Hi CCO Brethren!

In this thread, I have asked for and received the best assistance and information, this thread is like no other because you folks are a group like no other. OK, so I need more help, or at least some opinions or experienced guesses. Lab Rats Unite!

Here we go,

As described earlier in this thread, I have been treating my son (he has Neurofibromatosis or NF1) with CCO CAPS for a few weeks now.

I started his treatments with a 40:1 ratio 4x a day for a week, followed by 30:1 ratio 4x a day for a week, and then progressed to 20:1 ratio 4x a day. He was reacting well to the therapy and was sleeping better with fewer awakenings, and felt much looser and mobile in the mornings. After a few days of consuming 20:1 ratio 4x a day, he started developing a new “thing”. A rash started appearing on his neck and face in a location where he had a bad sunburn in his teens. It initially appeared similar to light sunburn, and progressively darkened and eventually progressed into dark red bumps. The bumps appear very similar to what shaving bumps/rash look like, the no so fun razor burn that we can get when being overzealous with a sharp razor. Nothing else in his diet, medicine, or environment has changed. No sun exposure occurred during this time period. I immediately dropped his dose back to the 40:1 ratio 4x a day. The rash has mostly abated since the CCO reduction, but I am hesitant to increase the dosage again, or at minimum increase it more slowly.

Does anyone have any ideas, thoughts or experiences with regrading someone having this reaction to CCO? It was a bit very shocking, but the parent/child thing magnifies the discord.

I couldn’t find very much in the Internet regarding this rash thing as a reaction to CCO/RSO or most any other cannabis extraction methods. Perhaps it’s not even CCO related, and something else might have just cropped up? Or perhaps it’s a Herxheimer reaction. Maybe it’s his body ejecting some toxic stuff and the CCO is doing its work? Since people lather CCO into creams and slather it on their skin, and it heals, it can't be allergic reaction right? An allergic reaction was my initial fear, but he can handle and smoke cannabis without negative reaction. I reached the conclusions my first thgouth was dumb, especially since his treatment is taken orally and not applied externally.

I’m just playing armchair Doc here to my son, and it’s not for faint-hearted parents I tell you!

I appreciate any and all thoughts on the matter, many thanks.

Hi CCO Brethren!

In this thread, I have asked for and received the best assistance and information, this thread is like no other because you folks are a group like no other. OK, so I need more help, or at least some opinions or experienced guesses. Lab Rats Unite!

Here we go,

As described earlier in this thread, I have been treating my son (he has Neurofibromatosis or NF1) with CCO CAPS for a few weeks now.

I started his treatments with a 40:1 ratio 4x a day for a week, followed by 30:1 ratio 4x a day for a week, and then progressed to 20:1 ratio 4x a day. He was reacting well to the therapy and was sleeping better with fewer awakenings, and felt much looser and mobile in the mornings. After a few days of consuming 20:1 ratio 4x a day, he started developing a new “thing”. A rash started appearing on his neck and face in a location where he had a bad sunburn in his teens. It initially appeared similar to light sunburn, and progressively darkened and eventually progressed into dark red bumps. The bumps appear very similar to what shaving bumps/rash look like, the no so fun razor burn that we can get when being overzealous with a sharp razor. Nothing else in his diet, medicine, or environment has changed. No sun exposure occurred during this time period. I immediately dropped his dose back to the 40:1 ratio 4x a day. The rash has mostly abated since the CCO reduction, but I am hesitant to increase the dosage again, or at minimum increase it more slowly.

Does anyone have any ideas, thoughts or experiences with regrading someone having this reaction to CCO? It was a bit very shocking, but the parent/child thing magnifies the discord.

I couldn’t find very much in the Internet regarding this rash thing as a reaction to CCO/RSO or most any other cannabis extraction methods. Perhaps it’s not even CCO related, and something else might have just cropped up? Or perhaps it’s a Herxheimer reaction. Maybe it’s his body ejecting some toxic stuff and the CCO is doing its work? Since people lather CCO into creams and slather it on their skin, and it heals, it can't be allergic reaction right? An allergic reaction was my initial fear, but he can handle and smoke cannabis without negative reaction. I reached the conclusions my first thgouth was dumb, especially since his treatment is taken orally and not applied externally.

I’m just playing armchair Doc here to my son, and it’s not for faint-hearted parents I tell you!

I appreciate any and all thoughts on the matter, many thanks.


There is such a thing as an allergy to MMJ that can result in hives, however, I would think it's unlikely that's the issue since he was on a pretty good dose at the 30:1 4x per day and was at the 20:1 for a few days before symptoms started showing. Usually an allergic reaction is fairly immediate.

