White Haze Auto - Leaf morphology


New Member
Hey guys,

first of all, this forum is great and has helped me with a lot of issues in the past! Keep up the good work!:goodjob:

So currently I'm growing a White Haze Automatic that is 9 days old. Since the first set of serrated leaves appeared a few days ago, they seemed uneven and were rolling themselves in. I know that this taco-like appearance can often be associated with too much heat or low humidity.
I don't think this is the case here. Up to now, I've been using a 50w LED at approx. 7in for 20/4 with temps being 72/68. RH is around 50%. Soil drainage is good (couple of minutes to get through) and i didn't feed any supplements yet.

So far I'm not really worried, as she seems to be doing just fine - the leaves are evenly green and look otherwise healthy in my opinion. She's also growing fast. The third set of leaves that was only showing its tips (the pictures were taken yesterday) is almost half-way out today.

Still I'm curious to know what you think about it, as you have a lot more experience than I do. Could it be a problem in the future, or is it just my plant being an individual? :)


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