Who watches weeds?

This show is the greatest! i watch it and groan because it is only for 1/2 hour. i want a full hour damnit! i thought the table safe was a great place to hide all their stuff because it was out in the open and anyone would see you, so how did Silas get in there without anyone finding him? of course it added to the story but it isn't your average everyday place to keep your safe:laughtwo:
One Three said:
I've seen EVERY episode. I think it started to get way to drama-ish towards the end of season two. But the season 2 finale really seemed to make things funny again. I mean, just outright killing the DEA guy? What other show would solve a problem like that.. that simple.

It's great.

He aint dead till we see the body. RIP agent wonderbread? Maybe, maybe not. Only the shadowey screenwriters know! :smokin:

YO, Tink, good point. How did Sil know? I could use an hr too.

Agree that the safe was an interesting place. Did they explain how silas figured out the combo or did I just miss something? Anyways, in the third season I want to know what happens to silas with the police and all...Eeeekk! Glad Im not in his shoes...:cool:
I dont think you missed anything, Clubs. Silas having the stash was a big surprise. Here comes the drug free zone witch & the fuzz! What's next...???

Cool that ist is starting in Oz.

Any one have NetFlix? They have Weeds on DVD. Thaey are pretty chaep & have real good service. I highly recomend them.

You could always just get Weeds' DVDs & cancel. Hey, they also have Grass, a history of MJ prohibition narrated by the Wood Man, Woody H. If you havn't seen it its a treat. Serious & funny.

I need the find someone who gets that channel so I can watch it...I don't think my mom pays for showtime
So far the new season is OK. Kinda different tone than the first two. I finished the first two seasons. To see if I missed much. You can get them at yer vid store.

Silas is a jerk. Nanc is too easy. I hope the weed in the pool was not real. Actually, she coulda saved a lot of it. Put it in a room with mild /medium heat and a couple of fans. U turn needs a lesson in manners. Conrad has a great set up! Helia is a jerk too. (However her name is spelled.)

I am not sure where they are headed with the story line. It seems like they are showing the down side of getting to big as a dealer. No big deal. (pun in there.) :)

Maybe. But chlorine evaps. That's why you gotta add more all the time. But chrl. may have other stuff in it that's bad.

Good point.

She coulda used a vaporizor? :)

OOOHHH!! Hash! Great idea!

Dexter is too gross for me. That's the serial killer of serial killers?
Hope I don't have the show mixed up.

I like to see what's gonna happen next on Weeds to.

I don't like the gang thing & U turn either. Maybe they are trying to show what can happen if a dealer gets to big?

Love Conrad's grow. Wish Helia was not such a hard butt. She gives MJ a bad rap. We are supposed to be a bit more caring & so on. Her business not withstanding, she could be a better person, but she does add some conflict & tension. Just a show after all.

hahah yep just saw the commerical thought they might be tryin to make ya think he's dead..he's dead..hmmm..where does the show go from here??
Looks dead to me as well. But ya never know! If U T is not dead his "pal" is in big trouble!
Did not like Andy standin round in his shorts. Yuck! What a no class dude!

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