Was it an isolated issue that happened only once or did he break out in hives every time he had a dose?

Any chance you may have changed laundry detergents, soaps, etc.?
BTW...there's a way to test for allergies by holding the item in one hand and pressing it against the stomach and then testing arm resistance in the opposite arm.

It's called "nutritional response testing" and here's a video that demonstrates the technique:

Nutrition Response Testing (Muscle Testing - Applied Kinesiology) - YouTube

Mr. Krip,
Well I learn something new everyday, thanks! I'll have him try that, have you ever had any allergic reactions and tested this method?
I'm seriously allergic to perfume, if in the environment with high concentrations for too long I sneeze and my throat narrows. Fortunately I love my wife's natural scent!

There is such a thing as an allergy to MMJ that can result in hives, however, I would think it's unlikely that's the issue since he was on a pretty good dose at the 30:1 4x per day and was at the 20:1 for a few days before symptoms started showing. Usually an allergic reaction is fairly immediate.

Was it an isolated issue that happened only once or did he break out in hives every time he had a dose?

Any chance you may have changed laundry detergents, soaps, etc.?

It was a 4 day progression of the symptom, 2 weeks with no negative reaction, and made me wonder but rarely allergic reactions are not immediate. No changes in any lotions, soaps, shave creams, no diet or environmental changes, nothing new or different but my CCO. I had a thought and Sue brought up the detox Herxheimer reaction, and I hope/desire that might be the true diagnosis.

Thank you Mr. Krip, you are a major assets in these parts! I've read much of you posting over your years here, impressive man, I tip my hat to you (if I wore hats!)

BTW...there's a way to test for allergies by holding the item in one hand and pressing it against the stomach and then testing arm resistance in the opposite arm.

It's called "nutritional response testing" and here's a video that demonstrates the technique:

Nutrition Response Testing (Muscle Testing - Applied Kinesiology) - YouTube

This was amazing! I'd never heard of this technique before. What is this not more widespread?

Thank you K, for expanding our base of knowledge yet again. :hug: :love:
Thank you all for your insightful thoughts on the pain cream and how the body sends those signals. We are amazing biological machines, aren't we? I never cease to be amazed at the magnitude of what our bodies are capable of.

Another note on the effectiveness of the cream:

My daughter stopped this evening to pick up her new batch of more potent cream, and while she was here I had her apply some to her hands to see how long it would take for the tension in her upper back to release, since she was complaining of not being able to freely move her right shoulder due to the knot in her back.

Less than three minutes in the pain was completely gone and she had free movement of the affected shoulder. She was also able to breathe more freely without all that tension. Everytime I watch this happen I'm even more impressed.
I'm reposting this from the Oiler's Lounge. It's an important revisiting of the need for sterile practice when producing cannabis oil. I'm certain circuit won't mind my adding this to our pages as well. Let's make his final statement a mistake in judgement.

There sure are some odd methods of extracting cannabis oil around, curious how this one works out. There has been a lot of progress made with regard to extracting, many different approaches with different solvents and hardware. We should keep a few basics in mind with this stuff, especially when it comes to toxic solvents and pathogens. I'm no expert, so I use great care to NOT do any harm when making and taking cannabis oil. Blue Bell just issued a recall for some ice cream that may be contaminated with listeria, which killed a few people recently. Their processing facility looks pretty nice, a lot cleaner than any of the pictures posted showing how cannabis oil is made. Point being that you can really do some damage with a contaminated product. I suggest looking over the process that you intend to use and see if you can ensure that the end product is safe. My routine involves a spray bottle with iso alcohol to clean surfaces, wearing gloves and decarbing the oil at 248F to kill off anything that might be present. Anywhere water is present, even in very small amounts, there is risk of pathogens. When I see people giving some of these preparations to very sick patients, it makes me wonder how many suffer as a result of inadvertent poisoning or exposure to infectious agents. This forum is a fun place to look over cannabis related topics, but some of the reports are disturbing in that they describe some dangerous stuff. Good luck with your cannabis adventures, safe travels. The link that I posted to a FB page describing an effective and reasonably safe method for extraction was removed because of site rules, so this clearly isn't the place to learn about extracting.
Hi Keif..sorry to hear about your problems I hope he will be ok.
I agree on the detergent or something else new.

You can test anything on your body.. animal hair taped with a band aid to your arm (inside to soft sensitive skin) over night.. if red where hair was = allergy or sensitivity.

I as everyone before me that have already posted in this thread, want to send you a huge thank you! :thanks: :hug:

Your dedication, effort, and time spent as well as the whole 420 magazine community coming together in compiling and sharing medical marijuana information is truly inspirational and most of all, appreciated by all.

