Should I be concerned with this seedling?

😩thst sucks iv always wanted to try rock wool in not set up for it
It was easy to transfer the germinated seed into the rock wool, although it was kinda curling making a U shape, seemed like it recovered easy though. Even when I put the seedling tap root pointing up all I had to do was cut a corner of the rock wool to cover the hole and the root so it grew down again.
It was easy to transfer the germinated seed into the rock wool, although it was kinda curling making a U shape, seemed like it recovered easy though. Even when I put the seedling tap root pointing up all I had to do was cut a corner of the rock wool to cover the hole and the root so it grew down again.
How does that type system work anyway as far as feeding and watering
How does that type system work anyway as far as feeding and watering
A whole system I'm not sure tbh, I was just using it as a starter cube cos it has some good drainage and stays moist. I've had trouble starting straight into soil and coco so I figured I would try rockwool.
A whole system I'm not sure tbh, I was just using it as a starter cube cos it has some good drainage and stays moist. I've had trouble starting straight into soil and coco so I figured I would try rockwool.
Cool.never hurts trying something new like to see how this turns out tho
Anyone have an idea? I'm using rockwool with water ph down to 6, my other seedling looks great. Got them under a vented dome, humidity is around 80% atm.


dont use a dome i germinated 3 seeds for first time i ever tried i used a 250w hps and no dome my humidity was between 40 an 50 percent the temps outside was 35c plus inside tent 28c. i used a bottle sprayer and misted pot 3 times a day then after seedling stage gave 250ml then upwards from there. did u also leave rockwool in ph adjusted solution for 24hrs when i grew in rockwool i never phd cube and had problems from start to end rockwool ph is between 7 and 8 ph. could u not start seed in starter plug then put in rockwool
I believe your ph was wrong for 1 thing…. for rockwool hydro rules apply meaning set ph range 5.8

Rockwool holds a crap ton of water but not really good for transplanting into soil. If you are going to continue grow in soil media I’d avoid RW cubes in future. Seedling prolly died from damping off disease.…. Bottom line avoid switching media types - start in hydro stay in hydro, rockwool isn’t for dirt.

Rapid rooters, jiffy peat pucks or starter soil are most commonly used for seed starting.

seedlings have roots so a dome isn’t needed, a dome is used to keep rh high while cuttings develop their roots

gotta be sterile clean & the less you can handle sprout the better…. Most do soak for 24 hours then bury some do paper towel & tail method. If your germ / sprout efforts are failing might be low temps… Heard that - do not pass go / do not collect $200. it’s time to drop more beans my friend. Trust me, you will kill some beans - that’s a given.

hope something here helps - best of luck!!!
Hey @bahzero!

I have never used rock wool for starting a seedling – just makes no sense to me.

I use a 2" square nursery pot with a fine-grain sprouting medium consisting of sifted soil, coconut coir, and perlite. The medium only contains a slight amount of nutrients. I let the seedling grow for a few days, until it looks like the one in the photo below. Then I transplant to a 1 gal black plastic nursery pot containing a custom, organic, living soil mixture, including coco coir. I bury the sprout in the new pot so that 1 to 1.5" of the stem is showing above the soil. Now the plant can grow to 9" tall or more, before transplanting to the final pot size.


photo from @MikeB1

happy growing! 🪴
dont use a dome i germinated 3 seeds for first time i ever tried i used a 250w hps and no dome my humidity was between 40 an 50 percent the temps outside was 35c plus inside tent 28c. i used a bottle sprayer and misted pot 3 times a day then after seedling stage gave 250ml then upwards from there. did u also leave rockwool in ph adjusted solution for 24hrs when i grew in rockwool i never phd cube and had problems from start to end rockwool ph is between 7 and 8 ph. could u not start seed in starter plug then put in rockwool
Looks like she may have purple in her genitics iv had seedlings look same as those grew in soil tho.
Hey @bahzero!

I have never used rock wool for starting a seedling – just makes no sense to me.

I use a 2" square nursery pot with a fine-grain sprouting medium consisting of sifted soil, coconut coir, and perlite. The medium only contains a slight amount of nutrients. I let the seedling grow for a few days, until it looks like the one in the photo below. Then I transplant to a 1 gal black plastic nursery pot containing a custom, organic, living soil mixture, including coco coir. I bury the sprout in the new pot so that 1 to 1.5" of the stem is showing above the soil. Now the plant can grow to 9" tall or more, before transplanting to the final pot size.


photo from @MikeB1

happy growing! 🪴
Looking great man standing proud
I just can't seem to keep the temp in the 4x4 grow tent in an acceptable range during the summer with these lights, will try again after summer is over with the new lights I ordered with dials.
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