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Some people use frozen veggies or blocks of ice and place them around the outside of their res.

I just did a quick calculation. Two weks ago I heard of a plume of oil heading toward Florida that was 6 miles wide by 22 miles long extending from just below the surface to 3300 feet deep. This volume works out to 93.5 TRILLION gallons of oil in that one, single plume of oil. How many others are out there waiting to hit the shore of your favorite swimming beach as we speak. Or reef, or whatever it will cover with certain death as it spreads across the world.

This is an evil beyond description.

thats crazy maybe this will be the push the US needs to stray away from Oil. Criminal actions should be enforced upon BP
The politicians are so deep in bed with big oil and some other special interest groups that are related, don't see that happening.

But it should!

Theanswerto1984is1776 really is right, the answer is 1776!
Bendog420, man thats a pretty good idea for cooling, I never even thought of that, putting something on the outside of the tank! Could be the 3rd new way to cool the reservoir that I've learned today!! Im trying to think of things to replace the duct tap to hold it though, possibly bungie cords goin around the res! I'll keep brainstorming
i just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all the great info on this thread. ive learned allot. All of you guys kick ass. i am just starting to get my feet wet, always did dirt. i am dealing with 100F* temps right now and am afraid of getting root rot, anyone have an idea on what to use to help prevent root rot?

once it cools down i will do a DWC grow. right now i am messing with Hempy buckets but kinda made them my own way. so far its doing great, fast growth, wish i would have went hydro sooner.
To me, the oil leak is just sad b/c it just shows how bad some people in the world are. If you went fishing without a license or caught to many fish with a license or whatever the laws are, you would be punished. But yet oil companies can spill oil into the ocean...opps I mean, can turn a oil faucet on into the ocean killing who knows how many animals and If I had to guess, no real legal action is taken against these people. B/c in essence, they are the law. Oil=the law....its just sad
for my next grow i'm buying 2 ice chest, 1st one will be my res with plants threw the top, 2nd one will be a much smaller one outside my room with my air pump in it and frozen litter bottles in it cooling my pump and the air it's pushing to my air stones in my res. I tested this out a little and works very well. further testing will need to be done
lights on
Just for giggles and to get some input from the group here are 2 photos of Stella @ 2 weeks apart

From thin thin stems to a somewhat healthy support.
But the plant structure has changed so much, I can literally what it grow at times.
To much fun........
for my next grow i'm buying 2 ice chest, 1st one will be my res with plants threw the top, 2nd one will be a much smaller one outside my room with my air pump in it and frozen litter bottles in it cooling my pump and the air it's pushing to my air stones in my res. I tested this out a little and works very well. further testing will need to be done

How exatly would this work? You would put the air pump in a cooler, without water right? and the frozen bottles would be in the cooler, cooling the inside and cooling the air coming from the air pump?

Sorry for being so anal, but this idea sounds like it has some damn good potential and I just want to try to understand it a little more. Today has been a huge day for me personally learning about reservoir cooling (the right way) from a few other people and you seem to have a good idea too.
How exatly would this work? You would put the air pump in a cooler, without water right? and the frozen bottles would be in the cooler, cooling the inside and cooling the air coming from the air pump?

Sorry for being so anal, but this idea sounds like it has some damn good potential and I just want to try to understand it a little more. Today has been a huge day for me personally learning about reservoir cooling (the right way) from a few other people and you seem to have a good idea too.

ok reason for ice chest as main res. thick well insulated and then the 2nd ice chest for the air pump, yes no water just kept cold with frozen bottles so that the air being drawn in threw the pump is cold and with cooler air coming out of the air stones and a well insulated res. this should both off set the heat of the room and lower the water temp also. 1st test of this set up worked well, but need to run it longer and under closer conditions to what the grow room will produce
My mate had a question: When the plants are big, how do you lift the lid up to get inside the bottom to work? Wouldnt all the plants fall over etc? Wouldnt the top weigh heaps?

on mine i cut the hinges so the top lifts off just like a regular res. and i personally love 2 plants to 1 res. so it's still very manageable. lol i'll go take a pic of 2 grand daddy purp medium size plants in 1 res i have going right now. i had 5 in same res and once i started them flowering i moved 3 from res to soil outside.
But if there's a massive root ball in there, do you drain it out the bottom and then refill it from the top?

In some of the bubble grows theres plants 6 foot high, how do you get the res out without the whole thing getting a wobble on?
2 GDP in a 18 gal res, plants look bad, the spots on leaf's was a buddy's home made bug killer, i had a few gnats and he really nuked the gnats but also the plants too lol. he's not invited over any more. but 2nd pic a bud pic of the same plants, there still health and doing well


But if there's a massive root ball in there, do you drain it out the bottom and then refill it from the top?

In some of the bubble grows theres plants 6 foot high, how do you get the res out without the whole thing getting a wobble on?

well 1st of all i would not try and grow 6 foot plants in this set up, if i wanted bubbles and a 6 ft plant i would move the plant to a single 5gal bucket, which i have done and it's right next to the res u see in the pics, how do i do res changes on bigger plants, slowly and carefully, but it can be done. plus this is just me but if i want 6 ft tall plants there grown outdoors. indoor because of space, lighting etc i would rather grow more medium size plants then a few very large plants. but that's just my thoughts on the subject. tomorrow i will be doing a full res change on both res's and will take a few pics. the plant in the 5 gal bucket is 4ft tall right now and it needs to stop stretching soon ....please stop stretching lol
oh PLEASE PLEASE post those pics so my mate will stop nagging me....thanks!

but even im interested since i cant answer him so...

And plus theres guys on here with 3 x 6 plant buckets growing full closets.

either the plants weight next to nothing without dirt around their roots, or im missing something.

They've gotta be able to do their buckets. You all must be doing it a similar way.

look forward to the pics!

*thumbs up*
Great questions and answers Deep Water Culture it is always a pleasure to catch up here. Sorry I have been away so long but getting Busted and held without bail can do that to you. There are many people you are helping across the world who will gain confidence here and practice the very techniques you all are so willing to share honestly and patiently. We at 420Mag are very proud of this thread and I wanted to take the time to let you know what a great job you all do. :adore: :goodjob:Please stay safe!
+Rep to TheMilkMan, SkinWins, Hydroe, Theanswerto1984is1776, and 0155790
5 Stars
My mate had a question: When the plants are big, how do you lift the lid up to get inside the bottom to work? Wouldnt all the plants fall over etc? Wouldnt the top weigh heaps?

I've wondered about this too, when they get big into flower, it seems like they would be hard to manage when doing res changes and things.

Mine are still early in veg and what I do is take the lid off and put it on another extra tub I got just for when managing the res. I just sit it right down on the extra tub while I work in the res. It works really well for now but Im worried about when they get bigger and the roots are goin everywhere, maybe it will keep working the same way, only time will tell I supposs :reading420magazine:
I've wondered about this too, when they get big into flower, it seems like they would be hard to manage when doing res changes and things.

Mine are still early in veg and what I do is take the lid off and put it on another extra tub I got just for when managing the res. I just sit it right down on the extra tub while I work in the res. It works really well for now but Im worried about when they get bigger and the roots are goin everywhere, maybe it will keep working the same way, only time will tell I suppose reading420magazine:

You can just crack the lid and use a hose and your water pump to drain the res. Roseman details his process. I think its in his tutorial.
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