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Well friends as most you prolly realized i wasnt here yesterday that because i was out with my wife hittin a bunch of yard sales. I thought it would be lame untill i got a Burton snowboard and bindings still in "Outstanding shape" for 10 bucks, i guess ppl can afford to get rid of shit for really cheap i surely cant. Anyways well for today i will be leavin here shortly to go do some of the best trout fishin bout 10 miles away in the San Juan River hope you all have a nice day.
Well friends as most you prolly realized i wasnt here yesterday that because i was out with my wife hittin a bunch of yard sales. I thought it would be lame untill i got a Burton snowboard and bindings still in "Outstanding shape" for 10 bucks, i guess ppl can afford to get rid of shit for really cheap i surely cant. Anyways well for today i will be leavin here shortly to go do some of the best trout fishin bout 10 miles away in the San Juan River hope you all have a nice day.

Nice score on the snowboard man! I hope you get lots of chances to use it next winter! And good luck fishing today, should be absolutely gorgeous out there! Have a great one man.
Thx FPF your pretty good dude you know i really hope you can get things worked out for you and i will enjoy my fishing its the best trout fishing in the four corners and i will be able to use it next winter in my back yeard all these mountains and all the snow we got this year im sure much wont change if anything it will be worse seems to me Mother nature on a path towards destruction i guess shes teachin everyone whats up lol. I mean can you believe these sorry bastards still lettin oil leak in the gulf i mean as if the south didnt get hit hard enough with hurricane katrina couple years back (I was there) and now this all them poor towns survive and make a livin off all that shrimp and seafood but not rite now they cant do shit again.
It happens all the time that plant will be fine.If your net pot is big enough you can put screws in the netpot outer ring, and support her with string or wire.and i would keep her taped till that nuckle comes.gota love nature at its best.sorry to come later to the party
Hey guys just another quick question for the pros..... Been getting the dreaded clear slime on my roots. Still fighting with res temps in my 2 5gal dwc setups. My local hydro shop (I know...mostly idiots) suggested Rhizotonic @$65/liter. Well, it's not working.

Now I've been reading alot about Physan 20. Should I give this a shot, and if so, can it be used along with the Rhizotonic?

Right now I am only using Floranova Grow and the Rhizo.

Here is my setup. I have another 5" S+P inline on the way that will run 24/7 on my cooltube. The 6" inline w/scrubber will be set on the temp controller when needed. My buckets are raised with wood strips to allow air flow, and right now I have a ridiculous amount of fans trying to keep the res temps down. I am even keeping the tent open all the time right now to no avail. My res temps are still fluctuating between 68-75 and that is with adding ice cubes every 6 hours or so. At this point I don't know what to do short of buying a cooler. Money is starting to get very short.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

What water quality are you starting with? (personally, I think RODI water is best but a lot of great growers use well or tap water with outstanding results)

How frequently are you changing the reservoir?

Have you tried low dose Hydrogen Peroxide?
I was originally using distilled, now using tap water with same results (55 ppm). I am changing the res once a week. Last week I tried just an H2O2 solution with no nutes for the whole week. Worked well for a few days and then bam, more slime.

At first I thought it was root rot, now I'm leaning towards brown algae.

I don't know how the algae would form though considering my buckets are light proof, my air lines are black and I only open the tops to drop in ice/check PH and temps.

I was under the assumption that algae forms from light leaks. I don't know what to do.
Go with ro water and H202 i use it all the time and i put frozen bottles of any spring water unopened in my res. and it looks like you got alot of stuff goin on in your grow space you need more air around the area try moving the scrubber outside of the grow booth look at my pics and you can see i try to keep everything outside of the grow area
:peace: Is the pump still in their get it out
Thanks Soniq and Olias.

I will copy and paste my response from another thread. Maybe it will clear things up a little.

Thanks for your reply Auto. Slime is definitely brownish clear. I have tried an h2o2 solution with no nutes for a week, worked for a few days and then, bam! more slime.

At first I was thinking root rot, but after fishing through all the forums (can't read enough!) I am leaning towards brown algae. I just can't see how the algae would form, considering my buckets are lightproof and I am using black air lines. I only open the tops to quickly add ice/check PH levels.

I was under the assumption that algae comes from light leaks.

As you can see from the pics, I have 3 air pumps. Each bucket has 1 pump w/4 ft. flexible air stone, and they are sharing the dual outlet pump with with a 5" el cheapo stone at the other end. From what I've been reading, seems like enough air.

I am using a 400w MH for the time being. It is constantly cooled, and I can touch the glass with no problem. Almost no heat at all from 2-5" away, and I am keeping the tube around 8-12" away from the canopy. The temps at my canopy stay between 73-83 deg., which isn't much higher than ambient........ Can't see how my lighting could be an issue either.

