Week 1 or not ?


Active Member
I've lost my pictures of my amnesia haze from when she was a seedling. The only one I can seem to find is the one where I finally got the money together to get the proper stuff for growing in DWC. I'm pretty sure I started it around the first of February and did the transplant on February 26th. Should I count that as week 1? The stalk on Feb 26th was as big as a pencil and as hard as one to. I guess time in veg isn't as important as when it is in flower. She's finally exploding with growth and eating at a level of 1100 ppm. 20200404_080506.jpg20200226_141458.jpg
Hiya @Flowertime I think in general most people consider "week 1" the first week in flower and don't concern themselves too much with how long the plant is in veg. From an accounting standpoint though, I'd definitely be counting week one as starting when she popped out of her shell. CHeers, gl to your grow! :yahoo:
I like to count by days instead of by weeks. For me, day 1 is when it breaks ground. I also keep a seperate count once flower starts. So if it starts to flower on day 30, it would look like this:
Day 30 FD (flower day) 1.
I don’t start counting until I start seeing pistils/flowers. That’s when I consider bloom officially starting. Usually two weeks into 12/12 in my experience.

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