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Looks a lot better than that 9.00 piece of crap I got at Radio Shack !! Worked good as long as you could hold it rock steady while you tried to find the bud ! I have a great jewlers loup that works great and you can put it in your pocket !
Looks a lot better than that 9.00 piece of crap I got at Radio Shack !! Worked good as long as you could hold it rock steady while you tried to find the bud ! I have a great jewlers loup that works great and you can put it in your pocket !

the loup sounds good but i would like to show the trichs on here to
That digital microscope you had a link to looked pretty damn nice for 30 bucks !! I just use my camera and just blow up the pics !! works great, just take a nice close up and enlarge it ..the jewlers loup works better than the little scope did !I can see trichs very clearly !
question,what microscope would you suggest for looking at the trichs?

I use the radioshack special for $9 and it works fine for me!


Red trich's from first my grow!
I have the same radio shack micro, I have trouble viewing directy on the plant though, so I cut mini samples and put on a table, ugg

Same here brother! It is impossible to focus unless you take some clippings. I usually take a few trich covered trim leaves, from several different buds, then examine them on a white tabletop. It's definitely not high-tech, but it gets the job done!
You'd need to be rock steady to look into those things while trying to focus !! Mine ended up across the room in pieces after trying to focus on a few buds last grow . Now I just use my camera and blow up the pic on the pc ....
You'd need to be rock steady to look into those things while trying to focus !! Mine ended up across the room in pieces after trying to focus on a few buds last grow . Now I just use my camera and blow up the pic on the pc ....

I about did the same thing, before I started taking clippings. Trying to do it while on the plant was comical! Now that I have a nice camera, I think I will try that method on this grow.
"Nice mama!! I love it! I have that album in mint condition. Great lp!"

Nice pic yurself...hope 1 of my budz look as good this sweet bud!
i remember when I bought the original album, mines gone and far from mint when it went mid 70's....but thats another story LOL
Pistal color means very little when it comes to maturity. I think your plant just turned gray in high school! LOL! They trichs will tell you when it's ready. First sign is usually swollen calyx. Don't see any on that bud. It's gonna be a good one though!

On the humidity issue, do you turn off any fans at night?

I check the trichs. I got a pretty good glass piece. Mostly cloudy. Which was pretty much what I wanted. But I was looking into getting one of those usb micro scopes too. I would figure it would be easier to take pics of the trichs. I did learn a lot in taking close up with the camera.

All fans have been off except for a little exhaust which pushes 56 cfm. can't hardly tell it is running. Humidity had gone down a little bit. around 55 now.

Got a bunch of glass baby jars to use, they seal up pretty good.

What is a swollen calyx? Sounds like a personal problem to me. LOL
Pistal color means very little when it comes to maturity. I think your plant just turned gray in high school! LOL! They trichs will tell you when it's ready. First sign is usually swollen calyx. Don't see any on that bud. It's gonna be a good one though!

On the humidity issue, do you turn off any fans at night?

no...they r on all night. I open the box in the AM to that high humidity so I add external fan outside the door, blowing in ...clearly I need better circulation
Yeah, Sorry H that was aimed at Mama!

Great lookin buds but how in heaven's name are you gonna fit those into a babyfood jar? LOL!

You got it right, Mama! Circulation is the answer for high humidity in flower. Could it be that the plants are just transpiring (sweating) overnight? Best way to tell is to touch or carefully inspect the leaves when you first open the door and see if they are damp.
MC, Mine are transpiring too is it something to worry about ? I have a fan on during lights on and only 1 small fan during the night , should I addanother for the night? There are wet leaves after I open up in the morning ...Thanks guy :peace:
Not harmful. It's sort of like a morning dew and natural for the plant. It will "burn off" when the lights come on but I leave all ventilation running 24/0. No use tempting fate when the buds get big. I really just means that the plant is healthy and doing it's thing. Takes up water and nutes, uses the nutes and spit outs the water.

Seems for mine that they do it more when there a bigger difference between lights on and lights off temps but it could have been that I just noticed it more then. I started running the fans 24/0 when I added my HID.
Thanks MC, I'll try to add another extension cord for the inside fan tomorrow ... no use taking any chances :peace:
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