entry-level job. More than half the time people won't call you back or at an interview there are at least 5 other people interviewing. O well...
Day 3 of 12/12
PH - 6.2
PPM - 1000
RH - 50%
Temp - 82-84

I'm trying to find some ways to get my temps down...

Well we have some good news, I was checking for some signs of their sex and boom...


I'm not positive about the Blueberry yet...

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