Why cut the leaves of clones?

You don't want too much photosynthesis happening since there are no roots that can absorb water. If the leaves transpires too much, your clones will dry.
the only reason stated i have ever seen regarding this issue is for the 'transpiration' of the leaves,, i.e.,, so the leaves do not release too much water and dry the plant and medium out as roots try to build. silly really,, specially with a humidity dome over top.

personally, i do for that, and , mostly,, cuz my clones are in solo cups and i have a smaller solo cup i put on top for a humidity dome and the leaves poke out past the sides of the cup,, so i cut em back a bit,, is all

There just isn’t enough water wicking up the stem of a cutting to support a bunch of foliage, and it’s not necessary anyway for what we are doing- rooting.

If you have too many leaves on them the cuttings will wilt. Not every cutting has the optimum amount of foliage. I prefer it when there are two or three smallish leaves on the cutting. But sometimes they have two or three large-ish leaves instead. In those cases I cut them down a bit to become smallish leaves. For some reason I’d rather have three smallish leaves than one big one.
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