I am just now finding this thread and reading all the wonderful information inside (not that it was hard to find) I had to take a break from reading for a minute and send you my praise.

I am so sorry for your loss of your husband. Last month I've also experienced a similar loss of a loved one. My wife's father passed of cancer and unfortunately he had a negative view on MMJ. After his passing, I've made it my mission to learn as much as I can so I can further educate myself and bring information to other family members that are not on board with MMJ. This thread will definitely assist me in my mission.

I have a friend whos young son (8yrs old or so) has an inoperative brain tumor since birth that affects him greatly and she has no information on MMJ and is afraid to ask doctors for information on the topic. I will be sending her this link to read up a little.

I use MMJ for my crohns disease and pain management. I have not experimented with CCO by itself yet, but I did attempt to make cannabutter once for edibles. I found that my batch was not as good as some of the edibles bought from dispensaries. 1st timers learning curve and mistakes along the way may have contributed to those results. With this thread im sure Ill have much better results going forward. I just have to stick to my motto of learn, grow, and move forward.

I know i could have sent you this in a PM but there were so many people that have contributed to this thread that I thought that everyone should see how much this information is truly appreciated.

Thank you

Thank you Greensmurf. It's all a labor of love. :love: We're here to research and share. I'm glad you're finding the information we've compiled useful. Little pats on the back never hurt. If you've any questions, ask away. If you've any wisdom to share, please don't hesitate.

Make yourself at home. :battingeyelashes: :love:
New Batch of Pain Cream

This batch of slow-cook oil was 4 grams of Pure Kush in 1/2 cup of coconut oil

The cream was made with
- 50 grams of beeswax
- 100 ml grape seed oil
- 100 grams Pure Kush oil.

I whipped it up with a wisk. It's the consistency of whipped butter and smells divine.


I sent some to a friend with dibilitating back pain and he tells me that, although it doesn't hit the deep bone pain he's challenged with, it has relieved the pain and tension in surrounding muscles, and did so almost immediately. That was a great relief for both of us. My hope is that the CBD capsules he has will begin to help with the bone pain and surrounding inflammation we know must be there until we can get a good harvest in and get him on some THC capsules as well.
Pain Cream Update

I heard from my friend I sent the pain cream to. He slathered some on his back and went to lie down.......and took his first nap in years. He tells me it's been years since he was able to get past the pain to sleep. Filled to the brim with pain. Tonight he's hoping for a longed-for sound night's sleep.

*sigh* Just what I needed to hear. Some light at the end of that tunnel of pain. :love:

I've reworked these instructions and wanted to drop them here for you all to look over. If you see any shortcomings in my narrative, please speak up. We're close to nailing this one down to a finished piece. I've posted it in my blog as it is here, but that's easily edited.

pain creme

In my recent wanderings I found myself at an old thread on pain creme that intrigued me. A pain creme, made with a mere 2 grams of bud capable of healing diabetic ulcers. I had to try.

He makes some serious claims about what he's seen this creme heal. Here's the link to the original thread:

Pain creme. Using only2 grams. Used many times

The recipe's as basic as it gets; make a coconut oil extraction and add it to a simple beeswax creme base and whip it up. I made this recipe twice as strong. You control the strength of this topical by the amount of cannabis you add as well as the THC value of that plant material.


Slow cook oil

- 4 grams of high THC buds
- 1/2 cup coconut oil


- 50 grams beeswax
- 100 ml grape seed oil
- 100 ml Cannabis/coconut oil

Equipment and supplies

- glass jar with lid for slow cooking in oven
- glass baking dish to set the jar on
- coffee filters
- funnel
- Pyrex dish
- pot for hot water bath to melt wax and cold water bath to cool bowl and cream
- wisk or electric mixer (I use a wisk)
- spatula
- storage jar (use the one I sent or one that size. It'll fit.)

Oil extraction

4 grams of the highest THC bud you can get, bud, chopped fine, not powdery.


Turn the oven on the lowest setting.


Remove all but one rack. Place that about 3/4 of the way down.


Combine the 4 grams of prepared buds and 8 tablespoons of coconut oil. As you can see, it's hot enough in my apartment that the oil's liquid. If the oil was solid I would set it into a hot water bath and wait for it to liquefy. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Use a glass jar that can be placed in the oven at your lowest setting. Make sure the lid will be secure. You don't want it leaking when you shake it up.


Close it up and shake vigorously.


Place it on a glass baking dish in the middle of the oven rack. Every hour, initially, give it a shake. After a few times you can back off the every hour to whenever it crosses your mind and it's convienient. Leave it in there for 24-36 hours. I always go for 36. The lid gets very hot.


