Should I flush?


Active Member
Hello everyone Im going for a heady type of bud and im not sure if these trichomes are telling me that the plants are ready to be flushed or not. If it is time flush how long after flushing should I wait before actually chopping?
Also today is the beggi
The time for giving a proper 3x the container sized flush was 2 weeks ago, when the final budswell started. Flushing now, at the very end does nothing productive except give you some exercise.... it certainly does not affect the flavor of the buds in the very least... only a proper dry and cure can do that.
So should I chop em now like today???? Today is the first day of week 8
Looking at the trichs in your pics I'd say they are pretty much ready for harvest.
If when you say flush you mean just a plain water feed most will tell you not to bother, just feed right till the end.
Today is the begging of week 8 should i chop em now like today
How many gallons is reservoir? Is it tap water or RO? What are ppm & ph levels?

Is the lid up or down? You make no mention of wiping?

It’s best to wipe before you flush!

Yes twisted humor & sarcasm are requisite

Below copied from member InTheShed article on flushing.

For those who still believe you can flush nutrients from the buds before harvest, yet another article, summarizing a research paper linked below this one:
Flushing - the science | Med-Tek Nutrients
The value of flushing tends to be hotly debated by many growers with some stating that the same thing can be achieved through curing the harvest correctly. Others might tell you that flushing means…

The link to the original research on the bottom of the page is broken. Here is the original research paper.The information on flushing starts on page 51, and the bar graph of the nutrient breakdown in the dried flower starts on page 71.

There was NO statistical difference in the nutrient levels in the buds after two weeks of flushing IN HYDRO! You read that correctly: in a 100% nutrient-free environment for two weeks before harvest, the dried buds had the same levels of N, S, P, K, Mg, and Ca as the buds that were fed.

So, let's cannot flush nutes from your buds by feeding only water before harvest.

To be fair, the study did not find a statistically significant loss in mass or THC due to flushing, so @TheMadDabber's money-saving reason holds.

The upshot? Flush if you want to, but please stop telling people it's to rid the buds of the "nute taste."

Thanks for reading, and please don't argue the point if you don't have linked scientific studies that contradict these results. Now let's move on to other things.
My only problem with the way this scientific paper has been presented here, with the no flush club and all, is that it tends to make people believe that any flushing (giving a 3x the container size wash of the soil) is never necessary. All this paper talks about is the act of trying to flush the nutrients out of of the plant for better taste, somewhere near the end of the grow. It is NOT trying to say that you should never flush your soil. Flushing in many nutrient systems should be done several times during the grow, to clear veg nutes and start with bloom nutes for example, and to clean the soil periodically of built up salts and left over nutes. Many times, lockout situations can be cleared with a proper flush of the soil and keeping your soil clear of salts helps to provide for strong uptake of water and nutrients.
Look I cracked a joke & dropped an article. How you read into what I didn’t say is absurd. I never said that plus I never intended to represent all sides. He specifically asked about flushing in relation to trichs and harvest, this is the end of his grow. The article was on point, the op can decide it’s merit.

I’m a soil grower & generally opposed to flushing. Sure it can be beneficial and fix lockouts, reduce chemical salts but I try to avoid it. I see flushing as much more of a hydro growers concern, they live and breathe based on flushing. Hell they flush after flushing. Personally I could care less was just dropping the info.

But the concept that a 3 X flush is gonna erase all traces of what the plant absorbed while the roots soaked in combo of smelly bottle nutes or soil laden with bat guano for 20 weeks is not realistic, I don’t need a scientific article to tell me that and all.

Flush or not, whatevs
Read the Fox Farms soil feeding schedule. Fox Farms calls for a flush almost 4 times during a soil grow. To not do a flush simply because you don't believe in it, or to advise against it because of this belief, that is a disservice to anyone who might need to do so. But then again, this post specifically asked about the end of grow flush to clear chemical tastes from the smoke... and that of course, we have completely demolished as a needed practice in this thread.
Heres more pics I think Im going to chop today Im just nervous I dont want to go to early????? Should I do it? Would you?


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Man everywhere I look

To flush? Or not to flush ?

I got caught up in the questions. Researched for hours and then some more.
Annnnnnd the best thing I can say is , well just experiment, you won't know , what you won't do
May cost you some plants but you gain knowledge.
Just my 2 cents
Yes Sir! Me personally I feed right up until harvest.
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