UG's Paradise

Man oh Man!
They all look so healthy!!!!:thumb:
God, I would love to try that Skywalker OG and THC bomb next..
I wouldn't worry too much about the rust spots.
Your next feed will sort out the Cal/mag they're craving.
They're pretty much gunna be able to take anything you can throw at them from now on..
looking strong!!
have a quick moment so thought I'd put a pic up and ask a q or two.

I had to change the exhaust around because the drapes just won't stay up (I'm using an old A/C window outlet and it's leaking) so I've decided to just recirculate the air and now I'm having troubles keeping the temp down but it's not all that bad. I notice some real droopy leaves though as you see in the pic so I might have to re-adjust things. today is day 24 from sprout

I dont see any defficiencies or wilt,your temps and rh are perfect.they are drooping a little bit but nothing major.did you take the pics when the light just turned on? it could also be be due to overwatering bro, everything else sounds perfect, prosess of ellimination right.if the conditions are good and theres no defficiencies then whats left?the only thing I can think of that would cause them to droop is overwatering.the first plant on the left in the second row looks like theres something on the new growth can you take some close-ups?
Man they look awesome!!! I can't see any deficiencies at all. All your conditions are dialed in perfectly.
Like jon said, the only possible thing could be over watering, but even that looks unlikely..
If you think those plants are looking sad, I'd love to see your idea of a happy plant!

When are you thinking of transplanting?
have you decided to go full soil, full coco, or a mix of the two??
I dont see any defficiencies or wilt,your temps and rh are perfect.they are drooping a little bit but nothing major.did you take the pics when the light just turned on? it could also be be due to overwatering bro, everything else sounds perfect, prosess of ellimination right.if the conditions are good and theres no defficiencies then whats left?the only thing I can think of that would cause them to droop is overwatering.the first plant on the left in the second row looks like theres something on the new growth can you take some close-ups?

thanks for the input bro!

right now I'm doing 24/0 so no darkness lol but I haven't watered them in a couple days and the Skywalkers are looking a lil sad still. My guess is either low humidity, very acidic soil or bad drainage. This is the only plant that the soil feels hard on the outside so I mighta put too much soil? The weird grey, blue hinge that you see in the newer growth is just my shitty iphone lol
Man they look awesome!!! I can't see any deficiencies at all. All your conditions are dialed in perfectly.
Like jon said, the only possible thing could be over watering, but even that looks unlikely..
If you think those plants are looking sad, I'd love to see your idea of a happy plant!

When are you thinking of transplanting?
have you decided to go full soil, full coco, or a mix of the two??

tahnks for stoppin in Vick!

Maybe I just need to let them dry out to shit balls (very dry) lol or something. Some are really startin to take off compared to others so I have to make some important decisions. I was gunna leave these in the current 1 gal containers for 2+ more weeks min then off to 7 gal smart pots. I'm only using straight promix hp now but I might be adding some Coco and MicroMaxx starter mix to the final pots.
If it were me, I'd probably top the first pic at the bottom line, and the last pic at the top line. You want the side-branches to form 4 new top points once cut. Sometimes that lowest level (like on your bottom pic if I'm seeing it correctly) are under-developed so I don't count that level on some of my plants if it hasn't developed enough - does that make sense? When you make the cut, make sure you leave enough extra stem (typically as much as possible, cut right up to the next node). If you cut too close to the node below it, it can cause the stem to split when it gets a bit older.

On the droops... That would be pretty normal if it's at the end of their "day". I'm curious... do they look like that at the beginning of their day, or are they perkier looking? Like people, they can look a little tired at the end of a long day, but it's all good and natural and normal. Your environmental conditions look really good now. They do look great otherwise!

If it were me, I'd probably top the first pic at the bottom line, and the last pic at the top line. You want the side-branches to form 4 new top points once cut. Sometimes that lowest level (like on your bottom pic if I'm seeing it correctly) are under-developed so I don't count that level on some of my plants if it hasn't developed enough - does that make sense? When you make the cut, make sure you leave enough extra stem (typically as much as possible, cut right up to the next node). If you cut too close to the node below it, it can cause the stem to split when it gets a bit older.

On the droops... That would be pretty normal if it's at the end of their "day". I'm curious... do they look like that at the beginning of their day, or are they perkier looking? Like people, they can look a little tired at the end of a long day, but it's all good and natural and normal. Your environmental conditions look really good now. They do look great otherwise!


props my brotha for your advice!

that's what I was thinking about the topping too, and I thought the same thing about the "under-developed" node too.

You know honestly I never really thought about that because I'm doing 24/0 so I just assumed they'd be perky the whole time. Now that I think about it, soon as I wake up the Skywalkers are looking fine but as the day progresses they seem to droop somewhat.
The 24/0 itself, something I do with some of my veggers, too, could be a part of it. My 24/0 plants don't "always" look tired, but they sure do from time to time. If you switched to a 18/6 or a GLR style light schedule (not saying you have to or should - 24/0 sometimes makes for a consistent, manageable environment) you would see them perk up after lights on, and look a bit droopy like that at days end. My 24/0 stuff is under T5 bulbs and a couple of CFL's, which seems s little milder on them than the higher powered HID stuff so mine don't droop a ton, but they droop now and then for sure.

A1 said it best though - they look great really. :thumb:
Some plants/strains/phenos have genetic quirks, too. The Super Lemon Haze plant I have hates wet feet with a passion. She only ever seems truly happy when she's just short of bine dry in the medium. She gas always drooped with nearly every watering and perked up the most right before she falls over from nit being watered soon enough, if that makes sense. I used to think I was doing something wrong, but watched a video from the breeder, and they talked about how SLH had this issue. It also grows fans with one blade that claws...

I've found that many of the best or classic strains have some interesting quirks. My Jack the Ripper grew buds on the fan leaves (not all) and sometimes grew extra leaf blades above some of the other leaf blades!
thanks guys for all the advice, means the world to me.

I more than agree with you X that each strain is different, I think kush's in general aren't as perky as other strains and I just have to get use to it. I transplanted one of them because I didn't put enough hydroton at the bottom and it kind of messed the drainage up.

I'm on a huge deadline so hopefully a quality update will happen soon. I'm still having difficulties deciding on my watering style. I want to do drain to waste so should I just place everything on a 3 degree angle and a water pump at the end, shooting it into a drain? any advice?

here is the ubt I did today, and one normal topping. Tallest plant is about 16", shortest about 9". Today is day 27


and the group
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