West Coast Diesel: First Grow Journal - Would Love Some Insight

Heres some crappy iphone 11 photos of a nug i trimmed this morning.

Will have to get some better photos with my cannon camera



That's a professional trim job that is! :thumb:

Thanks shed il have to give most of the credit to the auto trimmer. Il post another photo to show you an comparison.

Hope all is well with your grow this season gonna have to sit down and spend some time catching up on your journal.👍
Hi roy they might not have been watered enough from the initial transplant. As i just gave a nice spray of the soil after transplanting them out of their 1 cup clone pots. As the root base was so small i was worried on drowning the roots from the start.

It was a week of giving a couple every 2-3 days small watering of the 500ml once the soil dried out. Last night i gave them a good soak to see if it was possibly under-watered and try and rule that out . Aprox 3.5- 4L total for those 4 clones

The symptoms look like its been overwatered but i dont think i was. One possibility im trying to rule out is maybe im having drainage issues with those current pots. Since after the watering last night not much runoff was happening.

And yea personally i dont wanna be over 6.3 ph, ive read that foxfarm soil range on ph is 6.3-6.8. Its my first time using happy frog and foxfarm in general.

Appericate you stopping by and giving some advice.

Hope you have a good day
Easier to just use spray bottle & moisten soil daily (10-15 spritz) for first 10-14 days.
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