Nirvana - White Rhino Indoor + Bagseed


New Member
Aight people here we go again...

I will be growing Nirvana's White Rhino this time around. My last grow went pretty crappy, it was a male, but what can you expect with only one plant:cheesygrinsmiley:
Anyway I am in the process of sprouting my rhino, 3 to be exact. I also have 6 bagseed seedlings going.

The Rhinos are sprouting in rockwool and my bagseed was sprouted in soil.

Currently I am using a 42w Fluorescent in my veg chamber, I will have a 105w in there in a few days.

My flowering room contains a single 150w HPS.

I will be using FF Ocean Forest for my soil.

If all goes as planned, which I'm sure it won't, I'm hoping to get 2 Female Rhinos and I will pick the best bagseed Female for flowering. In all totaling 3 female plant for flowering.

Pics coming very soon.

150w HPS isn't going to be able to flower all of those plants will it?

but other than that, sounds awesome can't wait!
Here is my Grow Cab. I am using the top to germ seed and store supplies, the middle spot is what I'm using for seedlings up to a foot and hopefully I can use the very bottom for a mother for clones b/c its the biggest of the 3. I am using the middle one for now.

Veg Chamber - 30" Wide x 19" Deep x 22" High


The Bagseed Sprouts


As far as the Rhino goes: I'm still waiting for them to pop outta the rockwool, but once they do i'll get pics up.
150w HPS isn't going to be able to flower all of those plants will it?

but other than that, sounds awesome can't wait!

I' m planning on Veggin till they reach 12 inches then I will flower...

So you don't think a 150w will be able to do 3 plants at about 2.5ft when done? Anyone? If not should I just pull all the bagseed and focus on the rhino? Maybe just 2 rhino females under the 150w??? Help PLEASE
well i dont think i can remember which thread it was i just smoked a few bowls.

but someone was saying how.. a 250w hps would do great on one plant, but any more than that and you'r robbing your self of yeild.

i think roorman or akornpatch said it.. or stix
might not want the bags to steal light from the rhino's.. plenty of time to see if they will or not though. good luck hope you get a nice female!
aight well I think I should most def wait before I get ahead of myself b/c I don't even know how many are females:cheesygrinsmiley:

Fallen - your always on this board, just like me, lol you just chillin at tha crib:coffee: n gettin high :bong: Yeah :allgood:

haha yeah, ain't got nothing to do so i read up and smoke
Aight took these last night...

The 3 White Rhinos are in the all orange pots w/ FF ocean forest soil, the other 3 are unknown bagseed in wally world soil.

After I took these pics I filled the Rhino's pots all the way up to the rim so they weren' so stretched looking, for the really stretched one I kinda made a like 'pyramid' style mound to cover the long stalk.



See anything wrong? comments?

I *believe* w/a 150 hps and three plants they will get leggy. my first grow was just that. 3 plants during flowering, and a 150 and 100 hps flowered at about 16-18 inches ended up 56-62 and one turned out to be male. total yield of the two females 2 1/4 to 2 3/4 oz

so you think veggin till say 12" would help prevent some of that 'leggy-ness' and keep the plants 'tighter'?

I must say, I didnt think it was possible to yield that much w/ low wattage like that. Gives my a bit more to look foward to, I was expecting to get maybe an O at most, YAY! :cheesygrinsmiley:

The Rhino's are now a week old... YAY :tommy:

The 3 rhino's doing their thing:cheesygrinsmiley:


All the plants (Rhino's in all Orange pots and bagseed in others)


2 Rhino's on right and bagseed on left


How am I lookin?

My 105w Fluro bulb will be here tomorrow!!!:headbang: So they should start growing a lil bit faster n better.
Looking good for a week , Im sure theyl enjoy the 105w fluro Good Luck!
Thanks MOTA.

Yup the Fluro gets here in a few hours:tommy: LOL! I keep tellin my plants "its almost here girls, dont worry..." I love talkin to my plants, it really does seem to help, some days I won't say anything to them and their growth for the day would be average but if I talked to them alot that day their growth is a bit better than average (i.e. broader, longer leaves at the end of the day).

I also had to pull one of the bagseed, it wasn't cuttin the mustard. Its growth was very slow and its leaves were kinda saggy n wrinkly.

the one in the pot w/the blue rim is rocking out! I can't wait for the new fluro either. There is nothing more fun then buying stuff for the grow room! Its a damned addiction I tell ya!

Any gardener will tell you talking to your plants = tha shit

Yea thats actually a bagseed in the pot with the green rim, dunno if you knew.Its also been in there a week and half longer than the rhino's so thats why it so much bigger :cheesygrinsmiley:

Yup i'm already addicted, my next few additions will be a 400w HPS for the flowering room and the Fox Farm 3-pack of nutes, big bloom, tiger bloom, and grow big. After that I'll have pretty much everything I need to grow some fat buds :laughtwo:
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