Every hour that I'm up I'll try to remember to give it a shake. I'm going for the 36-hr mark, shooting for potent. Then I'll strain and make the creme. I usually shake it about 20 times or so over the 36 hours.

Pain Cream: Finishing the job.

It cooked on low for a full 36 hours. The last day I think I shook it maybe six times through the course of the day. I strained it through an unbleached coffee filter. (I now use a piece of silkscreen silk to strain through, considering making a small bag of the silk.

Very gently but firmly, squeeze as much of the oil out as you can. This remaining amount can be run a second, or even a third time in fresh oil, but it won't be as potent. Alternatively, you can use the left-over plant material in edibles.

Be real careful as you do this not to tear the filter. This was why I went to the square of silk.




Making the cream

Gather up the ingredients for the cream base. One bar of beeswax is 28-30 grams. You'll need 50 grams for this recipe. That's 1 2/3 bars. This is a topical cream you're making for your own use. The carefully metered dose isn't really a concern.


50 grams of beeswax and 100 ml of grape seed oil melted together over a double boiler set-up. This would have gone faster if I'd shaved or grated the beeswax, but it took almost no time at all once the water was up to a boil.

DO NOT DO THIS IN THE JAR LIKE I DID HERE. Use a Pyrex bowl or something similar and pour the cream into the jar when you're done. You'll be whipping it up and I didn't whip up the batch I illustrated here.


On the left, the grape seed oil and beeswax mix. On the right, the deliciously fragrant coconut oil extraction. I'm thinking this is a great way to get terpenes and flavinoids into an oil. A long, slow cook. I always lick up any oil left in jars or on spoons or spatulas.... You get the drift. Lol!


Add 100 ml of the infused coconut oil and mix well. It set up beautifully in no time at all if you set the heated bowl into a cold water bath for a couple minutes. As soon as you have a skin forming on the bowl begin to whip it. Take it out of the cold water first for less sloppiness. Lol! Don't ask. Lol!

It should look like this when it sets. It'll be more liquid when you're done whipping air into it. I worked at it about ten minutes, I figure.


Pretty amazing stuff, considering how little bud material's called for. It's become a staple in my home pharmacy. I've every expectation that it'll work for you.

It makes a fabulous muscle relaxer. Rub it into the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet and feel the tense muscles throughout your body relax almost instantly. Members have used this in various potencies on everything you can think of, from burns to rashes to serious strains, always to surprisingly effective relief.

May this bring healing to your own home. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Excellent write-up on Alzheimers, thank you....and then I'm reading about this fabulous pain crème and voila; there is the recipe with pictures on how to make it....thank you from the bottom of my heart :circle-of-love:

Excellent write-up on Alzheimers, thank you....and then I'm reading about this fabulous pain crème and voila; there is the recipe with pictures on how to make it....thank you from the bottom of my heart :circle-of-love:

You are so welcome Shawnee. :hug: :love: What a delicious start to my day. :battingeyelashes:
Study Hall News

A couple things I need to report on.

First off, I heard from jennyj. Some of you may remember we were helping her with the protocol for her daughter who was attempting college as she battled cancer. Well, on July 4th the daughter went to the hospital with a UTI and on the 6th, the night before her release they did an enema to clear her bowels. Either by obstruction or perforation, complications set in that were overlooked, to the tragic end of Jenny's daughter passing away on the 7th of July instead of being released.

As you can understand, Jenny's beside herself with grief. Please keep her in your thoughts. Few things in life are more painful than losing a child, and to have that loss complicated with the frustration and anger over mishandled medical treatment adds a whole new level of pain to the journey. If all we can do is hold her lovingly in our hearts then let's do that with all the power we can put into it. :love:

The second thing is to report that neikodog had an accident while running his last batch of oil. It was a volume he'd worked with successfully before and had all his safety measures in place, as always, when the ethanol vapors ignited and set him on fire.

He's ok, and he's healing nicely, using his own pain cream to treat it along with the cream prescribed by his doctor. He got second-degree burns on his hands and legs. Thankfully his wife was nearby and got him outside so he could drop and roll in the grass.

Be safe everyone. Let this encourage you to rethink your safety measures and possibly reconsider some choices. This is the reason it's recommended you work outdoors with ethanol. As a future precaution he's purchased an oil distiller to reclaim part of the ethanol, control those fumes and have less solvent in the end to purge.

It reinforced that desire in me to go solventless in the new year.

Again, safety first.
Sue, both of those stories are horrible to hear about and my thoughts are with both.

Does Neikodog know what "mistakes" he made that resulted in the combustion? It appears working inside was mistake #1. was he using an electric stove? What about ventilation?

I think any info that can help others from making the same mistakes would be a GOOD thing!
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