Will my babies be ok for the next few days?


New Member
Hey guys, so ive been doing a buncha reading on these forums and watching a bunch of vids on growing properly. Ive bee trying to diagnos my plants but i dont wanna make the wrong decision and ruin them. I transported these clones about 72 hours ago and theyre def growing. the new growth doesnt look bad but it is very green. I heard that could just mean a little too much N. But I have purple stems (only on top half of some fan leaf stems), so im a little lost on that. Then a few leaves has symptoms of calcium deficiency, but it doesnt seem too serious. Im watching it closely, but The wierd thing about that tho is its not starting from the bottom. Opinions ?
A few leaves also have yellow main (center) veins but it has yet to spread outward.
The strain is white bubba( pre 98 x raskal og). I have them under 18-6 w/ 4 100w led bulbs. Roughly 5-6k lumens
I transplanted them three days ago into a 2 or 3 gallon pot w/ Roots Organic original mix. Theyve been watered once (when transplanted). They should be ready for a re water today or tomorrow. Im just gonna do a plain watering to see how they react with noadded nutes ? Or should i add something ?
THESE ARE MY BABIES lol Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Some other helpful info - I wanna grow full organic.

Will my babies be ok for the next few days ??

Those do not look dark green enough to be nitrogen toxicity. Purple stems are not uncommon, but I can't speak to the yellow spots on your leaves, unless maybe you spilled some of your nutrients in the leaves while feeding
Re: Will my babies be ok for the next few days ??

Ahh ok, do you think its normal then for the new growth to be that bright green ?
Tru, im paranoid lol so any color change and im trippin. They re starting to even out with the coloring now :) But the yellow spots on the big upper fan leaves are turning more orange now. They arent really spreading though. Do you think its couldve been touched by nutes nd now the lights are damaging the exposed spot? Ill post pics pretty soon.
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