Second Attempt

Update: Two clones from a dispensary Purple Kush and Northern Lights! In rockwool so i just put it straight into soil. when should I water my new clones? Add emergency blankets from wall mart also! thanks to everyone for all the comments so far!

top view of Northern Lights clone

Side view of the bush baby

Another side view of the bushy baby

close up of my baby (looks really big haha)

side view of nl clone

cool angle of my baby

side view of purple Kush clone

another view of purple kush clone

yet another view of the purple kush

Top view of purple kush

Another shot of my baby

thinking of lst, but not sure which plant.... Any suggestions? Also as i said above. when should i water my clones if i got them like a few hours ago?

Also when should i start using my fox farms grow big on the clones?
im about to go to bed and i dont want to take the chance of hurting my clones. any suggestions on watering?
I need help! About to head off to work for the day.....

Should I water my clones yet????
thanks for your info, based on it i watered the clones.
I should have my clone in a 24 hour light cycle right? when do I know when to make it 12/12?
I decided to LST two of my seedlings. Not the clones yet though. about 1 day after the tied them down, little spots of brown started to appear on the leaves. I'm not sure if this has something to do with the LST, but it only happened to the LSTed plants.

Below the stem in the middle of the picture below you can see some discoloring |

View of LST on the medical seed plant.

LST view on the bushy baby

Super blurry, but if you look in the middle you can see discoloring

Enjoy :)
thanks everyone! I'm going raise my lights I guess, but I believe clones are supposed to be a little on the warm side so i am iffy on putting the fan on them. Couldnt be nutes because i haven't started with them yet.
Purple Kush clone has no new growth yet so far, just getting yellower and shittier lookin D: what should I do? I have some sea kelp stuff if that would help? Pics

Top View


Side view


Another view


james843 I just looked up the soil your using and it's very bad soil to use. It has a timed released nutrient in it thats burning your plant. You will need new soil and more perlite to fix this you can use scotts Premium Topsoil it has no nutes in it add 50% perlite. Transplant your babies into the new soil after carefully washing off the old soil. You can also use the Alaskan Fish fertilizer to feed them after they recover a little. That should give you time to find some better nutes. Sorry to break the new to you.
Look luck and will be around.

I don't use scotts so I dont think that applies to me. I got fox farms ocean forest. and ff grow big +tiger bloom, and this sea kelp extract called Floralicious
Hey to those who remember me :grinjoint:
Second Attempt:
Same Setup as last time
The soil is random i have no idea what it is but it's doing great.
I have a bag of scotts potting soil and im waiting to get perlite to transfer into a bigger pot with 50 perltie 50 scotts soil mixed up.

Suggestions on pot size? I am going to LST (Low Stress Train) this plaint so I am not sure on the size i should go with.

The plant is a random seed from medical marjuana :smokin:

Light is 4 26 watt cfls

Pictures of setup/baby will be up asap

Ok ?????

james843 I just looked up the soil your using and it's very bad soil to use. It has a timed released nutrient in it thats burning your plant. You will need new soil and more perlite to fix this

That was before the transplant to the 5 gallon pots, when he got ff ocean soil.

I think it would be a good idea to flush the soil anyways as the ff may be too hot as well. Some plants are just sensative. Take the bucket and put it in your bath tub and pour a gallon of water through the bucket, so alot runs out the bottom and down the drain.

Also, what are you using as an exhaust fan and are you using any temp/humidity monitor?
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