Urdedpal's fun pics


New Member


bm, wut??

nice pics urdedpal, bongs and chrons looking good as always
I just had some rasta muffins smothered in cannabutter 3 hrs ago. I made a pnd of butter using 2 ounces of trim(just under 2oz and over 1.5 oz)
I can't drive.
awesome pic thread Urdedpal! i love your nug jars :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thats a sweet collection you have. I think i'm a little jealous.haha what kinda effect do you get from the butter? I have never eaten any bud other than a joint when my friend and i were getting pulled over offroading. that wasn't to fun but atleast i didn't goto jail
Wow, nice pics. Smokin a whole blunt through the pHx must have been crazy! BTW, you have nice clean pipes, surely that is the only way to smoke that excellent bud. Also, looks like you won't have to make a deal for a long time.
Hashy and fuel like, Very hard to explain cause its different. Very clean and distinc in flavor. It has alot to do with the type of strain. The widow taste skunk like. I can say that both are good and fucks me up. The two strains tase nothing alike and the ice so be stronger than the widow.

When I made the cannabutter it stunk the house up, yes it smells like weed, taste like weed and gets you high for very long periods of a time. I am talking hrs.
Ilove my PHX, once you have one you find it hard to smoke out of anything else. The recipe I got from another thread. I did not use any fan leaves, just trim with alot of crystals.
CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

InYourEndo said:
i want that phx... im so in love with it.... oh well.. can you guys pick me and poptarts up on the way to maryland?

urdedpal, care to share your personal cannabutter recipe with us.. im gonna have some trim and stuff soon and i think i wanna make some ... a cannabutter bagel that makes me not be able to drive sounds like heaven right now.


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