I realize this is a pretty big setup, but I am planning for the future. I have been picking up these pieces one by one when I come across a few bucks. Although I am only growing the 2 plants now, I would like to jump to 4-8 plants after this (potential) harvest. I originally started with cfl's and oscillating fans, but why not upgrade if you have the means. Problem is, the well has run dry, and I think I am still a couple of pieces away from a fairly good setup.

Bottom line is, I have to get these 2 plants healthy. That is my main concern right now.

I still don't know what to do............

I removed the water pumps from the res'es? last week. I feared they were the reason for the high temps. Well, pumps gone....still high temps.

I read somewhere this was supposed to be "easy as pie". Not exactly. But then I guess eventually I will benefit from all the effort I put in........ At least I hope.

Thanks again guys......your knowledge and input is truly invaluable!....Gotta get this thing cleared up.
AAAA good morning guys and girls ! thank god no work today ! damn gout attack again this wkend !! after working all day sat my foot swole up with my lastest gout attack !!Damn this shit sucks must be punishment for having fun last wk ! have to call for a scrip to stop this pain !!! and weed don't help gout damn it ... have a nice day everyone
J.....Root excelurator from H&G will help most any root problem and can be used for every part of your grow including clones.this is just me looking at the pic. can you cut the floor and drop the buckets in the shade or dont you have the clearance there.keeping the buckets from direct light may help with most of your problems.looks to me like your on some type of stand.My water is 300 ppm to start, so 55 is great to work with.we have alot of iron in well water.
sorry to hear about your gout Ol Hippy, its a good morning for me i finally got a friend of mine to open up and realize im not goin get him in trouble and i got my own going now to open up and show me his grow room he's building so i now have him convinced to try in bubbles so he's got me showin him about it but he's set up with 1000w MH and a 450w HPS he's got a can fan an ac unit Co2 setup its crazy but he's askin my help and i told him im not that detailed yet but its cool cause he been doin outdoor soil i met him at a bunch of community events up here in the are i live in he's old enough to be my grandfather but i like that cause its old school i dont have to worry about him tellin anyone or nothin him and his wife just keep to themselves we went down there yesterday and thats when i checked out his room and all and we stayed hours me the wife and kid all ate there im just stoked i finally met someone close by thats older keeps to themselves and just chill im really lookin forward to the friendship and growing expierence i have a head of me
AAAA good morning guys and girls ! thank god no work today ! damn gout attack again this wkend !! after working all day sat my foot swole up with my lastest gout attack !!Damn this shit sucks must be punishment for having fun last wk ! have to call for a scrip to stop this pain !!! and weed don't help gout damn it ... have a nice day everyone

My wife and I both have terrible gout attacks when and if we eat crab or lobster or shrimp. Our feet swell up and hurt so bad that we have to drink 4 or 5 beers and smoke two joints to be able to ignore the pain.
Lol Rose sorry to hear that but i laugh cause of your pain managment thats a great way i rarely drink but in a situation like that seems like a good way to get a good fade lol
sorry to hear about your gout Ol Hippy, its a good morning for me i finally got a friend of mine to open up and realize im not goin get him in trouble and i got my own going now to open up and show me his grow room he's building so i now have him convinced to try in bubbles so he's got me showin him about it but he's set up with 1000w MH and a 450w HPS he's got a can fan an ac unit Co2 setup its crazy but he's askin my help and i told him im not that detailed yet but its cool cause he been doin outdoor soil i met him at a bunch of community events up here in the are i live in he's old enough to be my grandfather but i like that cause its old school i dont have to worry about him tellin anyone or nothin him and his wife just keep to themselves we went down there yesterday and thats when i checked out his room and all and we stayed hours me the wife and kid all ate there im just stoked i finally met someone close by thats older keeps to themselves and just chill im really lookin forward to the friendship and growing expierence i have a head of me

Sounds like you had a nice day GG, congrats on the new friendship, we can never have too many friends!
AAAA good morning guys and girls ! thank god no work today ! damn gout attack again this wkend !! after working all day sat my foot swole up with my lastest gout attack !!Damn this shit sucks must be punishment for having fun last wk ! have to call for a scrip to stop this pain !!! and weed don't help gout damn it ... have a nice day everyone

My wife and I both have terrible gout attacks when and if we eat crab or lobster or shrimp. Our feet swell up and hurt so bad that we have to drink 4 or 5 beers and smoke two joints to be able to ignore the pain.

Gout sounds like a bitch, at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about!
I wonder how the added oil will affect your gout! LOL!

I saw a report and study done by the University of Georgia today on the news about the oil spill. They are saying it is far worst than imagined and there are just giant clumps of oil under the water, near the bottom, weighed down by what was suppsoed to break it up or disolve it.
And there are dead dolphins washing up on shores! :yikes:
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