Seeking A Sympathetic Guru! I'm 4 Years As A Medical User & New Grower

You really think I'm ignorant of the light spectrums?

I'm not "verifying" the manufacturer's claims. I'm Not trying to explain electrical currents,

I'm only putting down facts about these lights as "they want me to" understand them. And I researched it in layman's terms.

If it makes you feel better, treat me like a dumbass and go ahead and act like a no it all when you know im right! You've totally muddled the water "lightyears" from my original inquiry!

Good night and I wish I had some of what you're smoking!
My point.

I did the math! All my grow appliances, including 3 led lights will use under 1100 watts TOTAL (ACTUAL CURRENT) from the house!

I started with the simple question about is there a such thing as "too much light"?

I gave a description of the actual led UNITS I am installing, 2 lightes (Rated At) 1000 watts EQUIVALENT output And a third lamp (rated at) 2000 watts EQUIVALENT output.

I was only curious IF they would suffer from that much light!!! And it all got twisted by this and that ain't right about what is wattage! You've exhausted me for no good reason!

I'm installing the lights and "Damn The Torpedoes. After all, The Real Sun is endless light; and plants love it...

I'll compute the heat factor and work accordingly.

Now are we back on track?

I am unsure if you actually know the actual concepts behind LED'S. A regular 10 Watt incandescent light actually uses 10 watts of power! A 10 Watt led actually uses something like 2 or 3 watts but emits the same 10 watt EQUIVALENT of light.

This was all unnecessary dribble.

I depend on ya'll for simple answers to simple questions for things about growing that you are experienced with. How is my question leading us onto this rollercoaster.?

Maybe it's my fault. Language or Communication? I need to study a cannabis growers dictionary! It's as if ya'll are speaking in code much of the time.

Travel back in time to your first 6 weeks EVER involved with growing and that's exactly where I am! Henc; Seeking "Sympathetic" Guru!
Oh, common; Reallly?

If I disagree with you or your methods about a single topic, you turn your back on me even if I am not wrong or even a bit illogical?

Sorry you're taking it so hard! I'll miss your unput. Till now it's all been great! Even if I had to Google allot of what you said. Your respect (or disrespect) seems balanced on a take it or leave it philosophy, well I'm definitely no philosopher and now and then, some scientific concepts need more hang time for me.

Audios or just later (I hope).
I once thought that this plant was going into full vegetative; well this is it immediately after a serious trimming! It's exploding in deep forest green leaves!

I sure hope like hell it's getting close to blooming; I've begun several new seedlings at about 9 days old: And I'm gonna need the room pretty soon.

It is an auto from nukeheads (Killer Nuke) it's 8 weeks old now and I have no information about it's lifespan and they haven't replied to any of my inquiries.
50 percent and their 100 percent germination guarantee ain't worth the electrons it's printed on!!! They tell me I have to make another purchase in order to send me replacements! Yeah Right!!!
I have one seedling that had trouble shedding the seed husk and it pinched off the first leaf on one side. (The one just above the embryonic leaf)

Will it still grow? Or is it too damaged?

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