Renegade's BID Tribute Grow - Multi Strain

Still here just not much to say...

Enjoy the pics...









See you on Wednesday...
10 Feb 15, Tuesday, day 25, week 2, day 3 of 12/12 and full nutrients...
Readings before change out...
Air: 77-88
RH: 28-44

What's up folks...LOL.

Yep, he's still here and getting thru things.

So the Twins look great. The scrog thing has got me confused but we'll get thru that with some help.

The intention is to train the branches below and along the underside of the net. The problem is the fan leafs won't behave and I'm finding that I may have to trim more often than I'd like. Biggest issue is the height of the scrog. Only 4" from the res.

So new lesson learned? And this seems more important with a multi pod res. Separate reservoirs or soil pots seem to give better access to the under growth?

This is a question more than a statement?

Could use some input from the scrog guys. What to do next. Keep in mind I went to 12/12 after 2 weeks of seedling and these gurls are 7-9 week plants.

Thanks guys...

And thanks Green for checking in. Means a lot...
10 Feb 15, Tuesday, day 25, week 2, day 3 of 12/12 and full nutrients...
Readings before change out...
Air: 77-88
RH: 28-44

What's up folks...LOL.

Yep, he's still here and getting thru things.

So the Twins look great. The scrog thing has got me confused but we'll get thru that with some help.

The intention is to train the branches below and along the underside of the net. The problem is the fan leafs won't behave and I'm finding that I may have to trim more often than I'd like. Biggest issue is the height of the scrog. Only 4" from the res.

So new lesson learned? And this seems more important with a multi pod res. Separate reservoirs or soil pots seem to give better access to the under growth?

This is a question more than a statement?

Could use some input from the scrog guys. What to do next. Keep in mind I went to 12/12 after 2 weeks of seedling and these gurls are 7-9 week plants.

Thanks guys...

And thanks Green for checking in. Means a lot...

Usually a SCroG screen is placed 12" above the pot or reservoir to allow sufficient room to remove the undergrowth.
Hap, hap, Happy Valentine's Day out there to all you couples...

And a happy Sativa-day to the rest of us...LOL.

Gonna pull on some of the last of my Blue Msytic and get out and enjoy this cold weather..

Hey Green...gonna git some snow this weekend...LOL.

Hell yea....

OH...and the garden grows on...LOL
14 Feb 15, Saturday, day 29, week 2, day 7 of 12/12...
Readings before change out...
Air: 82
RH: 52
PH: 5.1
PPM: 156x
Res Temp: 68

PH: 7.0
PPM: 043
Temp: 65

After change out...
Air: 77
RH: 40
PH: 5.5
PPM: 155x

Raised the LED back up to its highest point...28". Gives the Twins 18" to stretch. Before I step back and let her turn up I'm going to defol this week. I'm going to hit her hard taking all the larger fans out. Input on this decision? It's only the end of week 3 but those large fans are getting in the way.

Other than that you can see the Twins are doing great.
Yea, too busy.

What you think about doing some big fan defol tomorrow?

I've raised the light so they will probably start stretching now. End of the second week of 12/12.

She's looking bushy and beautiful there. Awesome work man
Looking good renegade, they seem to love the nute strength.If I fed my girl that much it would kill her.
Just started wk 6 of flower & still burning her at 500ppm lol
What's up guys....

Yea, Shaun the "x" factor is interesting but I'm sticking to AH's schedule and that's what it comes out after res change.

Yes they do love the stuff. Really can't say enough about the nutes and LED.

Changed out the res last night and the roots are still very white and dam they are growing with nice fine hairs coming off them.

Peyton, i'm gonna strip them back tonight at lights on and send some before and after pics.

Got a couple dates so hit everyone up later....


Looking good renegade, they seem to love the nute strength.If I fed my girl that much it would kill her.
Just started wk 6 of flower & still burning her at 500ppm lol
LMAO....playa, playa not...LOL.

Imagine an old, high yella tryin to impress the ladies....well just one...LOL. Second date didn't go that well either but at least it was with a red weakness...LOL.

It didn't go well but I did get out and that's what was important.

I was in Greensboro all day. Began snowing around 3 by the time I hit the road to come home it had changed to sleet, than just rain and now it's just a cold sleeting rain...LOL. The drive back up in the morning my be a little tricky but I'm a Mass boy at heart and know when to go slow...LOL. Gonna prep the fire place in case the power goes out...


16 Feb 15, Monday, day 31, week 3, day 4 of 12/12...
Evening readings...
Air: 68-84
RH: 28-59
PH: 5.9
PPM: 163x
Res Temp: 70

So the Twins pop'd on the 16th, which means they are 1 month old, day 31 and week 2 of 12/12. And we were forced to do a defol on the larger original fans at the end of week 2.

As always, as usual they didn't skip a beat. Already acting like I didn't touch them.

And guess who won't go away...yep, Little Sister (Purple #1) refuses to die. You can see her in the shadows in most of the pics. I just left her be and tonight I checked in on her. She's trying to get past her second set. With all the gentleness I could muster I pulled the plug out and sure enough she has a second tap root growing. White and healthy... The first tap root is still visible but brown and rooted. She won't be given the green light till her roots hit the water but at least she's trying.

I think the big guy reached down and gave her a little talking too. He was always there to help so I'm giving him this credit since it's at the top of his list of fav's. He wants me to succeed so I can see what the hype is about....thanks big guy...LOL

Happy MunchDaze Renegade:)....did you get a lot of snow?....we have a chance this afternoon for a whole 1 or 2 and then turning to rain late tonight:)lol......You are doing an awesome job my brother.....those girls are looking fabulous:) how were the date's this weekend Playa Playa?:)lol
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