What's the longest you took a plant in flower

Like to know what's the longest time & see some pics.
Reasons why.
Took this one 19 weeks Tropicanna Banana, cause I pollenated a lower bud
I harvested the plant at 11 weeks & left the lower branch
Think it could have gone a while longer yet still had lots of green in the calyx but the leaves started
going purple & starting to get crispy at the ends



Something like 130 or 135 days (flowering). A Honduras that seeded out on me. I got approx 12 oz's of unsmokable bud. It still had lots of white pistles on it but my patience had run out. Good thing as it turned out to be bad smoke.

It was my first coco grow. Oh yea this pic is at probably about 80 or 90 days.
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